An Liang's arrangements are so appropriate!

Liu Ling couldn't refuse An Liang's kindness at all. She could only follow the script written by An Liang.

"Just follow the normal loan process. Liu Ling responded

"Our bank only considers one thing, and that is the safety of the loan." Liu Ling added,"Whether the lender uses the loan for production, infrastructure, or other commercial activities, as long as the security of the loan can be guaranteed, there is no problem."

Of course, bank loans are most afraid of bad debts!

An Liang understands what Liu Ling means. If you proceed with a normal loan, it means you need a pledge.

Just like ordinary people's mortgages, there is a house as collateral.

However, the situation in Shiliwan is quite special..Shiliwan is located in the suburbs of Shengqing. The land price is relatively cheap and has poor liquidity, so the land in Shiliwan basically cannot be used for mortgage.

For this situation, Anliang certainly has a solution!

"Since it is following the normal loan process..."An Liang paused for a moment,"Auntie, I'm going to open an account at your branch and deposit a time deposit of 110 million into it. How about you give us a loan of 100 million?"

Time deposits are naturally the best. Pledge!

Especially the time deposits saved in their branches, that is definitely the icing on the cake as collateral.

"No problem at all!"Liu Ling sighed.

An Liang even considered saving an extra 10 million, so why is there a problem?

An Liang just talked about the rational use of funds, but in the blink of an eye, he took out more funds just to help her complete her performance. Just a task

"Then we will sign the contract this afternoon?"An Liang asked casually.

Since An Liang has achieved this step, how could Liu Ling refuse?

"good."Liu Ling agreed.

"We eat first, and then go to your branch to go over the details of the contract before signing the contract."An Liang added.

"Um."Liu Ling agreed again.

Almost half an hour later, the two of them finished their lunch and drove back to Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch.

Liu Ling and An Liang walked into the lobby of Beiyu Branch together. When the lobby manager Dai Jing saw An Liang, Her eyes lit up and she took the initiative to say hello,"Mr. An, good afternoon.

An Liang nodded slightly and responded,"Good afternoon.""

Dai Jing glanced at Liu Ling and then at An Liang. She guessed the purpose of An Liang's visit this time.

Liu Ling took the initiative to say,"Manager Dai, please leave a number for the VIP room. He will handle it later. A deposit business. Dai Jing nodded repeatedly,"

Okay, Manager Liu, I'll make arrangements right away.""

Liu Ling took An Liang into the VIP room of the credit department. Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Liu Ling deliberately did not close the office door to show his openness?

In the VIP room of the credit department, Hou Yiting took the initiative to greet Liu Ling, and then Asked,"Mr. An, do you want mineral water or juice? We also have coffee.""

An Liang had met Hou Yiting, and he knew that Hou Yiting was barely Liu Ling's follower. He responded,"Mineral water is fine."

Hou Yiting immediately gave An Liang mineral water.

Liu Ling was preparing the loan contract, because An Liang wanted to deposit 110 million Xia Guoyuan in time at their Beiyu branch as collateral, and the loan was for a credit of 100 million Xia Guoyuan. Such an operation was completely out of control. She farted in her pants, just to help Liu Ling.

After a while, Liu Ling finished processing the contract, and handed it to An Liang,"You read the contract first. If there is anything inappropriate, we will discuss it and deal with it." An

Liang quickly read the contract and after confirming that there were no problems, he smiled and nodded,"Thank you, Auntie, there are no problems with the contract.""

After finishing speaking, An Liang picked up the signature pen on Liu Ling's desk and quickly signed a loan contract in duplicate.

In fact, the large loan contract is not in duplicate, but it is already the era of 2020, and paper contracts are There are only two copies, one kept in the hands of the bank and the lender.

However, the electronic version of the large-amount loan contract is stored in multiple systems. For example, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission system has a backup of the large-amount loan electronic contract, which serves as a review Basis.

Secondly, the National Bank also has an electronic contract backup, which is also used as a basis for review to determine whether there is a problem with this large loan.

After Anliang signed, Liu Ling signed on behalf of Gongshang Bank.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Ling is not qualified A loan of 100 million Xia Guoyuan was approved, but Anliang provided 110 million time deposits as collateral, and the loan was in the form of credit from Gongshang Bank.

That means this loan is risk-free!

That’s why Liu Ling is qualified to sign this large-amount contract Loan.

After Liu Ling signed, An Liang said with a smile,"Thank you, auntie, for your support!"

Liu Ling felt a little helpless in her heart. This Anliang had a bad taste, but she responded calmly on the surface,"I should be the one thanking you!"

"How are you going to thank me?"An Liang lowered his voice and asked.

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