On the luxurious third-generation flying motorcycle flying to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively to An Liang's inquiry,"A total of 87 companies have passed the review, and currently all representatives of 87 companies have arrived in the imperial capital. , and decided to attend the agent recruitment meeting in the afternoon."

Zhao Wanxi added,"Among these participating companies, we found several interesting companies, they should be the vests of the overseas imperial court."

An Liang smiled directly He stood up,"I guess those guys hope to reverse engineer weapons-grade exoskeleton armor through the Guardian prosthetic frame."

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"I guess so!"

"Now that those guys exist, I have a plan!"An Liang said with a flash of inspiration.

"Um? Zhao Wanxi was curious,"What's the plan?""

"Since the other party wants to reverse engineer the Guardian prosthetic arm framework, we will provide them with a convenient door. An Liang said jokingly.

An Liang continued to add,"When the agent recruitment meeting starts in the afternoon, we announced that we will provide all the drawings of the Guardian prosthetic framework to five intercontinental agents, including design parameters, etc., making it easier for them to reverse research.."

Zhao Wanxi immediately understood what An Liang meant,"In this way, the competition for intercontinental agency rights will become more intense! After all, there is more than one country in an intercontinental region, and they will also compete with each other.

An Liang added,"There will also be cross-continental competition!" For example, in the White Eagle region, the Bald Eagle Nation has a very high probability of winning, but the Maple Leaf Nation will definitely not give up. The Maple Leaf Nation may participate in the competition in the African state region."

"But the most important thing about the Guardian prosthetic frame is the lighthouse system. Without the support of the lighthouse system, the Guardian prosthetic frame is equivalent to having no soul. Therefore, even if weapons-grade exoskeleton armor is reverse-developed through the Guardian prosthetic frame, it still has no meaning."Zhao Wanxi answered.

"Yes! Exoskeleton armor without a soul is completely meaningless!"An Liang agreed.

This time around the agent recruitment meeting around the Guardian prosthetic frame, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group had hidden fishing intentions, because An Liang knew that those guys wanted to reverse engineer weapons-grade exoskeleton armor through the Guardian prosthetic frame. But. An Liang is not afraid of their reverse research at all!

Because the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will not announce the technology of the lighthouse helmet at all, let alone open the lighthouse system.

In fact, other countries also know that the lighthouse system is the soul of the Guardian prosthetic limb framework, but other countries hope Develop your own system to replace the lighthouse.

This is a game between the two parties.

Both have small thoughts and bad intentions, just to see who can have the last laugh.


It's exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the press conference hall of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the recruitment meeting for agents of the Guardian Prosthetic Limb Framework was officially launched.

Public Relations Minister Yao Hailan served as the host. She stood on the press conference stage and gave an opening speech in Xia Mandarin.

"Welcome friends from all over the world, welcome everyone to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Yao Hailan first expressed welcome.

Every company representative who came to the scene received a tablet computer and a pair of wireless headphones to provide simultaneous translation and subtitle translation.

"We Dream of the Future Graphene Technology Group is an enterprise committed to developing technology to benefit mankind, so we are willing to open the Guardian prosthetic framework to the world to enhance the life experience and survival dignity of people with disabilities."Yao Hailan held high the social responsibility of Dream Graphene Technology Group in the future.

Warm applause broke out at the scene.

This is the so-called business cooperation. Yao Hailan dared to brag, and the business audience at the scene also dared to applaud.

"Friends, please allow me to announce good news on behalf of our group!"Yao Hailan raised her voice.

"Our group fully takes into account the differences in habits and physical constitution of users in various regions around the world. In order to better serve users around the world, our group will provide all design drawings and parts of the Guardian prosthetic frame to five intercontinental agents. Parameters, thus facilitating intercontinental agents to better develop the Guardian prosthetic framework according to local user conditions."Yao Hailan told An Liang's previous decision.

Warm applause and praise suddenly erupted in the press conference hall.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, who were sitting in the first row, looked at each other and smiled. The warm applause and praise at the scene should represent Did their plan succeed?

"One last thing, friends, please note that our group’s agency rights for this recruitment are for five years, and the agency fees will not be returned." Yao Hailan explained

"And after becoming an intercontinental agent, we will collect a minimum sales deposit of US$1 billion, which will be used to purchase the Guardian prosthetic frame. Yao Hailan added

"Next, please check the status of the agency recruitment fair on your tablet. Five intercontinental agency rights will be auctioned simultaneously. Please bid by yourself. Yao Hailan reminded.

Five agency rights are auctioned at the same time. This is a very involved decision!

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