An Liang directly pinned the suspect on the head of the former chief minister of Neon, because he was the most suspicious.

As for revenge?

There is no need at all!

Now the biggest revenge on the former chief minister of Neon is not to give him the thousand-year astragalus.

Because the former chief minister of Neon is suffering from cancer, without Millennium Astragalus, he will definitely die!

‘Huang Guoxiang: How are you going to deal with this matter?’

‘An Liang: How do you plan to respond to the protests from other victims?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Why should you reply?’

‘An Liang: So why should I deal with it?’

‘An Liang: Just pretend you don’t know anything!’

‘An Liang: We didn’t do anything wrong, so why should we feel guilty?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What you said makes sense!"

Huang Guoxiang is no longer able to complain. Is this Anliang really at ease?"

‘An Liang: If there is nothing else, I will continue to have breakfast!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK! '

The turmoil in the Internet world has not affected An Liang at all. If things can be accomplished just by relying on protests and speeches on the Internet, then An Liang will definitely be the strongest king!

Half an hour later, Anliang had just finished breakfast when he received a call from Apflorala.

Faced with the call from the 1.8-meter-tall Beixiong girl, An Liang raised his eyebrows and answered the call casually.

Aurora spoke first,"An, are you still in the Imperial Capital?"

"Yes, what's going on?"An Liang asked back.

"Do you have time now? Let's drink coffee and talk about something by the way."Aflora took the initiative to extend the invitation.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"No problem, where?"

"How about the forest coffee opposite our school?"Aphrola suggested

"No problem, just send me your location and I'll be there right away."An Liang agreed.

"Hold on."Aflora hung up the phone, sent her location via WeChat, and added additional information.

‘Avora: I'll go over and wait for you. '

Anliang checked the location. It's about half an hour away from Yunjing International Apartment.

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘An Liang: You go there first, I'll set off immediately and arrive within half an hour. '

Nearly half an hour later, An Liang arrived at the Forest Coffee opposite Teito International University and saw Avora. She simply stood out from the crowd.

An Liang walked directly towards Aphurola. The boys at the tables around him looked at An Liang with strange eyes. They thought An Liang was another chatterer.

"Awaited!"An Liang walked up to Avora.

Avora responded,"What are you drinking?"

An Liang looked at the menu. Although it was a cafe, it provided freshly squeezed juice. He ordered a Kaman orange juice.

"So what needs to be said in person?"An Liang went straight to the point.

The boys who had looked at each other differently just now showed helpless expressions. They already understood that An Liang and Avora knew each other.

Avora took out a document from her handbag and handed it to An Liang.

The winner system in life immediately send reminder


‘Please note to the host: [A surprise] has arrived! '

An Liang discovered the prompt of the Winner of Life System, but he took the document handed over by Avrola with a calm expression.

The title of the document is: [Discussion and Analysis on the Development of Cernary Computers】

‘ternary computer...’An Liang frowned slightly.

Current computers are all binary, and the lowest-level codes are all 0s and 1s.

Although on the surface it is just the difference between binary and ternary, in fact the essential meaning of binary is the power-off and power-on states of the circuit, which corresponds to the numbers 0 and 1, and exactly corresponds to the logical operations 'yes' and 'no' '.

If the ternary system is to be implemented, Anliang does not know how to deal with it for the time being, given his knowledge of computers.

"Please take a look at this information first."Aflora motioned An Liang to check the information.

An Liang nodded, and then looked at the information.

This information records the basic information of the ternary computer, including the core logic of realizing the ternary computer.

The ternary system recorded in the information is not The sequential ternary system of 0, 1, 2, but the symmetrical ternary system of -1, 0, 1, corresponding to negative voltage, power outage, and positive voltage respectively. The so-called negative voltage is actually not a negative voltage, but a negative voltage. It is lower than the standard voltage.

If the standard voltage is set to 3 volts, then when it is 2.8 volts, it is recorded as a voltage of -0.2 volts, which is not a true voltage of -0.2 volts.

An Liang continued to check the information, which listed The Sulla League once researched and produced the first ternary computer in 1958, and showed extremely excellent performance at the time.

However, under the special circumstances at that time, the Sulla League did not continue Research on ternary computers eventually led to the decline of ternary computers and the rise of binary computers.

Looking at the records in the data, Anliang couldn't help but be surprised that the once ternary computers were still so brilliant. when?

"So you want to collaborate on a ternary computer?"An Liang switched to Beixiong and asked tentatively.


Update time: November 30, 2021 00:03:14, good night.

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