Facing the three people's inquiries, An Liang first answered Li Xiyan's question.

"Baby, as I just said, these glowing aloe vera are genetically engineered artificial plants. They don't grow in water, but in a special nutrient solution."An Liang explained

"The aquatic environment around them is to provide an environment for fireflies to breed and reproduce."An Liang added

"Oh oh!"Li Xiyan nodded understandingly.

An Liang answered Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing's questions,"The two luminous aloe vera plants were given as gifts when purchasing fireflies. The biological company that cultivated fireflies has given up on this project because the cost is too high. The cost of an aloe vera plant is said to be more than 200,000 yuan, and the glowing time is only three to seven days."

"If bionic plants were used to simulate fluorescence through LED lamp beads, the cost would probably drop to one ten thousandth of the cost, so the other party gave up on this project and gave us the successful sample."An Liang added.

After hearing what An Liang said, Yao Qi felt a little regretful.

Guo Yuqing complained,"It's really too expensive! The maximum one-week glow time actually costs more than 200,000 yuan. Isn’t the official sales price likely to exceed 500,000 yuan?"

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

A few minutes after midnight, Li Xiyan and the others finally prepared to go back, but they had agreed to come over tomorrow, so An Liang naturally had no objection.

At close to one o'clock in the morning, An Liang sent the three of them back. In view of the presence of Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing, An Liang did not take Li Xiyan into the fog of war this time. He returned directly to the Sky Realm.

An Shengyu and Sun Xia had gone to bed long ago, and An Liang was in his suite After washing up, he did not go to bed immediately. Instead, he sent a message to Dmitri, the contact person of the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country.

‘An Liang: Are you free recently?’

‘An Liang: We need your help recently’

‘Dmitri: Of course, no problem!’

‘Dmitry: How much help do you need?’

‘Dmitry: We can provide strong enough security at any time’

‘An Liang: The old rule is, two destroyers and four frigates, arrange three days first’

‘An Liang: Your account hasn’t changed, right?’

‘Dmitry: Of course not!’

‘Dmitri: We follow the same old rules. Let’s first ask what the situation is like this time it’s a security mission? '

An Liang didn't hide the truth, he explained the situation in detail

‘Dmitry: Simple mission!’

‘Dmitry: Don't worry, we can definitely handle it’

‘Dmitry: If you are worried about safety, just add 20 million Xia Guoyuan, and we will arrange an extra submarine to follow you quietly’

‘An Liang: We plan to trade with integrity, not to engage in criminal behavior!’

‘An Liang: The other party will not take the initiative to cause trouble.’

‘Dmitry: Okay!’

‘Dmitri: Those neon people are so weak! '

The Bear Man mocked the Neon Man as a softie?

Then Anliang has nothing to say!

Because the North Bear Country bullies Neon on a daily basis, and Neon has no ability to resist other than being bullied, so what's the problem with the people of the North Bear Country thinking that the Neon people are weaklings?

‘An Liang: We will wait for notification of the specific action time. I will contact you after the communication is complete.’

‘Dmitry: Got it’

‘An Liang: Go to bed first, it’s already very late here’

‘Dmitry: Okay. After the two ended their exchange ,

An Liang left a message to Qin Tianxiang, asking Qin Tianxiang to arrange the details of the transaction of high mountain jujube kernels.

An Liang is responsible for steering the general direction, and details can be handled by Renyi Security Company, especially the Suzaku Team. This team is An Liang's personal security personnel and is often responsible for handling some details.

After arranging the transaction of high mountain jujube kernels, An Liang sent a message to the friends group in the Imperial Capital.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Is your adventure over?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Just ended’

‘Li Cunyuan: We are ready to go back to the hotel’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I went back to the hotel with satisfaction, but it’s a pity that Brother Haiyang suffered another tragedy!’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: [Video] An

Liang clicked on the video sent by Qian Xiaogang. The video was shot in a bar. Yun Haiyang was playing with his mobile phone. There was no chance of adventure at all.

Is there any fun in exploring in such a sea of ​​clouds?

It must be no fun at all!

‘An Liang: You deserve it!’

‘An Liang: @云海海: Isn’t it over yet?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Probably still in the video’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang came back alone’

‘An Liang: I almost laughed out loud like a pig late at night!’

‘An Liang: I’m going to bed first. Brothers, please go to bed early. Remember to come to my house for dinner tomorrow.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Received’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I remember’

‘Qian Xiaogang: My name will be Brother Haiyang tomorrow. An

Liang looked at Qian Xiaogang's message and shook his head with a smile. Qian Xiaogang was careless. Since Yun Haiyang went back alone, Yun Haiyang must get up first tomorrow, okay?

‘An Liang: See you tomorrow. '

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