In the Internet world, about"I can do it!" 》The feedback on the promotional video has been very good.

The vast majority of the audience expressed tears after watching it, and lamented the power of the Guardian's prosthetic frame.

Among them, the official Weibo of the animal protection department where Li Jianqiang works posted a post on"I can do it!" 》Like the promotional video and leave a message of thanks


Wildlife Protection:

Thank you @dreamfuturegraphene for your contribution to the disabled community.

One additional point, can the merit file information of our bureau be used as proof of application for your company’s preferential treatment?


People with disabilities are a standard vulnerable group and a marginalized consumer group.

Generally speaking, high-tech companies do not develop new products specifically for people with disabilities.

After all, the disabled group usually represents a low-consumption group, and the scale is relatively small. Even if there are more than 80 million people, it is still a niche market.

Therefore, in the current era of highly developed technology, the existence of people with disabilities is even weaker, because no one wants to pay attention to them.

The Guardian prosthetic framework developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group fills this gap and gives people with disabilities one more choice.

Although the price of the Guardian prosthetic frame is slightly expensive, it at least gives people with disabilities a chance, right?

An Liang looked at the official blog account of the Wildlife Civil and Military Bureau, and he replied to the interaction with the official blog of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.


Dreaming about future graphene:

First of all, thank you @WildlifeProtection for recognizing our company. Our company is extremely honored.

Secondly, the merit and honors issued by your bureau fully meet our company's preferential standards. Anyone who holds the merit and honors issued by your bureau applies for our company's discounts. After our company verifies with your bureau, he will receive the corresponding discount.

We would like to take this opportunity to specifically state that anyone with merit and honors issued by the patrol department, fire department, wildlife civil and military bureau, or other official agencies of the imperial court can apply for our company's discounts.

If you have any questions, please feel free to consult our company

【contact number】


An Liang had just sent a message using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and then received a message from Huang Guoxiang on the confidential communication software of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Is what you said on Weibo true?’

‘An Liang: What do you mean?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you dream that the prosthetic frame discount of Graphene Technology Group will be nationwide in the future?’

‘An Liang: Yes’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Don’t worry about anything...’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You know!’

‘An Liang: I don’t understand’

‘Huang Guoxiang: For example, in some places, the management of merit and honor is relatively loose. They directly issue two individual first-class merits and then apply for a free prosthetic frame from your side. How do you deal with it?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: There may even be some transactions. After all, the price of your prosthetic limb frame is relatively high.’

‘An Liang: Of course we have to review it’

‘An Liang: In addition, we will open a reporting channel. If there are certain transactions, we will definitely notify the patrol to investigate.’

‘An Liang: Secondly, we will review the things behind the merits and honors.’

‘An Liang: You can't just pick up a dollar on the roadside and then get the first-class personal honor, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: That’s it’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, thank you for your concern’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are thinking too much. I am worried that your preferential policies will be compromised and people who really need them will not get them. '

An Liang also understands Huang Guoxiang's worries.

After all, there are over a hundred people, and there are all kinds of people. There are good people and bad people, and there are always people who like to do crooked things.

For example, Brother Qiang’s company’s after-sales service is very convenient, and you can return or exchange the product regardless of any dissatisfaction.

However, as there were too many malicious returns and exchanges, Brother Qiang could not bear it and finally revised the after-sales service terms.

It is precisely because of this that Huang Guoxiang is worried that the discounts of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will also be spoiled, so he completely cancels the discounts.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Can we also apply for a prosthetic frame at a discount?’

‘An Liang: Of course’

‘An Liang: Just apply through the formal channels.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I guess you are very busy. Even if your review is very strict, there will be a lot of people who fully meet the standards nationwide.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you want to convene a shareholders' meeting to discuss preferential terms? We support you 100%! '

The National Security Investigation Bureau owns 9% of the equity of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. From a certain perspective, Huang Guoxiang is currently a shareholder of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

‘An Liang: After talking for a long time, are you worried about losing money?’

‘An Liang: Something is wrong with you!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I am worried that other people will have opinions’

‘An Liang: Who has any objections to this good thing that benefits the country and the people?’

‘An Liang: [Guardian prosthetic frame BOM list】’

‘An Liang: See for yourself. '

Huang Guoxiang quickly checked the BOM list sent by An Liang, and he suddenly felt that he was a little naive!

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are poisonous! '

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