The episode brought about by Mike disappeared silently on the surface. Anliang punished Mike, and Mike resigned and left.

Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing continued to exchange laughter and laughter.

An Liang sent messages to Qin Tianxiang on his mobile phone through the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company.

‘Number Zero: Mark the guy just now as a dangerous target’

‘Suzaku Six: Got it. '

In the security protocol of Renyi Security Company, if Anliang marks it as a dangerous target, it means there is a threat and it is a situation that requires the implementation of a cleanup plan.

An Liang likes to nip threats before they start, and Renyi Security Company also likes to do the same.

Because the sooner a threat is neutralized, the easier it is to deal with.

Mike is marked as a dangerous target by Anliang, and will naturally be targeted by Renyi Security Company

‘Suzaku Six: Boss, the target is drunk and will not drive himself. If Mr. No. 4 cannot deal with it in advance, we will give up the option of traffic accident. '

Qin Tianxiang means that innocent people will not be involved, which is also An Liang's request.

An Liang is not a crazy terrorist!

An Liang just chooses to protect himself

‘Zero: No problem’

‘No. 0: If No. 4 does not solve the problem in advance, you will act according to the situation.’

‘Suzaku Six: Received, we will solve the target as soon as possible. '

After the exchange between the two parties ended, An Liang joined the discussion between Li Xiyan and the others. They were just discussing the catch of the Smiling Fish Neon Restaurant.

Regarding Smiling Fish Neon Restaurant, An Liang still has only one evaluation, and that is that it is quite satisfactory.

Smiling Fish Neon Restaurant does not have its own characteristics. It just relies on the freshness of high-end ingredients. There is no wonderful combination of ingredients or special cooking techniques.

Li Xiyan and the other three think that Smiling Fish Neon Restaurant is good, mainly because Li Xiyan likes to eat fish, Guo Yuqing rarely goes to such high-end restaurants, and Yao Qi is not too picky.


In the box where Mike was sitting, when Mike returned, the three colleagues who had accompanied Mike obviously received reminders from other employees of Reese Investment Bank, and they all found excuses to leave early.

In the empty box, Mike smiled to himself. Although there was no friendship between his colleagues, he had just been kicked out, and the other three were like avoiding the plague. Such a true performance made Mike feel cold.

Mike poured himself a glass of wine. After drinking it in one gulp, he took out his mobile phone and called his friend. After waiting for the call to answer, Mike asked first,"Lewis, are we friends?"

Lewis is not a foreigner, his real name is Liu Easy, but mixed in the circle of foreigners, he gave himself a foreign name Lewis.

When Lewis first entered Rise Investment Bank, he received some help from Mike, and the two parties became friends over time.

"Mike, I've also heard about your incident. I'm very sorry...."Lewis said in response

"What is going on?"Mike asked

"Who is targeting me?"Mike added.

Lewis was silent for a moment, then sighed and said,"I heard a piece of gossip, but I don't know if it's true or false."

"What gossip?"Mike asked back

"The legendary Anxin Investment released the news and blocked you in the entire industry. If an investment bank takes you in, they will target this investment bank."Lewis explained.

That's it!

Mike directly believed this piece of gossip.

Because only this piece of gossip is true, can it explain why their Reese Investment Bank gave up on him without even resisting.

After all, it was Anxin Investment!

After all, Anxin Investment once killed a famous investment company with an asset management scale of more than 70 billion!

More importantly, Anxin Investment’s record in the international investment market is very scary, and the capital held by Anxin Investment is too huge. , an investment company like Reese Investment Bank with an asset management scale of only tens of billions may be ruined by Anxin Investment Company in minutes.

"Thanks, Lewis."Mike said thank you.

Lewis hesitated for a moment before responding,"I heard that Anxin Investment has conflicts with many of your top investment institutions in Bald Eagle Country. If you return to Bald Eagle Country, you should have good development prospects..

Mike said negatively,"If there is no chance, how can I enter a top investment institution in my situation?""

"Goodbye, Lewis, I want to have some time to myself."After Mike responded, he hung up the phone.

‘So that young man has something to do with Anxin Investment. 'Mike secretly analyzed the results

‘No wonder there are three beauties in one person. ' Mike thought inwardly.

‘There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom: Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and porcelain is not afraid of tiles. Since it caused me to lose my job, and you want to ban me in the industry, then let you know the wrath of a common man! ' Mike sneered in his heart.

Although he had guessed An Liang's general identity, Mike did not flinch. After all, he had just taken a step back. Now he was getting more and more angry. In order to release the anger in his heart, Mike secretly considered a plan....

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