No. 3 Teaching Building, Classroom 207.

In the class meeting of Finance Class 3 of 2019, counselor Wan Yunfei handed over the slightly difficult donation issue to An Liang.

Although Wan Yunfei stated that he could donate as he wished without any restrictions, in fact there must be a secret rivalry.

That's why Wan Yunfei handed over the donation to An Liang instead of the squad leader Bai Jingjing. Even under normal circumstances, this kind of donation must be handled by the squad leader, but Finance Class 3 is an abnormal situation.

When Wan Yunfei asked An Liang, before An Liang answered, the Winner of Life system issued a prompt


‘Science and technology are primary productive forces!’

‘Mathematics is the cornerstone of scientific research and development!’

‘Random mission: Save mathematician Tao Donglin!’

‘Task reward: fuzzy mathematics related research theory and practical application’

‘Special reminder: The corresponding rewards are provided by expert Tao Donglin. '

An Liang checked the task prompt information sent by the Life Winner System.

Fuzzy mathematics?

He fell into a misunderstanding of knowledge.

Although Anliang does not understand fuzzy mathematics,knowledge of the content, but it does not prevent Anliang from obtaining the rewards provided by the winner system of life.

"Okay, Teacher Wan, I will handle the donation. An Liang responded.

Wan Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief,"Then the rest of the time will be left to you." An

Liang explained with a smile,"My classmates are all in the class group. You can add my WeChat account through the class group and send your donations directly. I will count the information one by one.""

This indirect and non-public donation method is actually more appropriate, thus avoiding the pressure of donating.

In addition, An Liang's friends can be added, and the students in Finance Class 3 of 2019 responded very actively to An Liang's call for donations.

An Liang I created a form document through my mobile phone, and then counted the students who donated.

Including An Liang, there are a total of 41 people in the 2019 Finance Class Three. In less than half an hour, except An Liang, the other 40 students have completed their donations..

Among them, Shen Shizhong donated 1,000 yuan, which is currently the highest in the class.

In fact, the donation of 1,000 yuan is already very large, because Tao Donglin is not their professor and has never taught them, so naturally there is no teacher-student relationship.

Bai Bai Yue donated 200 yuan, which is a neither high nor low donation amount. Bai Yue knows the golden mean, and Anliang is secretly satisfied.

Lu Wenshan and Ma Long both donated 100 yuan, which is also a regular donation amount.

The whole class The lowest donation amount was 20 yuan, coming from the snobbish little bitch Lin Xin, and An Liang was not surprised. An Liang thought about it, and finally decided to donate only 1,000 yuan like Shen Shizhong. After adding An Liang's donation, the whole class donated a total of 5,970 yuan.

Although the task of the Life Winner System has been triggered, An Liang is not prepared to donate too much money through his student status because of restrictions on his identity and position.

An Liang sent the relevant donation data to Wan Yunfei, and then added send Message

‘An Liang: Teacher Wan, can I go see Professor Tao?’

‘Wan Yunfei: Are you going to visit Professor Tao?’

‘An Liang: Yeah! '

Wan Yunfei thought silently for a few seconds, then looked at the information record of An Liang's donation of 1,000 yuan, and finally replied affirmatively.

‘Wan Yunfei: Okay, I will take you there then’

‘An Liang: When?’

‘Wan Yunfei: Tomorrow’

‘Wan Yunfei: I will inform you of the specific time tomorrow morning.’

‘An Liang: Yes. An

Liang and Wan Yunfei finished their exchange on WeChat. He greeted Shen Shizhong,"Gentleman, where are you going to treat us?""

"Nanfeng Third Road is coming again?"Shen Shizhong responded casually.

When he was a freshman, An Liang used the Nanfeng Sanlu Haoyoulai hotpot restaurant to complete the task of the winner system in life.

Nanfeng Sanlu Haoyoulai hotpot is suitable for consumption by nearby college students, and its taste is not bad. , the price is cheap, and the portion is sufficient. The key is that the price of the drinks is not excessive.

An Liang asked noncommittally,"Do you want to ask about starting a business?"

"Um! Shen Shizhong responded affirmatively.

An Liang joked,"You rebellious son!" You want to ask your dad about starting a business, are you still so stingy?

Shen Shizhong quickly asked,"Brother Liang, you come and choose the venue." An

Liang thought for a moment before responding,"Then go to Guichang Hotpot. The environment there is good.""

Guichang Hotpot is located in the Rubik's Cube Shopping Center in the west of the International Financial Center. It is a high-end hotpot in the Tianfu area.

"no problem!"Shen Shizhong agreed directly

"Wenshan, a gentleman’s treat, why don’t you call me girlfriend? An Liang looked at Lu Wenshan.

Lu Wenshan scratched his head,"Isn't this bad?""

"I'm going to call you my girlfriend, whatever you want."An Liang said teasingly.

After saying that, An Liang sent a message to the two sisters of the Xia family

‘An Liang: @夏和心: @夏如意: Let’s have dinner together tonight?’

‘An Liang: My roommate is treating me to dinner, and I’m going to kill him!’

‘Xia Ruyi: Your roommate is treating you to dinner. Is it appropriate for us to come over?’

‘Xia Hexin: Don't be too cruel, right?’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry! That guy is rich! '

Shen Shizhong is also the second generation of rich people. Although he is a few hundred million points behind Anliang in economic terms, he is still far better than ordinary people.

‘An Liang: Come here together, I’ll call classmate Bai Yue by the way.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Okay’

‘Xia Hexin: When? '

When the two sisters from the Xia family saw that An Liang wanted to call her Bai Yue, they naturally no longer hesitated.

Although in the eyes of the two Xia sisters, Bai Yue's threat is very low, low threat does not mean no threat, so if you can take precautions, you still have to take precautions.


Update time: December 12, 2021 00:02:59, good night.

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