In the rooftop garden of Li Xiyan's house, An Liang behaved like a very gentleman. He only played in the water for a while, then got up and went to the deck chair on the shore.

At the edge of the infinity swimming pool, Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing were still looking at the Jiasheng River. They communicated quietly and laughed from time to time.

Liu Ling was swimming. Her swimming posture was very graceful, just like a mermaid. An Liang watched openly without any intention of peeking.

Anyway, Li Xiyan and the other three are looking at the Jiasheng River!

Liu Ling noticed An Liang's gaze, but she pretended not to notice and continued swimming as usual.

After a while, Li Xiyan and the other two joined the swimming group. Naturally, Anliang didn't look at them anymore. He lay on the recliner again and checked the messages on his phone.

Neon’s former chief minister actually sent him another message

‘EXF: I have a cooperation proposal’

‘EXF: We have investigated the situation of [Alpine Sour Date Kernel] and we want to cooperate with you.’

‘EXF: We only want the neon market’

‘AAA: Where did you get the news?’

‘EXF: You guys didn’t keep it secret. '

Anliang did not block the matter about Alpine Ziziphus Seeds. The Feipzer Company of the Bald Eagle Country had long discovered the Alpine Ziziphus Kernels. Therefore, the former chief minister of Neon investigated the Alpine Ziziphus Kernels and there was no problem at all.

‘AAA: Do you know the price?’

‘EXF: You sell according to 288 Xia Guoyuan in Xia Guo, but we guess that you will adopt different price strategies in different regions.’

‘AAA: Yes’

‘AAA: We plan to sell products at a thousand times price in overseas regions’

‘EXF: Nani? '

The former chief minister of Neon looked at the message sent by Anliang, and he even said his mother tongue

‘EXF: Is a thousand times the price too much?’

‘AAA: You have investigated the alpine jujube kernel, then you should know its effects.’

‘AAA: The effect of completely curing high blood pressure makes its value indeed reach such a high level’

‘EXF: Can we cooperate if we accept a thousand times the price?’

‘AAA: Of course no problem’

‘AAA: How do you work together?’

‘EXF: We have a monopoly on the agency rights of Neon. Within the scope of Neon, we can only have one agent.’

‘AAA: It seems that your research on Alpine Ziziphus Seed is very limited. You should only know about its effects and its upcoming launch.’

‘EXF: Yes. '

Neon's former first minister is very candid because he really wants to work together

‘AAA:【Basic information on alpine jujube kernels】’

‘AAA: Please look at the specific information first, the most important of which is the production information.’

‘EXF: Give me two minutes. '

The former chief minister of Neon quickly checked the corresponding information. When he saw that the total number of sales was less than 20,000 copies, the former chief minister of Neon understood one thing, that is, the sales model of high mountain jujube kernels is a highly monopolized profiteering model.

‘EXF: We would like to monopolize them all if we could’

‘AAA: No matter how much you buy, there are no discounts on our prices’

‘EXF: We don’t need discounts, there is only one condition’

‘AAA: What conditions?’

‘EXF: We want you to deliver on shore. '

As soon as An Liang saw the conditions of the former chief minister of Neon, he knew that the other party was afraid of being cheated.

After all, in the case of offshore delivery, according to the power An Liang has in Xia Kingdom, if he really wants to take advantage of the enemy, the former chief minister of Neon has no way at all.

However, there are also risks in landing delivery. What if the other party takes advantage of it?

‘AAA: Your concerns are also our concerns’

‘EXF: CIF delivery, you determine the delivery location and time. '

If the former chief minister of Neon had set the time and place of delivery, it would have been possible to set a trap at the corresponding place and time. But if Anliang determines the time and place of delivery, he will have the initiative and avoid being caught. ambush

‘AAA: Let’s find a compromise’

‘AAA: You are guarding against us, and we are guarding against you. For each other’s safety, I recommend delivery on the high seas.’

‘AAA: We will transport things to the high seas and hand them over to you. As for how you transport them back, that is your own business. What do you think? '

This delivery plan is very scientific!

At least neither of us suffers any loss

‘EXF: How are you preparing to deliver on the high seas?’

‘AAA: Why ask knowingly?’

‘AAA: We have a shipping alliance, and we also have third-generation flying motorcycles. As long as we agree on the delivery location, we will ship it directly by sea and then hand it over via the flying motorcycle.’

‘EXF: Good!’

‘EXF: What about payment options?’

‘EXF: First of all, we will not pay first’

‘EXF: If you choose a darknet guarantee intermediary, we will only bear half of the corresponding guarantee fees, and we will not be responsible for currency price fluctuations. '

Neon's former First Minister is very cautious!

After all, if he was cheated by An Lianghei, he would have no way to fight back. He could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly and swallow the pain by himself!

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