The Gulfstream G650ER business jet has a satellite network and can maintain a link to the Internet anytime and anywhere. Queen Lydia used her tablet to open Face and send messages using her authenticated account.


《"Vacation Time in Cadiz":

First of all, thank you for your attention to us. We are indeed on vacation in Cadiz during the weekend.

The scenery in Cadiz is very beautiful and the weather is very comfortable. Everyone is welcome to come to Cadiz for vacation.

The second is everyone’s doubts.

Regarding our sharing of albacore tuna meat, the reason is that this tuna was caught by us in the Bay of Cadiz. We are very lucky, so we hope to share this good luck with the people of Cadiz.

By the way, we have a tuna fishing license

【Picture: Sea fishing tuna license]

Let’s add another point: we share live pictures of tuna

【Picture: Share the panorama of the scene】

【Picture: High-quality Cadiz people line up in order】

【Picture: The kind-hearted old man received an extra portion for his companion]

We just want to share our good luck, and hope that the people of Cadiz will receive a share of good luck.

As for the second question, please allow us to answer the question with a more serious attitude and tone.

We saw someone say that they had investigated Dream Future Energy Group and found that Dream Future Energy Group was established less than a year ago and had no successful cases or reference projects.

We don’t know who made such remarks, but we guess it must be someone with ulterior motives making such remarks.

Because if you investigate carefully, you can discover what is special about Dream Future Energy Group.

Although it is true that Dream Future Energy Group was established less than a year ago and does not have any successful cases or reference projects, why did the investigators fail to state that its registered capital is close to 13.5 billion euros?

Secondly, why did those who claimed to have investigated Dream Future Energy Group not find out that Dream Future Energy Group holds a [fourth-generation nuclear power technology patent]?

This piece of information is not confidential information, but public news of the Xia Kingdom. It has been broadcast on the Xia Kingdom’s national news, and there are many news introductions on the Internet.

【Link: Xia Guo News: Dream Future Energy Group has successfully developed fourth-generation nuclear power technology and is about to open a new chapter in electric energy】

【Link: Didu News: Dream Future Energy Group has built a fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Fengning area. Is the new energy era coming?】

【Link: Official website of Dream Future Energy Group: Introduction to fourth-generation nuclear power technology]

In addition, why is it not announced that Dream Future Energy Group is the strategic core partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

【Link: Strategic core partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group: Introduction page: Dream Future Energy Group]

Finally, I would like to add a point about the core shareholder of Dream Future Energy Group [Xiaguo Power Grid].

Xiaguo Power Grid is an enterprise with the strongest power technology in the world, and Xiaguo Power Grid provides stable and cheap power energy services in Xiaguo.

If you compare the price of electricity and energy with related services, Xiaguo Power Grid is definitely No. 1 in the world.

Friendly reminder: The electricity energy price provided by Xiaguo Power Grid in Xiaguo is only 0.0675 euros per kilowatt hour, which is far lower than the current price of 0.216 euros per kilowatt hour in the Western Hemisphere.

We will definitely try our best to communicate with Dream Future Energy Group and eventually try to introduce Dream Future Energy Group into our Spanish power energy market to compete with MIBEL and OMIE.

Thank you again for your attention to us


Queen Lydia directly posted the message on Face using her own certified account, thereby countering the criticism of the Spanish royal family on the Internet.

Queen Lydia's counterattack was very level. When responding to people's doubts about the royal family, Queen Lydia's words were very mild.

For example, 'share good luck', this wording makes people feel quite comfortable.

But when she countered and questioned Dream Future Energy Group, Queen Lydia's words were much sharper. She directly threw out various evidences and links, making it clear that someone was deliberately throwing dirty water, even very low-level dirty water.

After all, as Queen Lydia explained, information about Dream Future Energy Group is available on the Internet. Whether it is news reports or the official website of Dream Future Energy Group, there is relevant information about fourth-generation nuclear power technology.

Did those internet trolls turn a blind eye as a result?

After Queen Lydia put down the tablet, An Liang used his mobile phone to check the information posted by Queen Lydia. After reading it, he sighed, Queen Lydia is really powerful!

The information released by Queen Lydia completely blocked the mouths of Internet trolls, leaving them speechless.

After all, they have no way to refute Queen Lydia!

"Congratulations! An Liang said with praise,"After such a reply, your royal family should gain more reputation." Queen Lydia responded with a smile,"Thank you Mr. An for your great help to us in the Western Hemisphere. Otherwise, we really don't know how to fight against MIBEL and OMIE.""

Obviously the Dream Future Energy Group wants to intervene in the Spanish power energy market to make profits, but in the words of Queen Lydia, it has become a huge help to them in the Spanish Peninsula.

An Liang had to sigh once again that Queen Lydia is so knowledgeable. Talk!


: January 7, 2022 00:02:43, good night.

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