Faced with Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang complained,"Of course I can't trick you about this kind of death thing!"

"So who are you going to trick? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"To be precise, I hope to cooperate with the Northern Bear Country. I will provide them with more accurate location information, and they will arrange for field personnel to dig for thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang explained.

"What about us?"Huang Guoxiang realized the problem, they haven't even gotten in the car yet!

An Liang complained,"No, Lao Huang, haven't you already obtained 40% of the benefits of the first thousand-year-old Astragalus?"

"We can provide all kinds of support, and we only need a very small share, ten percent, how about it?"Huang Guoxiang said tentatively.

Because Huang Guoxiang discovered that if An Liang cooperates with Beixiong Country, it seems that their National Security Investigation Bureau is really unimportant?

An Liang secretly smiled,"Okay! I promise you!"

"So what do we need to do?"Huang Guoxiang immediately asked

"Wait a moment, I'll contact the Northern Bear Country."An Liang replied.

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang cut off the call, they immediately contacted Dmitri. After waiting for the connection, An Liang spoke first,"Dmitri, have you started your operation?"

Dmitri responded awkwardly,"Not yet, we are still analyzing the situation in the target area."

"I have analyzed the position using Xia Guo's Earth Observation Optical Satellite. Are you interested in cooperating?"An Liang suggested.

"Did you find the exact location?"Dmitri asked back

"of course not."An Liang said negatively,"But we have discovered four suspicious locations. You can arrange four teams of operators to go there, and then use cameras to take pictures of the scene. We will remotely analyze the plant information on the scene to quickly determine whether there are millenniums. Astragalus."

Anliang's companies have very advanced image recognition technology. For example, the image recognition technology of the lighthouse project can easily identify plant types, and the speed of identification can increase without limit as computing resources improve. For example

, Saying that there are 300 kinds of plants in a frame is like asking a botanist to distinguish them. Even if one plant is distinguished in one second, it will take five minutes to distinguish the information of 300 plants.

But using image recognition technology Analysis may take only a second, or even less

"four areas..."Dmitri asked hesitantly,"How big are the four areas?"

"Taken together, it is still a bit big, but our image recognition technology is very advanced. As long as the corresponding image is captured with a camera, we can determine in real time whether we have thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang explained.

"Dmitry, our time is limited!"An Liang said remindingly.

"If a thousand-year-old astragalus is found, how do we distribute the benefits?"Dmitri asked passionately

"We need 45 percent."An Liang responded

"What about our fifty-five percent?"Dmitri asked back

"You are also 45 percent. An Liang retorted,"The last ten percent will be given to Xia Guo"

"What can Xia Guo provide? asked Dmitri

"Individual flying device! An Liang responded calmly,"The target area is above two thousand meters above sea level. We can't let our operators climb the mountain on foot, right?""

An Liang pretended to accidentally reveal a piece of information.

"At present, Mount Fuji must be tightly blocked by neon lights, but their blockade must also have loopholes, especially the inability to prevent individual flights. If anti-infrared thermal radiation detection equipment is added, our operation will be smoother."An Liang said remindingly.

"What is the endurance of the individual flying device?"Dmitri asked the key question

"The maximum battery life is one hour, and the maximum flight speed is 100 kilometers per hour. In a mountainous environment, it is an artifact-level existence."An Liang explained.

Dmitri naturally understood what An Liang meant. He also knew very well the advantages of individual aircraft in mountainous environments. After all, individual aircraft can solve many terrain problems.

For example, cliffs and mountain streams, under normal circumstances Next, if you pass by on foot, it will be extremely difficult, but flying alone is extremely easy.

"When will Xia Guo send the individual flying device? Dmitri asked,"How many can they send over?""

"According to my plan, you arrange four action teams, each with four people, for a total of sixteen people. In order to ensure the safety of these people, we plan to arrange two individual flying devices for each person, so there are three in total. Twelve sets of individual flight equipment."An Liang explained.

"This quantity is no problem!"Dmitri affirmed first, and then repeated the question,"When can it be delivered?

An Liang still did not answer this question. He asked rhetorically,"How are you going to arrange this operation?""

Before Dmitri answered, Anliang continued,"If your Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is allowed to continue its mission, I think it's better to forget it!"

"After all, I'm worried that as soon as I tell you the location information, Bald Eagle Country and other countries will know it at the same time!"An Liang said, half teasingly and half complaining.

The Intelligence and Investigation Bureau of the Northern Bear Country is really not very good!


Update time: September 14, 2021 00:02:32, good night. I have been writing continuously for more than a year. I want to travel and feel depressed.

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