
An Liang and Yang Maoyi were eating chicken rice noodles at a breakfast shop near Linshanju. This chicken rice noodle shop was also recommended by Yang Maoyi. The rice noodles are handmade by the store itself, and the chicken soup is also genuine and slow-cooked, not a chicken soup dish.

"Your Majesty, Tuhuo has agreed to film the whole process!"Yang Maoyi said happily.

An Liang responded casually,"I thought the other party was going to refuse. According to their family's situation, as long as they publicize it a little, the business will definitely be booming. If the whole food documentary is shot, he won't be afraid of being copied on his craft?"

Yang Maoyi responded in agreement,"I also asked Boss Song, and he confidently said that these dishes are all based on experience and cannot be learned by just relying on videos."

This is the biggest difficulty in Xia Guo's cooking!

The same ingredients, the same seasonings, the same kitchen, just different chefs, the taste can be completely different.

An Liang once discussed it with his three dog sons in the dormitory This matter explains why Xia Guocai is losing ground, and why there are more and more hot pots, spicy hotpots, and various standardized catering types in the catering industry. The fundamental reason is that it is too difficult to train qualified chefs!

An Liang can't help but Sigh, maybe in the future, the catering industry may regard 'real chef cooking' as a selling point, and even high-end restaurants will have real chefs cooking.

As for mid-to-low-end restaurants?

Various cooking packages, various ingredient packages, and various standard quantifications Isn’t cooking just good?

For example, Huangji Steamer is the most typical example. Huangji

Steamer is not unpalatable, but whether it is a cooking package or an ingredient package, they are all the same, even the amount of cooking The minutes and the required temperature are all uniform. There is no need for a chef to cook at all. Only service staff can solve the problem after short-term training.

This type of restaurant is becoming more and more popular in the catering industry!

"When are you going to shoot? An Liang asked casually.

Yang Maoyi responded a little embarrassedly,"I'm going to go in the afternoon. Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you in the afternoon." An

Liang smiled and nodded,"It's okay. You go and do your work. I'll go and do my work in the afternoon.""

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi nodded obediently, then she pursed her lips and asked cautiously,"Your Majesty, when will you leave?"

It is now the end of September, and Yang Maoyi's birthday is four days away. Yang Maoyi hopes that An Liang can accompany her to celebrate her birthday.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Of course we will wait until after your birthday!"

Yang Maoyi's eyes lit up, and her heart was filled with joy. It turned out that An Liang remembered her birthday, and this alone made her very happy.

Yang Maoyi was very content. She knew that she could not help An Liang too much, and could only continue to improve herself, even if You can't help Anliang, but at least you can't let yourself become a burden or even a flaw for Anliang.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."Yang Maoyi looked at An Liang happily.

An Liang didn't ask Yang Maoyi what birthday gift he wanted.

Since it was a birthday gift, of course it had to be a surprise, and it was him who wanted to give the gift, not Yang Maoyi who asked for a gift.

An Liang I really don’t understand why straight men always ask girls what they want for their birthdays?

Doesn’t that put girls in a dilemma?

If you really don’t know what gift to give, then don’t give any crystal ornaments, just choose lipstick or Perfume, or you can choose to send flowers.

Sending lipstick can make a big difference with a small amount of money.

Most lipsticks from high-end luxury brands are not expensive. You can give a lipstick from a high-end luxury brand for only two to three hundred yuan, which will make your card full. Full.

Perfume is a little more expensive, so you need to do what you can.

As for sending flowers, although many people think that sending flowers is a waste and the flowers will eventually wither, sending flowers is never the wrong answer, because women are more emotional. What's wrong with giving flowers?

Even if you complain about spending money in vain, you actually like it in your heart.

Of course, for An Liang, these options are not good.

Whether it is lipstick or perfume, for An Liang and Yang Maoyi , are not suitable.

It’s not that Yang Maoyi looks down on those high-end brands of lipsticks and perfumes. In fact, Yang Maoyi does use those brands of lipsticks and perfumes, but the problem is that An Liang’s gift of those things would seem perfunctory.

Just like a boy with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan, When I gave my girlfriend a birthday gift, I gave him a box of chocolates casually. Although I meant it with my heart, my girlfriend felt a little disappointed, right?

An Liang was very good to the little vixen. He knew that Yang Maoyi always liked to make trouble for him to cater to her. He, he also knew that he owed the little vixen a lot, so how could he be so perfunctory?

In fact, An Liang had already prepared a birthday gift for Yang Maoyi, and when it was his birthday, An Liang naturally took it out. It was almost half past eleven, After the two finished eating chicken rice noodles, Yang Maoyi left reluctantly. She was going to take the team to Tuhuo Private Restaurant for filming, while An Liang sent a message to Liu Ling.

‘An Liang: Auntie, are you at the branch? '

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