On Friday, the penultimate day of October, it was close to midnight late at night. An Liang and the Xia sisters had no plans to return to their dormitory. He took them to Anxin Investment Company again.

In the far western half of Spain, the time here is close to six o'clock in the afternoon, and Lenore has already returned home from school.

In the palace, Queen Lydia is looking at a gift list, which is Lenore's birthday gift list.

According to Spanish law, members of the Spanish royal family can accept gifts from the public, but the gifts need to be reviewed and cannot involve other factors. They can only be pure gift-giving.

For example, King Philip VI received razors as gifts from people because his beard was too thick and people thought he needed a razor.

Queen Lydia has also received gifts, including new Zara dresses and sunglasses, as well as cross-body bags, etc.

Queen Lydia is a trendsetter in the Spanish fashion circle. She does a very good job in dressing, so many brands like to send clothes to Queen Lydia.

After all, once worn by Queen Lydia, it will immediately become a hit!

The eldest princess Lenore and the younger princess Sofia also often receive gifts, such as a large number of snacks, but these snacks are not really given to them. In addition to safety issues, there is also the problem of preventing the two princesses from eating too many snacks..

In most cases, if you give books to the two princesses, there will be no problem.

Lenore approached Queen Lydia, and she took the initiative to ask,"Mom, what gifts are there this year?"

Queen Lydia moved the gift list a little closer to Lenore, so that Lenore could come along. Check.

Lenore quickly checked the list of birthday gifts. There were still various snacks, red wine, seafood products, fruits, and study books that gave Lenore a headache.

Lenore looked through the birthday gift list from front to back, and she couldn't help but ask,"Are these the only things?"

"There are also many snacks and fruit gifts for which detailed statistics are being compiled, but they are all gifts from domestic people."Queen Lydia responded that she actually knew Lenore's subtext.

Lenore did not find the gift from An Liang in the birthday gift list!

In fact, Lydia was also curious in the future, why did An Liang not give a gift?

Could it be that An Liang doesn’t know Lenore’s birthday?

That’s impossible!

Because Lenore’s birthday is public information, and you can easily get Lenore’s birthday information through a search engine. Besides,

An Liang and Lenore There were email exchanges with her every week, and Queen Lydia didn't believe that An Liang didn't know Lenore's birthday.

In addition, when Dream Future Graphene Technology Group cooperated with Petal Mobile to launch the graphene version of the b40pro+ mobile phone, An Liang I gave some to Lenore.

Tomorrow is Lenore's birthday, and Queen Lydia felt that An Liang should give Lenore a gift.

Lenore heard Queen Lydia's answer, and she frowned slightly, because Queen Lydia You guessed it right, Lenore is indeed looking for a gift from Anliang.

In fact, Lenore is not asking Anliang to give her any precious gift, but she wants Anliang to remember her birthday.

Even if Anliang just gives her a heart-shaped stone, Lainelle Nuo'er will also be very happy.

But An Liang seems to have networked her birthday?

But how could An Liang forget?

In fact, An Liang has been preparing a gift for Nuo'er for a long time, and even did a lot of related things in order to get the gift accepted. Arrangement.

At six o'clock in the evening local time in Western Spain.

Lenore's mobile phone placed on the coffee table vibrated, indicating that she had received the message.

She picked up the mobile phone to check and found that it was an email sent by An Liang. She immediately clicked on the email Check emails.

Queen Lydia is by Lenore's side, and she naturally checks the emails sent by An Liang.

In fact, An Liang also knows that the emails he sends to Lenore will definitely be checked by Queen Lydia, so An Liang Emails I’ve Ever Sent Are Perfect


Dear Princess:

First of all, I wish you a happy birthday!

Please forgive me for not being able to attend your birthday celebration in person. To express my apology and blessings, I will send you the following gift.

1. Crown Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd. will hold a red wine tasting meeting in the Spanish Peninsula again to further expand the amount of imported red wine from the Spanish Peninsula.

2. Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company will import at least 1 million tons of raw pork from the Spanish Peninsula.

3. Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company has expanded its trading scope to all types of minerals, including but not limited to iron ore, copper ore, and other metal mineral resources.

4. Wangguan Import and Export Trading Company has established seafood trade channels and will import seafood products from the western half of Spain.

5. The GTT115 yacht manufactured by Dinamico, a manufacturer in Monaco, the principality of yachts, has been named"Princess Lenore".

Finally, I wish Her Royal Highness the Princess a happy birthday!

I wish Her Royal Highness the best in the days to come!


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