After Cui Zhenghao asked An Liang about the high-paying talent poaching plan, he led An Liang and Zhao Wanxi to visit the site organized by Dark Core Technology for the new lithography machine.

All venues are dust-free, have constant temperature and humidity, and have special shock-absorbing designs.

At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi finished their visit.

Zhao Wanxi said casually,"Do you have any plans for tonight?"

An Liang asked,"Do you have any plans?"

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang. An Liang always praised her for being smart. In fact, An Liang was also very smart.

"I want to treat Siyu, Shuangshuang, and Song Qian to dinner."Zhao Wanxi explained

"After I leave, you can treat them to dinner."An Liang refused.

Zhao Wanxi understood what An Liang meant. An Liang still had the same attitude as before. The affairs of the Backyard Alliance will be resolved by the Backyard Alliance itself, and he will not participate in it.

"Now that the lithography machine has been delivered, when will you go back?"Zhao Wanxi asked casually.

An Liang looked at the time. Today is October 22nd and tomorrow is Friday. He can choose to go back tomorrow or Sunday the 25th.

After some consideration, An Liang Decided to go back on Sunday

"I plan to go back on Sunday. An Liang explained,"I have been busy with work this time, and I didn't take Siyu and Shuangshuang out to play, so I plan to organize a beach seafood barbecue on Friday.""

"Going to Tianjin?"Zhao Wanxi guessed.

There is naturally no beach in the imperial capital.

An Liang nodded,"Find an island over Tianjin, and we will contract it to have a beach seafood barbecue. If the members of the club are willing to go there, then we can go there together."

"Not afraid of light bulbs?" Zhao Wanxi joked.

An Liang responded with a smile,"We are just playing together. When we act alone, we act alone. What are we afraid of light bulbs?"

"Makes sense! Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively,"How about I make the arrangements?""

"Let me arrange it! An Liang rejected Zhao Wanxi's kindness,"It's mainly about security issues. I have to make preparations in advance.""

"Um."Zhao Wanxi did not argue with An Liang.

When it comes to security issues, Zhao Wanxi believes that An Liang is more professional.

The main reason is that Renyi Security Company has a good reputation.

If security issues are handled through Renyi Security Company, can accidents still happen?

So Zhao Wanxi Xi has no intention of arguing, let An Liang handle it.


At around eight o'clock in the evening, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi finished dinner, and he sent Zhao Wanxi back to the small courtyard.

On the occasion of parting, Zhao Wanxi was a little reluctant to leave An Liang. She pursed her lips and said,"Are you going back today?"

An Liang understood what Zhao Wanxi meant, and he responded with a smile,"You can think about it again."

After that, An Liang turned around and left.

Zhao Wanxi sighed. She had actually thought about it, but she was just worried about gains and losses.

An Liang also knew Zhao Wanxi's thoughts, so he gave Zhao Wanxi one last chance to think about it.

Half an hour later, Anliang returned to Yunjing International Apartment.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang have returned. Chen Siyu is still practicing piano, while Ning Ruoshuang is practicing yoga. She did not eat dinner today and continues to practice yoga to stay in shape.

After An Liang came back, he sat next to Chen Siyu and asked casually,"Siyu, can you have a rest this Saturday?"

"Um? Chen Siyu was confused,"What do you want to do?" An

Liang briefly talked about the seafood barbecue on the beach,"If you can rest, we will go to Tianjin to charter an island. What do you think?""

"I wanna go!"Chen Siyu immediately hugged An Liang's arm and acted coquettishly.

This big imperial cat likes to act coquettishly and always succeeds in doing so.

"So you can take time off?"An Liang asked back.

Chen Siyu responded negatively,"You should be able to ask for leave for me."

"..."An Liang looked at Chen Siyu speechlessly

"Husband~" Chen Siyu held An Liang's arm and twisted her body slightly to act coquettishly,"Husband, just help me~"

Facing the coquettishness of the big cat in the imperial capital, An Liang's resistance was quite low, and he sighed helplessly,"Something's wrong Call your husband, Master, it’s okay, you two!

Ning Ruoshuang answered on the side,"Master An, I don't need you to ask for leave for me.""

Ning Ruoshuang is practicing more voluntarily. She hopes to get on the national stage through her own efforts. There is no teacher to supervise her, she just relies on her own consciousness.

Saturday is the normal rest time, so Ning Ruoshuang does not need to ask for leave.

"..."An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang speechlessly.

Chen Siyu leaned into An Liang's ear and said,"Husband, Shuangshuang is too arrogant, go and deal with her!"

Naturally, Ning Ruoshuang did not hear Chen Siyu's incitement. How could she have imagined that she would suddenly be betrayed by her best friend?

Ning Ruoshuang is in danger!

"good idea!"An Liang stood up and walked towards Ning Ruoshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang finally realized the crisis, but how could she escape?

An alliance game started after bathing and changing clothes. Ning Ruoshuang originally stubbornly called 'Master An', and finally He also became a 'husband'.

Chen Siyu, who fanned the flames, did not run away. At most, he just delayed it for a little time.

In terms of alliance games, An Liang never treats one favorably and treats them all equally!

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