
‘Congratulations to the host for tasting the amazing food and winning a random lottery gift package. '

This fish-flavored lobster ball brought an amazing taste bud experience to An Liang, and thus he was rewarded by the winner system of life, which fully proved the success of this dish.

An Liang calmly ordered to open the random lottery gift bag.

The minimum limit for random lottery gift packages for food rewards is very low. They often give some Ultimate Experience 001 or something similar to Yasmin, or they are junior consumer cashback cards.

An Liang no longer cares about these rewards!


‘Congratulations to the host for receiving a special lucky reward: ternary computer technology talent [Sokosky BASF]】’

‘Special note: Sokosky BASF is a senior student majoring in computer science at Moscow State University, and will meet through Alek Seminovich Grachev. '

Ternary computer technology talent? this...

A random lottery gift package with food rewards actually has a top prize?

He had just decided to invest in the field of ternary computers, and the Life Winner System adaptively adjusted the rewards. Coupled with Hebi's blessing and the luck Yang Maoyi had accumulated for him, he easily won the top prize?

The Life Winner System is indeed the Life Winner System, it is simply the eternal god!

"Boss Luo, I think this new dish of yours is very good! An Liang praised it.

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"It's really good. This fish-flavored sauce should have some special formula, right?" Luo

Yun responded without concealment,"We took out the shrimp roe from the brains of Rosch shrimp and mixed it into the fish-flavored sauce, thus forming a special flavor."

An Liang said with a smile,"Is that shrimp roe?""

Luo Yun smiled and said nothing, because that was indeed not shrimp roe, that was...

Shrimp roe or something like sea urchin.

Everyone who understands understands!

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang. She also knew what shrimp yellow was, but Zhao Wanxi didn't care and had no taboo.

As new dishes were served one after another, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi tasted them one by one. However, the new dishes that followed were not as stunning as the fish-flavored lobster balls, and the Life Winner System did not give food rewards.

Near two o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi finally finished their lunch. At Luo Yun's insistence, An Liang did not insist on paying for the meal.

In the parking lot, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi got into the bulletproof version of the Audi A8L sedan. After An Liang started the engine, he casually asked,"You're not going to school today?""

"Didn't you go to school too?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"I'll go back in a few days."An Liang explained,"At least until the purchase of photolithography machines is completed."

"Did the procurement go smoothly?"Zhao Wanxi asked following the topic.

"The handover between us and the seller went smoothly. If there are no accidents, those lithography machines should enter the country soon."An Liang said without hiding anything.

"So fast?"Zhao Wanxi was surprised

"Renyi Security Company is very efficient!"An Liang said boastfully.

The efficiency of Renyi Security Company has always been very high!

"Where shall we go in the afternoon?"Zhao Wanxi changed the topic.

Before An Liang could answer, his cell phone rang, and An Liang said casually,"Help me find out who is calling."

Zhao Wanxi picked up An Liang's mobile phone that was placed in the central control storage compartment without any pretense. She looked at the voice caller ID and said 'No. 4', and then responded,"It seems to be No. 4 from your Renyi Security Company."

"Just listen directly through the loudspeaker."An Liang responded.

The corners of Zhao Wanxi's mouth turned up slightly, because answering through the loudspeaker meant that An Liang recognized her, so he did not avoid her to answer the call from Renyi Security Company No. 4.

"BOSS, the lithography machine has arrived!"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 reported.

"All 28 photolithography machines have come in?"An Liang asked back.

"Yes."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 answered in the affirmative.

"Is there any tail?"An Liang asked again.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation still answered affirmatively,"There is a tail. The seller should have guessed the identity of the buyer, but he should not know our identity."

During this transaction, An Liang pretended to be a middleman to facilitate the transaction more conveniently.

"How much balance did we pay?"An Liang asked again

"Ten percent."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded with specific numbers.

"Then urge the seller, saying that we have discovered that the buyer has shipped the things to the country, and let the seller settle our agency fees."An Liang is ready to play another trick.

Since the seller has already guessed the identity of the buyer, he will simply show off his cards directly and charge the intermediary fee to show that the intermediary and the buyer are not in the same group.

This kind of routine can avoid losing the vest to the greatest extent. After all , there is a middleman's vest, which is quite convenient at certain times.

"Upon receipt, we will immediately urge the seller to pay us the agency fee."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded.

According to the agreement between the two parties, when the transaction volume exceeds 2 billion US dollars, the middleman will charge an intermediary fee of 3%, which is equivalent to 83.7 million US dollars, which is more than 500 million Xia Guoyuan!

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