An Liang directly expressed his attitude through actions and left the decision-making power to Liu Ling.

Before Liu Ling replied, An Liang continued to send messages.

‘An Liang: Auntie, for this loan, we plan to use Anxin Investment Company to guarantee it. With this small condition, there should be no problem, right? '

This 'small condition' is another bait thrown by An Liang!

What Anliang meant was that this time the loan was going to be a credit loan through Anxin Investment Company, which meant there was no collateral.

For a previous loan, Anliang deposited 110 million in Beiyu Branch as collateral, making the loan risk-free.

This time the credit loan is theoretically risky, so Liu Ling's help is needed.

But what are the risks involved in providing guarantees by Anxin Investment Company?

Looking at the message sent by An Liang, Liu Ling's face changed. She suddenly thought of what An Liang said to her at the door last night....

‘Liu Ling: How much do you plan to borrow?’

‘An Liang: 300 million to 500 million!’

‘An Liang: Regarding the Shiliwan small airport, we are still planning it. We just need to arrange the loan first.’

‘Liu Ling: Is your small airport open to the public?’

‘An Liang: No way’

‘An Liang: Unless there is a rescue mission like an emergency landing, our small airport will not be open to the public.’

‘Anliang: This loan is guaranteed by Anxin Investment Company with unlimited liability. If the Shiliwan Project cannot be repaid, Anxin Investment Company will compensate in full. '

Anliang gave an absolute commitment directly.

For Anxin Investment Company, it's just three or five small goals, so what's the problem?

In fact, this time monopolizing the transaction of high mountain jujube kernels, even if it is divided equally among four people, each person can make a profit of more than one billion Xia Guoyuan.

Now Anliang's situation has become a success, and wealth is easily accessible to Anliang.

After all, Anliang has too many resources at his disposal. Whether it is financial or personal connections, Anliang has too many trump cards that he can play.

‘Liu Ling: When do you want this loan?’

‘An Liang: Auntie prepares a loan plan first’

‘An Liang: Auntie, how many years do you think is appropriate for this loan? Liu

Ling replied directly to An Liang. She did not hesitate any more because she had already made her choice, so naturally she would not hesitate any longer.

‘Liu Ling: We discuss the bank’s loan interest rate, which is around 4.75% per year from one year to five years.’

‘Liu Ling: So whether it’s one year or five years, there’s no problem’

‘An Liang: Then sign a one-year loan agreement first’

‘An Liang: We at Ansheng plan to build a large-scale comprehensive R&D industrial zone in Shili Bay, and we will continue to invest in the future. I hope to have more cooperation with Auntie. '

An Liang did not choose a five-year loan agreement. He knew very well that going too far would not be enough. After making the minimum time choice, An Liang revealed that there would be opportunities for cooperation in the future. This was a very clever move.

After all, every collaboration is a favor, right?

‘Liu Ling: No problem, I will handle the loan agreement first’

‘An Liang: Well, let me know when Auntie is done with it, and then I will arrange for Ansheng Investment and AXA to sign the contract.’

‘Liu Ling: Okay. '

It was just before 11:30 in the morning that Li Xiyan replied to An Liang's message.

‘Li Xiyan: I just woke up’

‘Li Xiyan: Are you coming over at noon?’

‘An Liang: I won’t be here at noon. My mother went out to buy groceries. When she comes back, I have to help with the ingredients.’

‘Li Xiyan: Then...Are we coming to help too? An

Liang raised his eyebrows, this little fool is quite sensible!

‘An Liang: Yes, yes, I will decide later.’

‘An Liang: I have reserved a private room for you at Zhen Steamed Fish. You go to have lunch first. If I need your help, I will let you know.’

‘Li Xiyan: Okay, okay, let’s go to the real steamed fish place for dinner first.’

‘An Liang: No problem, I arranged a driver to take you to the real steamed fish’

‘Li Xiyan: Then I’ll ask Qiqi and Yuqing to wash up first.’

‘An Liang: Okay. '

An Liang had just finished communicating with Li Xiyan when he heard Sun Xia's call,"An Liang!"

An Liang walked to the entrance hall. Sun Xia placed two large bags of ingredients on the floor of the entrance hall," It's too heavy to carry to the kitchen!"

An Shengyu carried two bags of heavier-looking ingredients and said casually,"I thought you were out."

An Liang responded flatteringly,"Thank you for your hard work today, mom. Of course I have to help my mother with some ingredients at home."

Sun Xia snorted at the side,"The little brat is so sweet-talking, but it's not a good thing at first glance!"

"..."An Liang was speechless.

She is indeed my mother!

"What shall we have for lunch?"An Liang changed the topic.

An Shengyu replied in surprise,"There are six five-nut buns left for you in the refrigerator, but you didn't eat them?"

"Eaten. Is that breakfast? An Liang was also surprised.

Sun Xia complained,"It's almost eleven o'clock in the morning for breakfast, and you still have lunch. Are you a loser?" An

Shengyu added,"Your mother and I ate bean curd rice outside. If you want to eat it, you can go out and buy it yourself.""

"well! Your attitude...So love disappears, right?"An Liang sighed.

How could the little prince in his family be treated like this now?

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