The Yue Family Courtyard.

Yan Jinhui is considering how to bid. This question seems simple, but is actually very complicated.

Bid low?

Yue Zihua will definitely not be satisfied.

The bid was too high?

Then Yue Zihua should be more greedy, which would cause complications.

So bidding is a complex issue.

Yan Jinhui referred to the advice of a psychology expert from the National Security Investigation Bureau, and he gave a price that was neither high nor low,"Mr. Yue, we can give a price of 500,000."

Yue Zihua was a little disappointed.

To be honest, half a million yuan is a lot for Yue Zihua now, because after one year of farming, his final remaining income was only about 10,000 yuan.

Five hundred thousand is at least equivalent to Yue Zihua's income from farming for 35 years.

However, for Yue Zihua, half a million yuan cannot change his living conditions, because this amount of money cannot buy a house in full in the county. He has a low education level and cannot find a good job in the county. Naturally, he cannot get a mortgage to buy a house.

"A bit low."Yue Zihua responded,"My request is very simple. I hope to buy a house in the county town with full payment, and then buy an ordinary car, with a little leftover money as a gift."

A smile appeared on Yan Jinhui's lips. The neither high nor low quotation he had just given was actually a psychological tactic.

Yue Zihua's needs had long been analyzed by psychologists from the National Security Investigation Bureau, so Yan Jinhui reported A price that is neither high nor low is naturally to elicit Yue Zihua’s real needs.

"Since Mr. Yue is not satisfied with our quotation, we can also cooperate in another way."Yan Jinhui explained

"Are you willing to add money?"Yue Zihua immediately asked back

"What I just heard from Mr. Yue is that Mr. Yue is going to live in the county, right?"Yan Jinhui asked

"Um." Yue Zihua responded,"The countryside is always inconvenient."

The more important reason is that almost no young women go to live in the countryside.

"If Mr. Yue is willing to rent his ancestral home to us, we are willing to provide a considerable fee. Naturally, Yan Jinhui did not talk about selling his ancestral home, because it is impossible for ordinary people to sell their ancestral home.

Yue Zihua quickly asked,"How much are you willing to spend to rent a house?" Yan

Jinhui thought about it for a moment before responding,"I will rent it for at least three years, and I can give you a rent of 60,000 yuan per year.""

The purpose of renting Yue Zihua's ancestral home is to further study Tai Sui. After all, Tai Sui is better in its native environment to avoid accidents during transportation. The annual rent of 60,000 yuan is equivalent to 5,000 yuan a month. For Tianfeng County Generally speaking, this rent level is very high.

After all, the price of renting a three-bedroom suite in Tianfeng County is only about 2,000 yuan.

Yue Zihua is naturally very satisfied with the rent, but not satisfied with the rental time.

"Three years is a bit short, I think at least five years!"Yue Zihua tested it.

Five years is equivalent to an additional income of 300,000 yuan.

Yan Jinhui did not agree immediately. He thought about it for a while before responding,"Five years is okay, but we both sign an additional Agreement, we have the right to carry out internal modifications to your ancestral home. Yan

Jinhui continued to add,"We are planning to build a research laboratory here, so internal renovation is needed." In addition, the land behind your yard should also belong to your family, and that piece of land should also be used by us.

Yue Zihua agreed without hesitation,"No problem!""

These are small things!

"I also think the price of Tai Sui is a bit low!"Yue Zihua tested again.

Yan Jinhui responded with a smile,"Mr. Yue, we can add another five hundred thousand, but we will sign very strict contract terms, including some dispute issues, which will be clearly listed."

"If we add another five hundred thousand, then everything will be no problem!" Yue Zihua explained

"I suggest Mr. Yue take a look at the terms first."Yan Jinhui handed his mobile phone to Yue Zihua.

Yue Zihua said negatively,"I don't understand this. Tell me what the important terms are. I will record the video. If you talk nonsense, the video will be evidence!"

Yan Jinhui responded nonchalantly,"Don't worry, we won't talk nonsense."

"The first clause is to sell the complete ownership of Tai Sui, and we can conduct any research on Tai Sui, including but not limited to destroying Tai Sui or even completely burning it."Yan Jinhui said the first thing.

Yue Zihua said nonchalantly,"Since I sold it to you, it belongs to you. You can do whatever you want with it."

"The second article is that we have the right to modify your Feng Shui well, including but not limited to completely pumping out the water in the Feng Shui well, performing secondary modifications, etc."Yan Jinhui explained again.

Yue Zihua nodded,"No problem. You just said that I allow you to renovate the ancestral home, but you cannot demolish the house. If the house is demolished, I will ask you to compensate, at least one million.!"

"Don’t worry, we won’t tear down the house." Yan Jinhui responded,"We will write this into the contract. We can modify the interior of the ancestral home, but it will not change the appearance of the ancestral home."

"That's no problem."Yue Zihua agreed.

"The land behind the yard is also covered by the access contract and we have the right to completely transform the land behind the yard, including but not limited to building houses, or using it for other purposes."Yan Jinhui got vaccinated in advance.

The actual purpose is to build a helicopter landing pad to facilitate transportation.

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