Yun Haiyang is an old gangster in the wine shop. He likes to feed sharks when he drinks. How can Lin Yili lie to him?

In the end, of course, the old bastard was defeated!

Late at night and approaching early morning, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company escorted the members of Tianshang Baiyujing Club back to Tianjin.

The accommodation conditions on Tsukishima are a bit poor. In addition, Tsukishima is isolated overseas and the security and defense conditions are complicated. Therefore, Anliang will not stay on Tsukishima. Naturally, members of the Sky White Yukyo Club will not stay on Tsukishima.

Early in the morning, just after half past midnight; Tianjin, Four Seasons Hotel.

In the presidential suite No. 2688, Zhao Wanxi and Chen Siyu were chatting in the living room. They even opened a bottle of red wine. An Liang did not participate in their conversation. He was sending messages in the 307 dormitory group.

‘An Liang: Dog boys, are you asleep?’

‘Ma Long: [Video of Miss Douyin dancing】’

‘Ma Long: [Picture: Busy...]’

‘An Liang:...’

The thick-browed and big-eyed Ma Long was completely obsessed with Miss Douyin's dance.

Neither Shen Shizhong nor Lu Wenshan sent messages, but An Liang knew that these two idiots were not sleeping. Lu Wenshan was probably chatting with his girlfriend, and Shen Shizhong was not allowed to play with them again.

An Liang originally wanted to ask if the teacher had called on his name in class recently, but the boys were busy, so An Liang naturally didn't ask.

Besides, so what if they are called by name?

Anyway, An Liang is a well-known alumnus of Tianfu School of Economics. It is impossible for Tianfu School of Economics to prevent An Liang from graduating.

It's past one in the morning.

An Liang returned to the living room of the presidential suite. Zhao Wanxi had left and Chen Siyu was allocating rooms. She and An Liang lived together, while Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian lived in separate rooms.

After Chen Siyu's allocation was completed, An Liang took Chen Siyu away. Naturally, he and Chen Siyu would log into the alliance game to contract a two-player road.

After the game ended, An Liang sneaked into Ning Ruoshuang's room. This iceberg girl was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. As expected, she didn't sleep and was waiting for An Liang silently.

Faced with such a situation, how could Anliang let her down?

At this moment, only beauty cannot be let down!

The next day.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, An Liang woke up. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were still sleeping. He did not disturb them. He just picked up his phone to send Song Qian a message.

‘An Liang: Are you awake?’

‘Song Qian: Wake up early!’

‘Song Qian: Sister Wanxi and I are shopping. Are you awake?’

‘An Liang: Just woke up’

‘Anliang: Where do you go shopping?’

‘Song Qian: [Location information: Tianjin Joy City]’

‘Song Qian: Are you coming over?’

‘An Liang: Come over for lunch later. Can you choose a restaurant now?’

‘Song Qian: Well, no problem, let’s see if there are any Tianjin specialty restaurants. '

An Liang chatted with Song Qian for a while, and he started to write an email to Lenore.

An Liang and Princess Lenore of Spain still maintain weekly email contact. Lenore is currently progressing well in learning Xia Mandarin and she can already communicate using simple daily expressions of Xia Mandarin.

Today is October 24th, and Lenore’s birthday is October 31st. According to Spanish law, Lenore’s sixteenth birthday this year is her adult birthday.

In view of this situation, An Liang prepared a special birthday gift for Lenore.

Almost ten minutes later, An Liang sent the edited email. Lenore would not reply to the message until tomorrow, Sunday, right?

Near noon, An Liang brought Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to meet Zhao Wanxi and Song Qian. Zhao Wanxi and Song Qian chose an old Tianjin Goubuli bun shop.

Although the old Goubuli steamed bun shop tastes very authentic, the life winner system is completely based on Anliang's preferences. Anliang doesn't like eating steamed buns too much....

All right!

In some cases, Anliang liked eating steamed buns, but now Anliang doesn't like eating steamed buns, so there is no food reward that triggers the winner system in life.

In the afternoon, An Liang and his party visited Tianjin and had dinner here before returning to the imperial capital.


It's around nine o'clock in the evening in the imperial capital.

Zhao Wanxi was sent back to the small courtyard, Song Qian was sent back to school, and An Liang, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang returned to Yunjing International Apartment.

In room No. 8806, An Liang sat on the sofa, Chen Siyu sat on An Liang's left lap, and Ning Ruoshuang sat on the sofa on An Liang's right side.

An Liang hugged their waists and said casually,"I'm going back to Tianfu tomorrow."

"Have you finally remembered that you have to go to school?"Chen Siyu chuckled.

An Liang responded with a hum,"I'll go back to school and have a look. If nothing happens, I'll come back."

Chen Siyu quickly refused,"Don't, don't, don't, Teacher Sun will definitely go crazy!"

Sun Minzhi is the person who is most opposed to An Liang coming to the imperial capital, because if An Liang comes, Chen Siyu's piano practice efficiency will drop.

Ning Ruoshuang also said negatively,"Master An, you should study hard in school. You come here for a few days. , I gained a pound!"

An Liang took a look at the data displayed by the interpersonal relationship scanning system in the Life Winner System. Ning Ruoshuang had indeed gained a pound in the past few days, and An Liang couldn't help but smile.

"Let’s look at the situation!"An Liang neither agreed nor refused. Isn't it up to him to come or not?"

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