Shiliwan, temporary research center for life sciences.

An Liang explained the situation of Millennium Astragalus to the Triglav Special Operations Team, saying that Millennium Astragalus has very strict anti-counterfeiting measures. Unless the escorts of the Triglav Special Operations Team rebelled collectively, it would be impossible to secretly change the package.

"Captain Ralph, I have one more thing that I need your help with. An Liang explained.

Ralph responded politely,"Mr. An, please speak.""

"Give this suitcase to Mr. Dmitri, who knows what to do with it."An Liang handed a password suitcase to Ralph.

After Ralph took it, An Liang reminded him,"This password suitcase has a built-in self-destruction device. Once the password is tried incorrectly three times, it will automatically destroy the inside. items, so there is no need to worry about safety."

How could Ralph not understand what An Liang meant?

What An Liang meant was to remind the members of the Triglav Special Operations Team not to try the password when transporting the password suitcase.

"Please rest assured, Mr. An, that this suitcase will be delivered to Mr. Dmitry safely."Ralph promised.

An Liang smiled and patted Ralph's arm.

"By the way, I have good news for you. The auction of Millennium Astragalus on the dark web went very smoothly."An Liang explained.

In fact, Ralph knew!

All the members of the Triglav Special Operations Team who participated in Operation Neon knew this. They were still worried before that the piece of thousand-year-old astragalus belonging to them would follow the instructions The price calculation of 299 million will still be calculated according to other prices.

"In view of the previous auction, a total of three pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus were sold, and the prices were inconsistent. For the piece of thousand-year-old astragalus that belongs to you, we used the average price of the three pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus to calculate."An Liang explained.

Ralph and the other team members breathed a sigh of relief.

"If calculated according to the average price, the average price of a thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is 354,666,666 Xia Guoyuan. If the sixteen of you are equally divided, each of you will be worth 22,166,666 Xia Guoyuan. This money will be deposited into your account at Xia Guo Anxin Bank.."An Liang added a reminder.

"Thank you Mr. An."Ralph said politely

"Thank you Mr. An!"

"Long live Mr. An!"


The members of the Triglav Special Operations Team who participated in Operation Neon thanked An Liang.

An Liang then said to the twenty-four members of the Triglav Special Operations Team who were responsible for escorting Millennium Astragalus,"This time you escorted , you will receive a bonus of 1 million Xia Guoyuan, and we will establish a corresponding account for you at Xia Guo Anxin Bank"

"For specific circumstances, you can consult Captain Ralph."An Liang handed over the explanation to Ralph.

Ralph naturally did not refuse.

When Ralph explained to the escort members of the Triglav Special Operations Team, An Liang met with the operators of the National Security Investigation Agency

"It turns out to be Section Chief Li!"An Liang took the initiative to say hello.

The person assigned by the National Security Investigation Bureau was an 'old acquaintance', Li Fei, the chief of the Third Section of the Operations Department. He had investigated Renyi Security Company in the Jia Dewen case.

Li Fei responded a little awkwardly,"An It’s always good!"

An Liang didn't talk nonsense. He once again talked about the anti-counterfeiting of Millennium Astragalus, and then handed over the Millennium Astragalus belonging to the National Security Investigation Bureau to Li Fei.

Li Fei added,"Mr. An, let me introduce to you. This is He Yanwei, a hero of our National Security Investigation Bureau. He once made great achievements in overseas offline missions, but he also suffered an accident. He

Yanwei's face was sallow and his mental state seemed very depressed. He took the initiative to greet An Liang,"Hello, Mr. An." An Liang responded politely,"

Thank you for your contribution to the country!""

"It should!"He Yanwei tried to raise his voice.

"How are you doing now? An Liang asked.

He Yanwei didn't hide anything,"It's very bad." During a previous overseas mission, I accidentally inhaled some harmful gases, which caused internal organ failure. After analysis by medical experts, I only had two years at most."

So He Yanwei is the one who must die!

Huang Guoxiang chose a good test subject.

"Let me tell you the situation first. We need you to try the medicine. If it takes effect, your condition should be greatly improved. If it doesn’t work, we may need you to continue to try the medicine. If you are unlucky, the Lord of Hell will If we want to play mahjong with you, we will compensate you 10 million Xia Guoyuan, and you can designate the corresponding beneficiary. An Liang said straightforwardly.

He Yanwei smiled,"No problem!" I am willing to cooperate, I know the value of thousand-year-old astragalus"

"Lao Sun, take him to check the situation." An Liang ordered Sun Shizhong.

After He Yanwei left, Li Feicai asked inquiringly,"How confident are you with your new drug? An

Liang shook his head,"I'm not a medical expert. How do I know about probability?""

"All I can say is that the probability of death is relatively low. An Liang responded.

Li Fei sighed,"I'll leave it to you about He Yanwei. He has indeed made great contributions to the country.""

"Do your best!"An Liang didn't give a guarantee.

Because from An Liang's point of view, he couldn't guarantee it.

It's a matter of details!

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