At the Zombie Survival War event, Anliang relied on his strong psychological quality to successfully pass the level with Lenore, making Lenore cheer happily.

Sofia originally wanted to invite An Liang to participate in the zombie survival battle, but Lenore stopped her. She personally accompanied Sofia to participate in the zombie survival battle, and staged a scene of deep sisterly love.

When Lenore and Sophia joined the Zombie Survival War VR game, Qin Tianxiang walked up to Anliang and said,"BOSS, we have information."

Anliang naturally took out his mobile phone to check the intelligence information sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan summarized the situation of intercepting the Neon Man and showed that there was a fish that slipped through the net.

According to the analysis of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, the fish that slipped through the net may have discovered the plan of the Triglav Special Operations Team or the Renyi Security Company, so it escaped in advance.

After reading the information, An Liang lowered his voice and ordered,"Let our people and thugs work together to find the fish that slipped through the net, and increase the reward for this fish that slipped through the net to twenty times. I don't want to let any fish go!""

"receive. Qin Tianxiang responded.

After Qin Tianxiang left An Liang, Queen Lydia came over. She asked inquiringly,"Are we in any trouble?""

This question is very skillful.

Queen Lydia limited the question to 'us', which naturally included Anliang and the three of them, so as to avoid the feeling of separation.

You can't ask 'what trouble do you have'?

That would seem It's the same as setting aside the relationship.

These little communication skills bring the distance silently, making people feel as natural and comfortable as a spring breeze.

Facing Queen Lydia's question, An Liang smiled and shook his head,"There is no trouble."

What else could there be trouble for?

The danger premonition ability didn't even give any warning!

The guys from the Deserted Village Action Team couldn't break through the defense circle of Renyi Security Company, let alone threaten Anliang, so there was no trouble at all.


"Call the falcon, the BOSS has issued an order not to allow any fish to escape! In addition, BOSS announced that the reward for missing a fish will be increased to twenty times!"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 conveyed An Liang's order.

"We are analyzing the last time the fish that slipped through the net appeared in the security monitoring system and analyzing the activities of the other party."Supplementary explanation from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

Twenty times the bonus?

Ralph secretly announced that the fish that slipped through the net had no way to escape!

Stimulated by the bonus, Ralph immediately asked,"If the other party intends to evade the security monitoring system, Is there still a way to find his location?"

Tian Ji Shen Shu No. 4 said without any concealment,"There is a way."

"Although the other party very cleverly discarded the mobile phone and misled our search progress, the other party ignored an important issue."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded

"Falcon, I have sent relevant intelligence to your tactical tablet. We have divided the map of Madrid into three categories. The green area is an area with a social and public security monitoring system. We can lock this area directly through the security monitoring system. Target."Tian Jishen No. 4 explained the situation to Ralph.

"Secondly, there are yellow areas. These areas do not have public security monitoring systems, but there may be private surveillance systems. Finally, there are red areas. These areas have neither public security monitoring systems nor almost no private surveillance systems. These areas are our key suspects. Area."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Supplement

"The last time we found a fish that slipped through the social and public security monitoring system was in the west of the city, but the last time we found a fish that slipped through the network was in the south of the city, so we have rules for the activities of fish that slipped through the net."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is added

"From the west to the south of the city, if it slips through the net and does not appear in the public security monitoring system, we only need to investigate the yellow and red areas and try to find clues. This is the first direction of investigation."The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation proposed the first direction of investigation.

"After the man who slipped through the net gave up his mobile phone and ran away, he still did not appear in the public security monitoring system. This shows that the other party is avoiding the security monitoring system. Based on the degree of caution of the other party, I guess that the other party will even avoid the private monitoring system."Analysis of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"Therefore, we need to search the surrounding red areas based on the last call point of the fish that slipped through the net. The other party is a neon person. Even if the red area is relatively large, according to the identity of the other party as a neon person, he should not be able to hide for a long time."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 revealed the second direction of investigation.

"Falcon, you take action immediately, and we will cooperate with you."Instructions from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator

"receive!"Ralph responded affirmatively.

Without the analysis of No. 4 Divine Calculation, Ralph must have felt that searching for missing fish was like finding a needle in a haystack. But after listening to the analysis of No. 4 Divine Calculation, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because according to the Four After the analysis of No. 1 Tianji Divine Calculation, the operation of finding a needle in a haystack became clear, and the scope of their investigation was greatly reduced.

Especially for the second investigation direction, Ralph had already thought of a coup!


Update time: December 25, 2021 00:03:09, good night.

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