《I can do it!"In the promotional video, the doorbell of the male protagonist Li Jianqiang's home rang, and Li Jianqiang's mother asked who was outside the door.

"Hello, we are employees of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."A male voice came from outside the door.

Li Jianqiang's mother opened the door, and there were four young men standing outside. They were all wearing work clothes with the logo of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group printed on them. Behind them, there were several large cardboard boxes.

"What's the matter?"Li Qiangqiang's mother asked

"Hello, we are looking for Mr. Li Jianqiang."The young man at the head explained the purpose of his visit.

Li Jianqiang came out of the room in a wheelchair. He looked at the four young people who dreamed of the future graphene technology group and proactively asked,"What do you want from me?"

"Do you want to get back on your feet? asked an employee of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group headed by

Li Jianqiang who responded without hesitation,"I think so!""

"Wait a mininute!"Four employees of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group moved six large cartons into the living room, and then started unpacking them directly. The promotional video was played here and played quickly. Within fifteen seconds, four Dream Future employees quickly played A picture of employees of Graphene Technology Group assembling a mechanical prosthetic limb.

That mechanical prosthetic limb is more like a metal exoskeleton!

It consists of complete legs, plus a waist support structure, a chest support structure, and an armpit support structure. Look It looks like a mechanical exoskeleton full of science fiction.

"Mr. Li, please wear this helmet."An employee of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group handed a full-coverage helmet to Li Jianqiang.

Li Jianqiang asked curiously,"Lighthouse helmet?"

"Yes, it is a lighthouse helmet. Although you are not blind, our prosthetic project [Guardian] needs the support of the lighthouse."An employee of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group answered.

Li Jianqiang put on the lighthouse helmet. He immediately discovered that even with the lighthouse helmet on, he could still see outside because there were transparent windows in the position of his eyes.

"Mr. Li, our next step is to lift you up and put you into the Guardian prosthetic frame. The Guardian prosthetic frame will adjust the hydraulic support system by itself. If you feel any discomfort, for example, the hydraulic support system restrains you too tightly, Just tell us."Explanation from employees of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

"OK"Li Jianqiang responded.

After he responded, two employees from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group lifted Li Qiang up on the left and right, and then put him into the guardian prosthetic frame in a squatting state.

"Mr. Li, please activate the Lighthouse Helmet now, then connect the Guardian Prosthetic Arm Framework through the Lighthouse Helmet, and activate it."Reminder from employees of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

"The first startup requires activation and matching settings, so it will take about three minutes, so please be patient."Dream Future Graphene Technology Group employee added

"In addition to confirming the match, all operations can be completed through voice. When confirming the match, you can operate according to the voice prompts."Dream Future Graphene Technology Group added.

Li Jianqiang immediately started to activate according to the prompts of the lighthouse helmet. After a while, the internal speaker of the lighthouse helmet issued a prompt.

"Welcome to use the lighthouse, I will illuminate your dark world and protect your safety"

"The lighthouse has detected the guardian. Do you want to connect to the guardian?"

"The lighthouse has detected that the user has both arms and that the user's head can move freely. If the user is sure to link to the Guardian prosthetic frame, the user is asked to nod and use the right hand to press the waist button on the right side of the Guardian prosthetic frame."

Li Jianqiang operated according to the prompts issued by the lighthouse system. He nodded first, then lowered his head and saw the button on the right side of the Guardian prosthetic frame. He pressed the button.

"Please wait. The lighthouse is establishing a link with the Guardian prosthetic framework. It will take about 1 to 2 minutes. Please wait patiently...."

There is another quick playback here. After just five seconds, the link progress bar between the lighthouse helmet and the guardian prosthetic frame jumped from 0% to 100%

"The Guardian prosthetic frame is successfully linked. It is detected that this link is the first time it is used. The system will automatically configure the hydraulic support system, and the user is asked to supplement and adjust it according to comfort."

Following the voice prompts of the lighthouse helmet, Li Jianqiang immediately felt that the structure in the guardian's prosthetic frame was shrinking, thus tightly restraining him in the prosthetic frame.

"Mr. Li, when adjusting the hydraulic system of our Guardian prosthetic frame, if you feel uncomfortable, you can adjust it by voice yourself, for example, relax the waist system by 10%."An employee of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group gave an example to teach.

Li Jianqiang immediately tried the command, and then found that the hydraulic system in his waist had indeed relaxed a little, but he was not used to the relaxing feeling, so he readjusted it.

"The Guardian prosthetic frame has been adjusted, and the remaining power is 97%. It is expected to be able to walk about 39 kilometers. Users are advised to pay attention to the charging environment and remaining power."The lighthouse system issued a prompt

"Users are requested to note that the Guardian prosthetic framework will be officially launched soon, and the lighthouse system will enable deep behavioral learning mode to match users' usage habits."The lighthouse system issued a prompt again.

"The Guardian is officially activated and the Guardian is at your service!"The lighthouse system issues a new prompt sound!

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