At nearly a quarter past four in the afternoon, local time in Western Spain, Queen Lydia walked out of the school with the two princesses, and Anliang and Philip VI stopped their discussion.

Lenore took the initiative to greet An Liang,"Are we going to the airport now?"

An Liang nodded in response,"Yes, we are going to the airport now."

"Then let's set off quickly! Lenore looked at An Liang,"Let's go fishing together tomorrow. I will definitely win!""

Philip VI answered on the side,"I am also a master of sea fishing!

An Liang said jokingly,"I think my sea fishing skills are pretty good too!" Queen Lydia responded appropriately,"Tomorrow, you can compete in sea fishing. If whoever loses, he will be responsible for the seafood barbecue."

Lenore said confidently,"I agree!""

Philip VI looked at An Liang, and he responded first,"My barbecue skills are pretty good."

"It’s no problem for me, although I’m not very good at barbecue, but I don’t think I’ll lose."Anliang said with confidence.

No one stopped at the school gate. Anliang and the Spanish royal family took a bulletproof version of the Saber class to Madrid International Airport.

Madrid International Airport.

The Gulfstream G650ER business jet belonging to Anliang was already on the tarmac. After waiting for flight, Lenore and Sofia boarded the plane and curiously looked at the interior of the Gulfstream G650ER business jet.

The Gulfstream G650ER is the world's top business jet. Its internal layout is very reasonable, and its modern and simple design concept contains exquisiteness. Luxurious.

As the poorest Spanish royal family in Europe, they naturally do not have private jets!

In fact, the Spanish royal family not only does not have a private jet, Queen Lydia was even exposed by the media to fly economy class on a low-cost airline. This shows that the Spanish royal family does not have a private jet. royal family situation

"This plane is so beautiful! Lenore praised.

Sofia seconded,"It's really beautiful, and the seat is very comfortable, more comfortable than the sofa at home!""

As the world's top business jet, the Gulfstream G650ER's sofa is indeed very comfortable. After all, it needs to meet the needs of long-distance flights. How can it be done if the sofa is uncomfortable?

Philip VI also definitely appreciated it,"It is indeed the famous Gulfstream G650ER. Very good indeed!

An Liang stood beside Lenore and said casually,"Do you like it?""

"like!"Lenoir didn't respond pretentiously.

"Then I’ll give you one!"An Liang answered.

Queen Lydia directly interjected,"Thank you Mr. An for your kindness, but we really cannot accept a top-notch business jet.

Lenore also refused,"Although I like it very much, I can't have it.""

Philip VI answered on the side,"The pre-tax price of this Gulfstream G650ER business jet exceeds 60 million euros. If we accept it, the people will not be able to accept it. An

Liang did not refute Queen Lydia and Philip VI. He calmly asked Lenore,"Leonelle, do you have a favorite university?" Lenore responded without hesitation,"I like your university in Xia Kingdom. I want to go to Imperial University or Shuimu University in your Xia Kingdom." An

Liang responded with a smile,"Both Imperial University and Shuimu University are very good universities. You are more than welcome to choose them." An

Liang continued to add,"If you are admitted to Shuimu University or Imperial University in the future, I will give you a Gulfstream G650ER. It can fly directly from Imperial Capital to Madrid, making it convenient for you to travel between Xia Kingdom and Western Hemisphere.""

"If you choose to go to university in Xia Kingdom in the future, and if you feel homesick, you can return to Xiba after school on Friday and return to the Imperial Capital on Sunday."An Liang described the future situation.

Lenore was completely immersed in the future described by An Liang. She responded happily,"Okay, okay, this is really convenient."

Philip VI wanted to complain. Even if An Liang really sent a Gulfstream G650ER to Lenore, and the Spanish people did not object, the Spanish royal family would not be able to afford a top-notch business jet.

After all, the Spanish royal family would not be able to afford a top-notch business jet. The Banya royal family is really poor!

An Liang looked at Philip VI who looked helpless, and he said casually,"Your Majesty Philip, your power market in Western Banya seems to be a bit chaotic?"

The electricity market in Western Hemisphere is not a little chaotic, but extremely chaotic!

Most locals in Western Hemisphere don't understand the electricity bills in Western Hemisphere.

In Xia Kingdom, electricity bills are a unified tiered price, and the electricity bills are quite cheap. And stable, in terms of residential electricity consumption, the basic price of electricity in most areas is 0.5 yuan per kilowatt hour.

But the electricity price in the western half of the country is very deceiving!

The electricity price in the western half of the country is floating, and it is every day , even floating every hour, which is simply outrageous!

What’s more important is that the Spanish court has no pricing power over electricity prices, but is jointly established by the two countries, Spanish and Pudaoya.【MIBEL/Iberian Electricity Market] decision.

There is another place called‘OMIE/Iberian Energy Market Operator's intermediary agency.

Affected by various factors, the current average price of one kilowatt-hour of electricity in the western half of the country is about 1.6 Xia Guoyuan. This price is simply poisonous!

So An Liangcai tactfully said that the electricity market in the western half of Spain seemed a bit chaotic?


Update time: December 31, 2021 00:02:15, good night.

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