The uproar in the Internet world has not affected Lenore, who is sending an email to Anliang


Handsome Anliang:

Good evening.

You should be sleeping, right?

Thank you very much for remembering my birthday, and thank you very much for the birthday gift. My father and mother have decided to take over the yacht. I originally thought they would refuse.

Should it be the reason for the other four gifts?

Did dad and mom compromise because there were trade opportunities?

It's a pity that you can't come to my birthday party. I still want to dance the first dance with you, but now I can only dance with my father. It's really a pity.

Also, what does it mean to be successful in everything?

I know that everything goes well, everything goes well, and everything goes well, but I don’t quite understand that everything goes well. Do they all mean the same thing?

When you wake up, remember to send me an email again.

What's more, I will also prepare a gift for you when it's your birthday.

Good night. have a good dream!


Lenore did not reply to the message according to the standard letter format. She had just replied to An Liang., her sister Sophia came over

"I heard that you received a yacht worth more than 15 million euros as a birthday gift?"Sofia asked knowingly.

Lenore responded affirmatively,"Yes."

"Is it Mr. An who contacts you every week?"Sofia is also learning Xia Mandarin, and she accurately spoke the Xia Mandarin of 'Mr. An'.

Lenore did not hide it. She responded affirmatively again,"Well, it was indeed a gift from him. Sofia said with envy,"I just checked the information of that yacht on my mobile phone. It's really beautiful. When it arrives, let's go to sea together, okay?""

"good. Lenore agreed generously. She had a very good relationship with her sister Sophia and didn't care about these little things.

Sophia lowered her voice and said,"You like him?" Lenore did not answer immediately.

Sofia looked at the hesitant Lenore and said firmly,"You just like him." Lenore didn't hesitate any more. She admitted openly,"Yes, I like him.""

"But..."Sofia frowned,"Have you watched the debate on the Internet?"

Lenore shook her head,"I haven't watched it, but I know there are too many obstacles between us and him."

"So what do you want to do?"Sofia asked back.

Lenore looked at Sofia and said with a smile,"Sofia, you know, I am very, very lucky now that I have a sister!"

"Um?"Sofia looked at Lenore hesitantly.

Lenore continued,"I am the first heir, and you are the second heir. If I am not suitable to be the queen, you can take my place as the queen."

"Lenore!"Sofia raised her voice,"I don't mean to argue with you."

The royal family in modern society is not the royal family of the past, and the throne is not something that needs to be fought for.

Lenore took Sofia's right hand and said,"It's not that you want to fight with me, but I want to give it to you."

"We have all learned royal etiquette, we all know that the queen's husband cannot be a foreigner, and if I want to be with him, only you can help me. Lenore explained.

Sofia refused and said,"I don't want it. Being a queen must be very tiring." For example, compared with my aunt now, my aunt just eats, drinks and has fun every day, but my dad has to work hard."

"I want to live a happy life like my aunt, not as busy as my father."Sofia added.

Lenore looked at Sofia helplessly,"Aren't you going to help me?"

"If you and Mr. An can really get together, I will help you, but I am not optimistic about you. He is too good. Do you understand what I mean?"Sofia said with a brat.

After all, this is the Spanish Peninsula!

The girls here are sensible early!

Lenore fell into silence.

Just like Sofia said, Anliang is too good, Lenore also knows this, she She even knows that her relationship with An Liang in a foreign country is actually very difficult.

But Lenore still wants to fight for it.

If you don’t fight for it and give up, that’s not Lenore’s character.

"I will try my best! Lenore first stated her point of view,"If I succeed, you have to help me, okay?""

"good!"Sofia agreed

"Thanks. Lenore looked at Sofia gratefully.

"You are my sister, I should help you."Sofia responded, she was actually full of envy, because the story of Lenore and Anliang was like a fairy tale!


Xia Kingdom time, October 31st, just after seven in the morning.

An Liang woke up early and checked the email sent by Lenore. As for Lenore's question about 'Everything is successful', An Liang responded first.

The success of everything means that everything is a little better than imagined, a little more than everything goes well, and there is no smoothness and marketability like everything goes well.

After An Liang replied to Lenore's message, he immediately contacted Qin Tianxiang. Since Lenore felt it was a pity and might even become a regret, An Liang was ready to make up for the regret!

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