The former chief minister of Neon has his own little ideas!

For example, if you deliberately gift 48 portions of high mountain jujube kernel powder to the Pacific Fleet of the Northern Bear Kingdom, it is just for fishing.

In addition to this small idea, the former chief minister of Neon has even more outrageous operations.

When Takeda Kenta returned to Neon with the high mountain wild jujube kernel powder, Anbei Jinshan immediately shipped the corresponding high mountain wild jujube kernel powder according to the pre-booked list, and then began to cause trouble on the Internet.

On the Neon Internet, a discussion thread quickly became popular


《Conquer high blood pressure: Xia Guo’s magic medicine! 》:

First of all, let’s popularize some basic knowledge. In the past, high blood pressure was considered an incurable ‘terminal disease’.

But today we got news that a miracle medicine from Xia Kingdom can completely cure high blood pressure!

This was originally great news.

There are more than 40 million people with high blood pressure in Neon. If hypertension can be completely cured, it will be very lucky for us in Neon.

However, there is a huge problem with this Xia Kingdom magic medicine.

There is serious seed discrimination and regional discrimination in its sales price.

According to our investigation, this Xia Kingdom miracle medicine called [Alpine Sour Date Kernel Powder] is sold in a small area in the Xia Kingdom Imperial Capital, with a unit price of only 288 Xia Guoyuan/4890 Japanese yen per serving.

But after entering our neon, its sales price increased to two thousand times!

You are not wrong, and the information we have received is also correct. After the alpine jujube kernel powder entered our Neon, the price was directly two thousand times that of Xia Guo.

This kind of selling price is completely seed discrimination and regional discrimination!

We strongly protest against the sales plan of high-mountain jujube kernels in Neon, and we also strongly protest against such discriminatory sales prices.

As an ordinary neon person suffering from severe hypertension, I beg the Xia Dynasty court to seriously investigate the sales organization of high mountain jujube kernel powder, so as to eliminate such extremely discriminatory sales strategies.

We Neon and Xia have been friendly neighbors since ancient times. We Neon hope that Xia will treat us as friendly neighbors and never do anything that hurts the feelings of our neighbors.

Finally, we would like to express our solemn thanks in advance to the Xia State Court. As the most responsible court in the world, we believe that the Xia State Court can solve this kind of discrimination against friendly countries.


《Conquer high blood pressure: Xia Guo’s magic medicine!"While the post was fermenting in Neon, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan had already sent the message to An Liang

‘Number 4: Boss, we can try to invade Neon’s network and delete this post on a large scale’

‘Number Zero: Wait a minute, let me check the situation first. '

An Liang quickly checked the content of the corresponding post. He laughed while reading it. Is this post meant to be funny?

First of all, An Liang thought with his toes. He also guessed that this post must be a disgusting thing thrown by the former chief minister of Neon.

The former chief minister of Neon was indeed forced to accept the sky-high price of mountain jujube kernels. He must have felt uncomfortable in his heart. Even if he could make money, he must still be full of unhappy feelings.

That's why I deliberately disgust people.

As for being so disgusting, is there any chance of a second collaboration?

The former chief minister of Neon is not a fool, so how could he not guess An Liang's intention of letting him be a monopoly second-tier dealer in Neon?

It's nothing more than them helping Anliang incubate the neon market.

This year, the high-mountain jujube kernels have made use of the channels of the former chief minister of Neon to gain a reputation in Neon, thus cultivating a mature market. Next year, Anliang will be able to pick peaches easily.

It is precisely because of this that the former Chief Minister of Neon chose disgusting operations.

Secondly, there is a second reason

《Conquer high blood pressure: Xia Guo’s magic medicine! 》The price in the post is [two thousand times], not [one thousand times], which is obviously driving up the price of mountain jujube kernels.

As long as the high price of mountain jujube kernels is conveyed through the post, and then a slight discount is given, then the sales should be smoother, right?

As for whether Anliang will jump out and stab him in the back and expose the true price, it is not a matter of concern at all.

Because An Liang jumped out, doesn't that mean that there is seed discrimination and regional discrimination when setting prices?

It may even be traced by the Neon court to find out how these mountain jujube kernels entered Neon, why no customs duties were declared, and other issues.

So the former chief minister of Neon is really not worried about An Liang jumping out and stabbing him in the back.

Faced with this situation, An Liang first sent a message to Huang Guoxiang

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, [Link:"Conquering Hypertension: Xia Guo's Miraculous Medicine!" 》】Did you read the post?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I just watched it. It seems that your cooperation is not going well.’

‘An Liang: We're just using each other. What's so happy about cooperation? '

We are not allies or partners to begin with, so how can we talk about being happy?

‘Huang Guoxiang: Is there anything we need to deal with?’

‘Anliang: Delete the inspection record of high mountain jujube kernel powder’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Is it deleted long ago?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Theoretically speaking, there is no record of your high mountain jujube kernel powder.’

‘An Liang: Well done! '

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