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The Lion City could also be thrown into turmoil, creating opportunities for Anliang.

Faced with Anliang's straightforward approach, Emperor Pushy did not refuse.

"How do you hope to collaborate?" Emperor Push asked

"We provide the mining technology and funds, you provide the resources, we jointly own the property rights, and sell all the extracted oil to Xia Guo, how about it?"An Liang suggested.

"What about the price of oil?"The Great Push asked the core question.

The Northern Bear Country is originally an oil exporter. If the price is right, the Northern Bear Country does not mind selling more oil.

Anyway, the Northern Bear Country is not a member of OPEC and does not need to abide by the rules set by OPEC. The rules of the output agreement.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"If the negotiated price is adopted, whether you suffer a loss or we suffer a loss, both parties will feel uncomfortable."

Push the Great did not deny this.

"We trade in accordance with market rules and market prices. Whatever the international price of crude oil is, we will pay it. How about that?"Anliang suggested.

Emperor Pushi breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally worried that Anliang wanted to buy oil at a more favorable price, but it turned out that Anliang was willing to trade according to the international crude oil price. So what's the problem?

"no problem!"Emperor Pushi directly agreed

"Regarding the selection of oil production areas, we hope to be closer to the Xia Kingdom. Is there no problem with this?"An Liang added

"Can."Emperor Pushi agreed.

"We also hope to complete this cooperation as soon as possible. We will simultaneously establish mining bases and transportation pipelines."An Liang added

"good!"Emperor Push agreed first, and then added,"We hope you will use more workers from our Northern Bear Country."

"certainly."An Liang agreed.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for An Liang to transport ordinary workers from the Xia Kingdom to work in the Northern Bear Country. In that case, the labor cost will only be higher.

Therefore, the cost of recruiting local labor in the Northern Bear Country is lower. , is a matter of mutual benefit and reciprocity.

After Anliang and Emperor Pushi have discussed the general direction, they will no longer discuss the details, because the details are handled by professionals, and they only need to grasp the general direction.

"By the way, Emperor, regarding the equity of the world-class nuclear wastewater treatment plant, please send us the allocation list as soon as possible. We will register this company within the Xia Kingdom, and then operate it through overseas subsidiaries in the Provitensky region. Establishment of factories."An Liang said remindingly.

"Okay, I'll let Dmitri send you the specific information."The Emperor Pushi responded.

The two sides exchanged a few words and then ended the call.

When the call ended, Anliang smiled. Through this cooperation, Anliang successfully established a cooperative relationship with the Northern Bear Country and Emperor Pushi.

Only Only by establishing a cooperative relationship can further development be possible.

If Anliang wants to establish a Concern organization, or even seek control of a region, he must establish a good relationship with the imperial court of a great power. This time, in-depth cooperation with the Northern Bear Country, It’s just the beginning of the first step!


September 25, Friday; Shengqing, Shiliwan.

At present, the land in Shiliwan and the surrounding areas has been successfully acquired by Ansheng Construction Company, and the relevant demolition compensation has been negotiated. All compensations are based on the maximum compensation, which has won unanimous praise from the surrounding neighbors.

Although the area of ​​Shiliwan is relatively large, due to its remote location, the land price is relatively cheap.

Ansheng Construction has begun large-scale renovation work on Shiliwan. According to Anliang's plan, he is preparing to build a life science research center in Shiliwan to explore cutting-edge life sciences.

An Liang hopes to explore cutting-edge technology in the field of life.

After all, An Liang holds mutated holly seeds, Shiliwan selected peach gum, thousand-year-old astragalus, and even golden Tai Sui in his hands. According to the prompts of the Life Winner System, these things belong to the field of life sciences.

Then why doesn't Anliang study it?

If Anliang cracks the active ingredients of the thousand-year-old Astragalus and can even synthesize it artificially, it will create unparalleled value!

Therefore, life science is Anliang’s next core development direction.

However, those are things for the future!

Now in the temporary research center in Shiliwan, Sun Shizhong is identifying the second alpine thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus obtained from Neon, and has set up a high-definition live broadcast line to facilitate remote viewing by collaborators in the Northern Bear Country.


Update time: September 18, 2021 00:01:43, good night.

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