Facing Yao Wei's inquiry, An Liang sent a message asking

‘An Liang: How is the situation in Bao Province recently?’

‘Yao Wei: The situation in Bao province is a bit bad recently’

‘Yao Wei: Baozhou’s economy is collapsing’

‘Yao Wei: At present, Bao Province has become the target of public criticism. Our great court is secretly targeting it. Our shipping alliance has made it clear that it will block its transportation capacity. Overseas foreign courts are taking advantage of it. Coupled with the imbalance of supply and demand in the local market, Bao Province’s economy is now basically The disk is close to collapse’

‘An Liang: Is it so serious?’

‘Yao Wei: It is indeed very serious’

‘Yao Wei: Take Bao Province’s agriculture as an example. Bao Province’s unique geographical location has made Bao Province’s agriculture very developed, especially the fruit industry.’

‘Yao Wei: But now Bao Province is subject to various blockades. The fruits produced in Bao Province cannot be shipped out at all, and the local market cannot digest them. A large number of fruit farmers in Bao Province have suffered heavy losses.’

‘Yao Wei: This is just one part of Baozhou’s economic collapse’

‘Yao Wei: Prices in Baozhou have completely collapsed’

‘Yao Wei: All goods that cannot be produced in Baozhou and need to be imported have generally increased in price by more than 200%.’

‘An Liang: A bit cruel!’

‘Yao Wei: What’s even more ruthless are the Du family jokers here. They took the lead in raising the price of small umbrellas in Bao Province. Four of them cost ten yuan here in Bao Province, but they have already increased to 120 yuan in Bao Province. One!’

‘Yao Wei: And the price is still rising. I don’t know when it will end.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Is the management there so weak?’

‘Yao Wei: It’s a free market over there, and management is relatively limited.’

‘An Liang: How can the young man bear it?’

‘An Liang: The price of small umbrellas has gone up, so the price of safety drugs should also go up, right?’

‘Yao Wei: Yes, safety drugs are more expensive.’

‘Yao Wei: Bao Province cannot produce its own rubber, and the upstream rubber industry chain is targeting Bao Province, making it impossible for the rubber products industry in Bao Province to purchase rubber raw materials, so the Du family is raising prices unscrupulously.’

‘Yao Wei: In addition to the price increases of these non-necessities, people's livelihood products in Bao Province have also begun to skyrocket.’

‘Yao Wei: According to what we know, the cooking seasonings in Baoshan Province have begun to skyrocket.’

‘Yao Wei: In just the past week, the prices of soy sauce and vegetable blended oil have doubled, and they continue to rise.’

‘Yao Wei: In Bao Province, the price of meat is also rising rapidly. Whether it is beef, pork, chicken, or meat products, the prices are rising.’

‘An Liang: I remember that most of the beef in Bao Province comes from the Bald Eagle Country, right? '

Logically speaking, the Bald Eagle Country is Bao Province's biggest ally. If the local court in Bao Province dares to confront the central court, its biggest reliance is the support from the Bald Eagle Country.

But now the Bald Eagle Nation seems to be taking advantage of the situation?

An Liang wants to popularize a piece of trivia: Bald Eagle Country ranks first in the world in terms of pork production!

That's right!

Guys in Bald Eagle Country don't like to eat pork, but Bald Eagle Country produces the largest amount of pork in the world and exports it to the world.

An Liang could only lament the old saying: There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only eternal interests.

The Bald Eagle Country is indeed an ally of Bao Province and supports Bao Province in many aspects, even selling the 'most advanced' fighter jets to Bao Province. However, when faced with interests, the Bald Eagle Country does not hesitate to turn to Bao Province. Start

‘Yao Wei: Allies are allies, but they are also the most ruthless.’

‘Yao Wei: Our shipping alliance is blocking Bao Province, and the shipping companies in the Bald Eagle Country are raising prices crazily.’

‘Yao Wei: Our company has relatives of crew members in Bao Province. According to the personal experience of the crew members’ relatives, the current prices in Bao Province have affected basic food and clothing.’

‘Yao Wei: If we continue to block Bao Province and further increase restrictions, we are worried about unrest there.’

‘An Liang: It doesn’t matter, continue to increase your efforts’

‘An Liang: As I said before, we are just chess pieces.’

‘Yao Wei: Received’

‘An Liang: By the way, Uncle Yao, I have one more thing I need your help with.’

‘Yao Wei: What happened?’

‘An Liang: I want to target the Lion City Port, especially to suppress their business.’

‘Yao Wei: If we want to target the Lion City Port, it is difficult for us to do it independently. We must cooperate with our magic city Nanyang Port. Nanyang Port is originally a competitor of the Lion City Port, and Nanyang Port should be willing to suppress the Lion City Port.’

‘An Liang: Uncle Yao will test it out first and build a good relationship. When the time comes, he will introduce you and we will work together to target the Lion City Port. '

An Liang has many plans in the Lion City, but the economy of the Lion City is developed and the level of development is very high. It is not easy to target the Lion City.

The most effective way is to target the Lion City port, thereby destroying the Lion City's economy.

Only when the Lion City's economy deteriorates will An Liang have the opportunity to target the Lion City.

Otherwise, how can we target the Lion City?

After all, the Lion City is a bit too developed!

‘Yao Wei: Okay, I will try to build a good relationship. When the time is right, I will contact the management of Nanyang Port and then find a way to target the Lion City Port.’

‘An Liang: Then I’ll leave this matter to Uncle Yao! '

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