National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

In the corridor on the third floor, An Liang met Lu Yuewen, the director of operations.

Lu Yuewen took the initiative to lead the way and took An Liang to a confidential conference room.

In the confidential conference room, in addition to Huang Guoxiang, there were also Dai Zhengbo from the Information Security Department and Jin Ke from the Intelligence Department.

An Liang looked at the picture projected on the projection screen in the conference room. It was a map information. The location marked with a red circle should be Corea?

"Lao Huang, what's going on now? An Liang asked casually.

Huang Guoxiang pointed to the map on the projection screen,"Do you know where it is?""

"Corea?"An Liang asked back.

"I remember that you laid out the layout in Corea a long time ago and controlled a huge amount of energy in Corea, right? Huang Guoxiang asked tentatively.

An Liang neither admitted nor denied. He responded evasively,"Is something wrong?""

"Marked on the map is Naecang Mountain in Jeolbuk Province, Coria. There is a thousand-year-old temple in Naecang Mountain. In 2012, a fire broke out in Naecang Temple, causing direct economic losses of 1.7 billion won."Huang Guoxiang explained.

1.7 billion Korean won is equivalent to about 9.4 million Xia Guoyuan.

This loss is quite small, right? Besides

, a temple in Corea, even if it is a thousand-year-old temple, what does it have to do with Huang Guoxiang?

"Then what?"An Liang asked casually

"We conducted detailed investigations around Neicang Temple, and especially conducted very careful exploration of Neicang Mountain, and found that most of the environment of Neicang Mountain has not changed after thousands of years."Huang Guoxiang added the explanation.

An Liang raised his eyebrows. He vaguely guessed Huang Guoxiang's intention.

"Your method for finding thousand-year-old astragalus should be like this, right?"Huang Guoxiang asked back.

Before Anliang could answer, Huang Guoxiang continued,"The basic conditions for nurturing astragalus for thousands of years are an environment that has not changed for thousands of years and an environment suitable for the growth of astragalus, right?"

"Have you discovered the thousand-year-old astragalus?"An Liang asked in surprise.

The Life Winner System issued a prompt appropriately.


‘Random event: Third-party exploration discovered thousand-year-old astragalus’

‘Significance of the event: A third party independently discovered the Millennium Astragalus under the condition of information isolation, thus completely clearing the suspicion of the host and allowing the Millennium Astragalus to return to normalcy. An

Liang looked at the prompts issued by the Life Winner System, and he was secretly satisfied. The Life Winner System was indeed the Life Winner System, and it had actually filled in all the loopholes in such trivial matters.

The thousand-year-old astragalus discovered before was more or less directly related to Anliang, which easily made people suspicious. However, this time the National Security Investigation Bureau discovered the thousand-year-old astragalus on its own while the information was isolated from Anliang, and it was completely cleared. The thousand-year-old Astragalus Incident.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"Yes, we discovered the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus.""

"I do not believe! An Liang said teasingly,"Old Huang, can we have less routine and more sincerity?""

"If you discovered the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus without us knowing about it, I think you would keep it to yourself!"An Liang said unceremoniously.

Huang Guoxiang did not deny it,"If external circumstances permit, we will definitely monopolize it."

"I'm sure you'll handle it the same way."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang.

An Liang also did not deny it.

"So what unexpected situation happened that actually made you give up the idea of ​​taking it all for yourself? An Liang asked curiously.

Huang Guoxiang sighed and said with regret,"We were careless!""

"Didn't you flash? An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang also paid attention to Internet memes, but Huang Guoxiang had no intention of joking,"Xiao Dai, tell me about the situation.""

Information Security Section Chief Dai Zhengbo explained to Anliang,"We previously used Earth observation optical satellites when investigating Neicang Mountain, and conducted a full range of careful surveys and scans, but such behavior was again criticized by the Bald Eagle Country. Satellite discovery."

During the previous Operation Neon Fuji, Operation Fuji was exposed for the same reason, which almost led to the failure of the operation.

"So the Bald Eagle Kingdom also discovered the existence of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in Neicang Mountain?"An Liang frowned.

Although Corea is near Xia Kingdom, Corea is an alliance member of the Bald Eagle Nation. The Bald Eagle Nation has a military base in Corea. Once the Bald Eagle Nation gets involved, the problem will be very complicated..

After all, the Bald Eagle Country has all the favorable conditions in Coria at the right time, place, and people!

Even Anliang does not want to have a head-on conflict with the Bald Eagle Country in Coria.

So if the Bald Eagle Country also discovers the Millennium Astragalus, Then the problem will be quite difficult

"No! Dai Zhengbo responded negatively,"The Bald Eagle Nation did not discover Millennium Astragalus. They only discovered that our Earth Observation Optical Satellite was secretly observing Corea.""

An Liang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the Bald Eagle Kingdom did not discover the thousand-year-old astragalus, there would still be room for mediation....

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