Lei Tianlong tried to expose the blocking situation of the Shipping Alliance through online live broadcast, thereby attracting attention. What if the Xia Kingdom's court solved this problem out of face?

However, Lei Tianlong underestimated the quality of the audience!

‘This live broadcast is suspected of betraying national interests, and I have reported it!’

‘What about super management? Come out to work quickly and ban this anchor’

‘Anchor, why don’t you live a good life?’

‘LOL! This anchor looks smart, but is actually a fool!’

‘There are some things, even if I think about it on my knees, I still want to get the answer, but this anchor just doesn’t understand’

‘I think the anchor is deliberately pretending not to understand, so I reported it anyway!’

‘I have reported this anchor to the National Security Investigation Bureau. If there is any problem with this anchor, I can get up to 500,000 bonus!’

‘Damn it! I also reported it!’

‘Are there so many smart people?’

‘Let's all get rich together?’

‘Thank you host!’

‘Thank you anchor for your gift!’

‘This is the time to make a fortune! Lei

Tianlong looked at the large number of barrage messages that flooded the screen. He felt a little speechless. Is there something wrong with the focus of these viewers? He was obviously talking about how miserable Weiming Island was, but in the end these people only wanted to report him?

Faced with reports from a large number of users, Peer Video did not ban Lei Tianlong’s live broadcast room. Instead, it recommended a homepage to further attract traffic to Lei Tianlong.


Weiming Island, Economic Department, small conference room.

There were a total of four people in the small conference room, namely Economic Secretary Lin Sihong, economists Gao Qirui and Zheng Zixian, and external economist Fu Huixin.

Among them, Fu Huixin once publicly commented on the blockade of rubber raw materials on Weiming Island on the TV station. She was one of the economists who paid attention to the economic blockade of Weiming Island relatively early.

"Experts, do you have any opinions on the current troubles we are encountering on Weiming Island? Lin Sihong asked.

Fu Huixin looked at Gao Qirui and Zheng Zixian, waiting for the two economic experts to speak. After all, they were internal staff of the Economic Department.

However, neither of them spoke. They were also waiting for Fu Huixin to speak.

The three of them talked to each other. After looking at each other for a while, Gao Qirui took the initiative to speak,"Let's listen to Expert Fu's speech first. Expert Fu, what do you think?"

Fu Huixin did not evade any more. She responded,"Our current situation in Weiming Island is quite bad, especially the economic environment is on the verge of collapse. The prices of a large number of materials have skyrocketed, which has seriously affected the lives of ordinary people."

"My opinion is to stabilize prices first and try to achieve the internal circulation of our Weiming Island so that our Weiming Island can be self-sufficient."Fu Huixin added.

There is absolutely no problem with this point of view.

Because when there is a blockade, if there is no way to solve the problem in a short time, the best way is to achieve internal circulation to avoid being too much affected by the outside world.

"When stabilizing prices, I suggest providing basic living security for particularly disadvantaged groups, so as to avoid worse consequences caused by hunger." Fu Huixin added

"As for wanting to completely solve the problem, I believe everyone has their own answer, but no one wants to say it out loud."Fu Huixin did not tell the answer.

Because the fundamental solution to the problem is to reconcile with the Xia Kingdom's court, but who dares to come up with such an answer?

Everyone is pretending to be confused!

Fu Huixin is not a fool, she ordered After a while, he refused to say anything more.

"Expert Gao, Expert Zheng, what do you think? Lin Sihong asked.

Gao Qirui responded,"Expert Fu and I have the same view.""

"me too!"Zheng Zixian seconded the opinion.

These two people are old friends. When Fu Huixin expressed his opinion, of course he had to second the opinion. After all, everyone with a discerning eye understands the current situation. Who is willing to reveal the truth?

During the discussion, a staff member knocked The conference room door rang.

"Come in. Lin Sihong responded.

The staff walked in and said to Lin Sihong,"Sis Lin, the first lady has held a meeting and asked you to attend.""

"OK"Lin Sihong stood up and left directly.

After Lin Sihong left, Fu Huixin took the initiative to speak,"Old Gao, Old Zheng, you two are too cautious! Gao

Qirui responded with a smile,"We are different from you. We are internal after all, and you have no pressure from the outside." Zheng

Zixian added,"There is another piece of gossip that you don't know. It seems that we have been targeted by Tyrande. Some of the products exported to Tyrande were stopped by Tyrande.""

Fu Huixin frowned,"Tylande also joined the ranks against us?"

"I think it's very possible!"Gao Qirui responded affirmatively.

Zheng Zixian chuckled lightly,"There are no outsiders now, so the three of us are still dumbfounded?"

Fu Huixin was silent.

Gao Qirui sighed,"We all know what the situation is like in the Shipping Alliance. Based on the strength of that person, I would not be surprised at all if Tyrande joins the ranks against us.

Zheng Zixian seconded,"That's true!""

"I just feel sorry for some low-income people."Fu Huixin said with compassion.


Update time: November 3, 2021 00:03:51, good night.

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