An Liang quickly made the decision to protect Lei Tianlong to the death, and some obviously rhythmic accounts in the [Weiming Island Live] live broadcast room were immediately banned.

The mastermind hiding in the dark noticed this situation and then took the initiative to contact An Liang.

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Weiming Island Live] has brought you a lot of traffic, right?’

‘An Liang: Did you do it?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Mutual benefit?’

‘An Liang: What are you going to do?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course, it is to publicize the current bad situation of Weiming Island. You are not paying attention to the situation there, right?’

‘An Liang: Are you asking again knowingly?’

‘An Liang: I don’t believe you don’t know that I just organized the shipping alliance’s dinner’

‘An Liang: I even think that you know what we talked about during the dinner, right? '

Huang Guoxiang did not answer this question because An Liang's guess was correct.

‘An Liang: I’ve actually been curious about something’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Why should we target Weiming Island?’

‘An Liang: Yes’

‘An Liang: At least for now, no matter what, you can't do anything about Weiming Island, right? '

The problem on Weiming Island is very complicated!

An Liang is very good at seeing the essence through phenomena. He clearly knows that the problem of Weiming Island involves the whole world and is definitely not something that can be solved simply.

In order to control the Xia Kingdom through the Weiming Island, the Bald Eagle Kingdom set up three island chains to blockade the Xia Kingdom. It can be said to have formed a dragnet.

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are wrong!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We targeted Weiming Island for your reasons.’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Liang: Do you want to throw the blame again?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It’s not about throwing the blame, it’s about discussing the matter.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you know the reason why our Xia State is vigorously developing new energy vehicles?’

‘An Liang: Of course! '

An Liang once analyzed this development strategy very clearly.

The reason for vigorously developing new energy vehicles is not to overtake in corners.

Although the idea of ​​overtaking in corners seems very correct, by bypassing the technical patent barriers of traditional fuel vehicles in the new track of new energy vehicles, it will break the monopoly of overseas automobile companies.

There seems to be no problem with this statement.

But now it is the era of 2020, and Xia Guo's local automobile industry is already quite powerful. Xia Guo's local cars basically have no obvious flaws in terms of durability or reliability.

Some powerful local auto industries have even developed engines that rival those of auto giants.

Although it is still a little lacking in terms of gearboxes, it has at least caught up with the pace of the automobile industry giants and will no longer be bullied by the automobile industry giants.

However, under such circumstances, we must vigorously develop new energy vehicles. The fundamental reason is to bypass petroleum energy.

Xia State is highly dependent on overseas regions in terms of petroleum energy.

Once an irreconcilable conflict occurs, the Bald Eagle Country can block Xia Country's oil imports through three island chains, thus causing an energy crisis in Xia Country.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to break the dependence on overseas oil energy and even break the monetary hegemony based on oil.

This is the real reason!

‘An Liang: So is it the graphene battery that gives you confidence?’

‘An Liang: The energy density of traditional lithium-ion batteries was too low in the past. Even if they were forcibly used in new energy vehicles, the experience would not be very good.’

‘An Liang: But graphene batteries have advantages in terms of energy density, safety, packaging technology, and raw materials, so they give you confidence.’

‘An Liang: The more important thing is that graphene battery technology is within Xia State and is an internal technology of Xia State, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Yes’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Graphene battery technology gives us great confidence’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Secondly, there is another reason. We are just testing the bottom line of Bald Eagle Country. If we solve the problem of Weiming Island by the way, it will naturally be a big surprise.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Even if the response from Bald Eagle Country is very violent, the worst result is that the problem of Weiming Island will continue to exist.’

‘An Liang: What a plan!’

‘An Liang: So our job is to protect Lei Tianlong’s live broadcast room so that Lei Tianlong can continue to live broadcast, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: That’s right’

‘An Liang: Are you responsible for Lei Tianlong’s personal safety?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We arranged four people on Weiming Island to protect his safety, and also provided him with anonymous network access.’

‘An Liang: As expected of you!’

‘An Liang: Next time something like this happens, remember to tell us in advance.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We believe in your strength. After all, your No. 4 is very powerful in network technology.’

‘An Liang: What I mean is that next time, if you want to test our strength, you can ask me directly and I will tell you the answer directly. There is no need for such a test.’

‘An Liang: I do have network technology experts and a network technology team under my command. You want to confirm how strong their technical strength is, right? '

Huang Guoxiang is planning to kill two birds with one stone!

This plan not only targets the Bald Eagle Kingdom, but also tests Anliang. I have to say that Huang Guoxiang is also very capable!


Update time: November 2, 2021 00:03:06, good night.

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