In a warehouse on the outskirts of Madrid, the Deserted Village Action Team, a top secret force affiliated with the Neon Royal Family, began to act according to Kishijima Maple's plan.

Kishijima Maple was one of the first to join the action.

But only Kishijima Maple himself knew that he did not really agree with this action. The reason for proposing this action was simply because the danger premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Kishijima Maple believed in his hunch. After all, this hunch had saved him many times.

In addition, this time the premonition was extremely strong, as if there was a sharp sword hanging above his head, so Kishijima Maple came up with this plan to completely impersonate tourists and was among the first to participate.

Because once there is danger, he can run away directly with this plan!

In fact, Kishijima Maple also has a hidden evil intention.

Kishijima Maple dispersed the deserted village action team in Madrid. If the danger really appeared as he predicted, the members of the deserted village action team could delay him enough time to give him a chance to escape.

If Anliang knew Kishijima Maple's plans and ideas, he would definitely give Kishijima Maple a thumbs up, because this guy is really scheming.

After all, the plan he proposed to disguise his identity as a tourist was indeed targeting Anliang on the surface, and it was really a wait-and-see plan.

However, who could guess that the real purpose of this plan was to escape for himself?


In the center of Madrid, An Liang and Lenore were still visiting the Halloween event. Qin Tianxiang followed behind wearing wireless earphones, and the voice of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation came from the wireless earphones.

"Suzaku Six, the situation of target No. 1 has changed. The field staff found that the suspects of target No. 1 are heading to the city center. The field staff are marking the suspects one by one. Your on-site security force has increased the security level."Tianji Shenwang No. 4 ordered.

"Received, Your Excellency No. 4, I will notify everyone present immediately." Qin Tianxiang responded.

After Qin Tianxiang responded to the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, he immediately told everyone through wireless earphones to pay attention to the No. 4 Divine Calculation reminder.

After ordering the on-site security force, Qin Tianxiang seized the opportunity to report the situation to An Liang

"Mr. An, the situation is a bit complicated now. Should we end it early?"Qin Tianxiang made suggestions from the perspective of security.

An Liang sensed the danger premonition ability, but there was still no reaction. It seemed that he was very well prepared, and the surrounding security forces were very strong, so there was no danger.

"It's okay, you do your job well, I believe in you."An Liang responded with a smile.

Qin Tianxiang didn't say anything anymore. Now that An Liang has made a decision, they only need to ensure An Liang's safety. It was past twelve o'clock at noon.

An Liang and his party came to a Spanish restaurant on the recommendation of Queen Lydia. Dining at the Centenary Restaurant, Anliang tasted the famous Spanish 5J ham, as well as a variety of seafood, and wine.

Near the end of lunch, Anliang's cell phone rang with an incoming call. He glanced at the caller ID and it was Dmitri. So he took the initiative and said,"Sorry, I need to take a call."

Queen Lydia smiled and nodded.

An Liang got up and left with his cell phone. He answered the call in the men's bathroom.

"What's up?"An Liang asked

"Ralph has already arrived in Madrid with his people. I will give you their contact information immediately, and they will follow your arrangements."Dmitri said quickly

"no problem."Anliang responded.

Dmitri handed Anliang the contact information of Captain Ralph of the Triglav Special Operations Team and hung up the call.

Anliang contacted Ralph directly. The two parties had cooperated before, and the cooperation was very good. Happy.

After waiting for the call to be answered and the two parties exchanging passwords to confirm their identities, An Liangcai ordered,"I'll have someone else contact you right away. You follow each other's instructions, do you understand?""

"clear."Ralph responded without hesitation.

What's not to understand?

This is an opportunity to make a fortune!

This time the Triglav Special Operations Team was selected by Anliang, making other captains of guided missile destroyers and frigates extremely envious. , especially when I heard that there was an extra bonus, I was even more envious.

According to the rules of the Pacific Fleet, this time the Triglav Special Operations Team performed an operation to protect Anliang. If they received an extra bonus during the operation, they would go out. Except for turning over 50%, the rest belongs to the individual.

For example, if Ralph eliminates three Neon operatives, according to Anliang's rules, he will be rewarded with 6 million Xia Guoyuan.

Then according to Bei Xiong According to the rules of the US Pacific Fleet, Ralph still needs to hand over 50%, and the rest is Ralph's own, which is equivalent to Ralph directly receiving 3 million Xia Guoyuan.

However, Ralph's annual salary is only converted into Xia Guoyuan It’s only 312,000 yuan. This is pre-tax income. After calculating taxes, his income will only be lower.

If he directly receives a bonus of 3 million Xia Guoyuan, for Ralph, it will be directly equivalent to ten years of pre-tax income. Income, how could he not be active?

Therefore, this operation to protect Anliang is indeed an opportunity for the Triglav Special Operations Team to make a fortune. Everyone involved in the operation is fully prepared!

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