Li Xiyan has difficulty learning to drive!

Li Xiyan's driving skills are much more outrageous than Yun Haiyang's. She performs various magical operations one after another, which makes even the driving school instructors afraid.

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Li Xiyan said slightly awkwardly,"The coach was injured before, so I haven't practiced driving recently."

"The coach is injured?"An Liang was suspicious.

Li Xiyan snorted,"When I was practicing driving before, the driving school gave me a broken car. I accidentally hit the guardrail. As a result,..."

This little fool didn't say the result.

It seems the result is not good?

As for the driving school giving a broken car?

An Liang didn't quite believe it.

Because Anliang and Xingfu Driving School have signed an agreement, Anliang will fully compensate for the losses caused by Li Xiyan. How could Xingfu Driving School cheat Li Xiyan?

Even if Xingfu Driving School wants to trick Li Xiyan, how can Xingfu Driving School do anything when Li Xiyan is surrounded by security personnel from Renyi Security Company?

An Liang changed the topic and asked about Li Xiyan's previous trip to Gusu to investigate the water quality of Wuhu.

"Honey, how are you doing with your investigation of Wuhu? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan immediately responded,"It's pretty good!""

"The water quality of the Five Lakes is quite good, and aquatic animal protection has been done well, but there are still some problems."Li Xiyan added

"what is the problem?"An Liang answered.

Li Xiyan introduced,"The problems are mainly caused by the breeding industry. Although Wuhu has completely dismantled the industry chain of seine breeding, we discovered the situation of hidden seine nets after an undercover investigation."

"What is the status of hidden fence?"Anliang is curious.

"Just secretly use the net to raise it for a period of time." Li Xiyan responded,"The local culture is called bathing culture, and there are bathing fish, bathing crabs, etc., all of which are meant to deceive consumers."

An Liang secretly laughed. It turned out to be a problem of bathing and breeding. Isn't this a traditional performance over there?

Yanghu Lake next to the Five Lakes is the hardest hit area for bathing crabs.

They throw crabs into the lake and raise them overnight, and then they dare to call them... Yanghu crabs, thus selling at high prices

"Do you want to expose this matter?"An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"Yes, we have collected a lot of materials, some of which we shot covertly ourselves, and some of which were given to us by local people."

"This is something that offends people."An Liang reminded.

Li Xiyan said seriously,"But it is a meaningful thing. We journalists should report meaningful things."

"What channels are you planning to use to expose it?"An Liang asked

"We are discussing this matter, and after the National Celebration Day holiday is over, we are going to ask the school for suggestions. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang suggested,"You can choose Peer Video for exposure. This platform will definitely not ban your works.""

If it is other platforms...

It is guaranteed that companies that deal in bathing crabs and bathing fish can have their videos removed from the shelves if they 'complain'.

If you want to ask why?

Of course it's a violation!

Whether in DouYin or KuaiDao, there is a 'complaint' mechanism.

For example, in the well-known celebrity catering franchise industry, once someone reveals the key, those companies will"hua" and"qian" to have the secret video removed from the shelves in violation of regulations.

However, Pair Video is a short video platform owned by Anliang Media, so Anliang will naturally protect Li Xiyan.

It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening.

An Liang drove to Fanhuayuan. He and Li Xiyan went upstairs together. Liu Ling was already waiting at home.

"Auntie, good evening."An Liang took the initiative to say hello.

Liu Ling nodded slightly and responded with a normal expression,"Good evening.

Li Xiyan asked,"Mom, what takeout did you order?" Liu

Ling responded,"I ordered your favorite steamed Eastern Star Spots and Spicy Crab with Scallions at Real Steamed Fish, and I ordered boiled eel at their new store."

An Liang answered,"Zhen Steamed Fish has opened a new store, specializing in Shengqing-style boiled fish, so as to adapt to our Shengqing local dining style." Li

Xiyan responded happily,"That's great, I like them all!""

Liu Ling greeted An Liang and Li Xiyan to take their seats. In addition to the three dishes Liu Ling just ordered, there is also a vegetable salad on the table. It looks like Liu Ling's own dinner?

This beautiful witch is really determined.!

It is probably because of this firm perseverance that Liu Ling became a beautiful witch, right?

Otherwise, how could he be immune to the power of time?

Only the best self-discipline, coupled with perseverance, can defeat it like Liu Ling Time, thus immune to the attack of years.

After finishing the meal, An Liang and Li Xiyan sat on the sofa and watched TV, while Liu Ling went for a walk in the rooftop garden.

"Baby, it’s your birthday tomorrow, what do you like?"An Liang asked in a deliberately straight manly manner.

Li Xiyan shook her head in the negative,"It seems like there is nothing."

An Liang dotes on Li Xiyan very much. Everything Li Xiyan needs is already fully equipped, so why does he need a birthday gift?

But An Liang has his own preparations!

An Liang plans to give Li Xiyan a surprise...

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