Moscow University, Sokoski’s boys’ dormitory.

Sokoski is playing a little game of skill ladder grading.

Although Sokoski already had the answer in his mind, he did not make an arbitrary decision on his own, because if he made his own decision, it might cause resentment among other team members.

So Sokoski made a ladder-level rating game, allowing members to rate each other anonymously.

"Please try to rate as objectively as possible! Sokoski reminded,"This is an anonymous rating, and I will destroy it after reading it, so you don't need to give friendship points out of consideration.""

Others in the technical interest group are not fools. They know that this score may be related to whether they can get an offer, and even determine their salary, but they also understand that Sokoski is very aware of their technical level.

Almost three Minutes later, everyone in the technical interest group completed the scoring and returned the A4 printing paper to Sokoski.

Sokoski looked at it quickly, then folded ten A4 printing papers and put them into his pocket,"Wait a minute." When I get outside, I will burn it, so you don't have to worry."

Now that we are in the dormitory, it is naturally impossible to burn these A4 printing papers.

"First of all, let me announce some good news. On behalf of Xia Guo’s Dark Core Technology Company, I welcome everyone to join Dark Core Technology Company. All of you have received the offer!"Sokoski first stated that everyone was hired.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Based on everyone's ratings, I divided the ratings into three levels. Among them, Lermontov and Liaoshenka were unanimously recognized by everyone, and basically received an 8-point rating." Sokosky announced the answer.

Lermontov and Liaoshenka's scores were what everyone expected.

"Next is the rating of Anisia and Martha. Based on everyone's selection and my subjective adjustment, I adjusted their rating to 7 points. Do you have any opinions? Sokoski asked.

If based on everyone's ratings, the two people's ratings were actually higher.

Anisya spoke first,"No problem.""

Martha also agreed,"I have no objection."

"Finally, the ratings of Yevgeny and Gogol were raised. Sokoski looked at the two of them,"I will raise your score to 6 points, but you must work hard in the future. If you want to join Dark Core Technology Company, then the ternary computer technology will change from a hobby to a hobby." I have lost my professional job, do you understand?"

Yevgeny and Gogol nodded together and said in unison,"Understood!"

"After adjustments, our ratings are divided into three levels."Sokoski explained everyone's ratings.

"In response to an 8-point evaluation, Dark Core Technology has offered an annual salary of 200,000 Xia Guoyuan, and will provide employee dormitories and assist with visa processing. Are you willing to work in Xia Guo? Sokoski asked.

200,000 Xia Guoyuan is equivalent to about 2.24 million Beixiong Yuan.

This annual salary is in the top three percent of Xia Guoyuan, and it is a properly high-salary level.

Anyway, in Beixiong Country, Lermonto It is absolutely impossible for husband and Liao Shenka to get such a high salary

"I do!"Liao Shenka responded immediately,"I can apply for early graduation or off-campus internship. If the other party's contract period is longer, I can even apply for suspension of study.

Lermontov seconded," Me too." Sokoski responded with a smile,"I also plan to graduate early or do an off-campus internship. I believe the school will not stop us.""

"For members who have a 7-point evaluation and a 6-point evaluation, Dark Core Technology Company has given an annual salary of 100,000 Xia Guoyuan and 50,000 Xia Guoyuan. It also provides employee dormitories, assists with visa processing, etc. Except for the difference in annual salary, other benefits are the same.." Sokoski explained.

When everyone decided to think, Sokoski continued,"This annual salary level is only for the first year of internship. If we make achievements within the first year, everyone's annual salary will be Double it!"

"In addition, if your level improves during your work, your annual salary level will also increase further."Sokoski added all the favorable conditions.

"Finally, there is another benefit. Since we are all students in school, in order to avoid difficulties in our lives when we go to Xia Guo, Dark Core Technology Company provided us with an after-tax signing fee of 20,000 Xia Guo Yuan. Once we signed the contract, we would immediately Create a bank account for us in Xia Guo and pay the signing fee into it." Sokoski explained.

Liao Shenka said in surprise,"There is still a signing bonus?"

Lermontov shook his phone,"We are developed. Although this dark core technology company is not famous, it is very strong. Through the information disclosed on the Internet, I have found that it is the only graphene battery manufacturer in the world. affiliated companies"

"Then we are indeed developed!"Liao Shenka said happily,"I do, I do, I want to go to Xia Country! I was originally worried that I wouldn't have the money, but now that I have 20,000 Xia Guoyuan's signing bonus, there's no problem at all!"

Sokosky added with a smile,"The other party will fully bear our transportation expenses. For example, the other party will book the air tickets from Mosk to the Imperial Capital for us, without us spending any money at all."

"It would be great!"Liao Shenka said happily


Update time: December 7, 2021 00:02:10, good night.

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