If Anliang did not have a winner-in-life system, Anliang would definitely not get involved in the fields of quantum chips and carbon-based chips, but would instead invest in the field of silicon-based chips. the reason is simple!

Although the top technology in the field of silicon-based chips has been completely blocked, both technology patents and production and manufacturing have been strictly blocked.

But the sub-top silicon-based chip technology is not blocked!

Sub-top silicon-based chip production equipment has not been blocked!

And the path in the field of silicon-based chips is very clear. There are pathfinders ahead who have opened up clear and safe roads. As long as you follow the path opened by the pathfinders, you will not make big mistakes.

More importantly, the sub-top silicon-based chips are still very powerful!

At present, Dark Core Technology has only mastered the 14nm process technology in the field of silicon-based chips.

Although it is also actively promoting the 7-nanometer process, given that Dark Core Technology's lithography machine is only DUV deep ultraviolet light level, it has inherent disadvantages. Therefore, it may take some time to improve the progress of the 7-nanometer process.

However, even so, Dark Core Technology can already provide chip manufacturing services for the hardware products of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and even chip design services are provided by Dark Core Technology.

In addition, Dark Core Technology Company has another advantage, that is, the EDA software used by Dark Core Technology Company, that is, chip design software, also uses local software from Xia Guo, thus avoiding being stuck.

Dark Core Technology has followed the path of a pathfinder in the mature silicon-based chip market, overcoming countless difficulties and obstacles from scratch, and has easily become a powerful semiconductor company.

This is the advantage of the silicon-based chip field!

If Anliang did not have a winning system in life, he would only develop in the field of silicon-based chips. After all, the current dark core technology companies have already met most of the needs.

The quantum chip field is different from the carbon-based chip field!

From a technical perspective, their potential is indeed greater.

Both quantum chips and carbon-based chips surpass silicon-based chips in terms of technical potential, but the problem is that as new tracks, that means there is no pathfinder.

How can we ensure the correct direction without a pathfinder?

Without Pathfinder, if Dark Core Technology invests in the research of quantum chips and carbon-based chips, it is very likely that it will lose everything.

An Liang believes that Zhao Wanxi understands these principles.

But now Zhao Wanxi has brought up the old matter again. She is willing to invest the 30 billion funds obtained through the Millennium Astragalus Slicing into dark core technology to support Anliang.

"Losing money means losing money."Zhao Wanxi responded generously,"Besides, even if you lose all your money, you have accumulated research and development experience, thus laying the foundation for future success."

"That being the case..."An Liang was silent for a moment,"How much equity do you want to get?"

Zhao Wanxi asked,"How much are you willing to give?"

An Liang thought silently for a few seconds before responding,"In my heart, dark core technology and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is equally important."

Zhao Wanxi responded coquettishly,"The current market value assessment of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has reached a height of 4.95 trillion. If we announce the listing of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, I believe This valuation will continue to increase. How can dark core technology compete with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?" Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is the only company in the world that controls graphene battery technology, forming an absolute monopoly on graphene. The profits of batteries are very high, and derivative products based on graphene batteries are also very profitable.

More importantly, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group are linking up. Once Dream Future Energy Group’s fourth-generation nuclear power plant comes online, the valuation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will further increase.

Because the graphene battery of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can store energy on a large scale, it can cooperate with the fourth generation nuclear power plant of Dream Future Energy Group to realize the re-adjustment of the energy structure.

Zhao Wanxi continued,"If Dark Core Technology really develops a quantum chip or a carbon-based chip, its value will be similar to that of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group...."

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanxi suddenly stopped

"Have you found the right expert?"Zhao Wanxi felt a little enlightened.

An Liang smiled but said nothing.

"Is it a quantum chip or a carbon-based chip?"Zhao Wanxi asked again.

Hearing Zhao Wanxi's response, An Liang couldn't help laughing,"Wanxi, I discovered your weakness."

"Um?"Zhao Wanxi was confused.

"You don’t understand technology! An Liang chuckled.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"Do you know technology?""

"I don’t understand either, but I will understand. An Liang replied,"If you understand technology, you won't ask the previous questions, you will analyze the answers directly.""

In Zhao Wanxi's confused expression, An Liang continued to add,"Carbon-based chips are chips made of graphene material!"


Update time: November 20, 2021 00:02:20, good night, waiting for the next nucleic acid update.

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