The relationship between Neon and Xia Guo is very complicated.

Be it Neon or Xia Kingdom, both sides are on guard against each other.

Whether Neon is causing trouble in Xia Kingdom or Xia Kingdom is causing trouble in Neon, both parties will attach great importance to it.

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau attaches great importance to this incident. After all, Xia Guo is trying to cause trouble in Mount Fuji. How can this be tolerated?

Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, Cybersecurity Division.

Shota Nagai ordered,"Attention everyone, give up on dealing with hacker intrusions in Ninomiya Town and other areas, comprehensively monitor the network near Mount Fuji, filter and analyze every call, every text message, and every byte of network data in the Mount Fuji area. Whether it is a wired network or a satellite network, all must be intercepted."

"Hi!"The technical staff of the Cyber ​​Security Department responded one after another.

The first technical section chief Tianye Mingren asked casually,"Director, I heard that Xia Guo is taking action on Mount Fuji?"

"Shut up!"Nagai Shota stopped him harshly.

"Feel sorry!"Tianye Mingren bowed and apologized.

"Everyone starts taking action and reporting any abnormalities immediately!"Shouta Nagai ordered.

After Shota Nagai left, Kenta Otanizu, who was sitting opposite Naruhito Tenye, said casually,"Section Chief, we have to work overtime today, right?

Tianye Mingren answered affirmatively,"Basically, I have to work overtime." Is there something wrong with your kid again?"

Before Kenta Otanizu answered, Naruhito Tianye refused directly and said,"Not allowed today! This time things are very important!"

"But..."Kotanizu Kenta said hesitantly, but was directly interrupted by Tenye Naruhito.

"There is no room for error!"Tianye Mingren once again clearly refused.

"Then I'll call my girlfriend and tell her that I have to work overtime today."Kenta Otanizu said tentatively.

"Do not disclose other information."Tianye Mingren reminded

"Hi!"After Kenta Otani responded, he took out his mobile phone and dialed his girlfriend's number hands-free. After waiting for his girlfriend to answer the call, he spoke first,"Akiyin, I have to work overtime today and am very busy. I won't go home for dinner. Hayakawa

Akine answered affirmatively,"Okay, I understand, I will reserve meals for you.""

"Well, let’s go to work first."Kenta Otanizu hung up the phone after responding.

Naruhito Tianye said jokingly,"Kenta, you are too afraid of your girlfriend!"

"I love my girlfriend!"Kenta Otanizu explained.


After Kenta Otanizu contacted his girlfriend, a member of the network security department of Renyi Security Company contacted Tianji Shensuan No. 4,"Minister, the target of our monitoring said the secret code." Tianji Shensuan No. 4 personally listened to

Otanizu Kenta's and The conversation between Hayakawa Akione confirmed that Kenta Otanizu said the secret code of 'extremely busy'.

Kotani Tsu Kenta is the insider of Renyi Security Company in the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. He was dragged into the water by the third supervisor of the Investigation Section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The third officer Naoto first became an insider of Renyi Security Company, and then used his position in the Investigation Section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to target valuable personnel who were in financial difficulties, and then corrupted them step by step.

In addition to Kenta Otanitsu, there are also three insiders in charge of Naoto's development in the Overseas Affairs Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

After No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation determined Kenta Otani’s password, he immediately contacted Anliang via voice.

"BOSS, our actions have been exposed!"Tianji Divine Calculation Report No. 4.

Although Otanizu Kenta did not report the details, Otanizu Kenta activated the emergency contact code, which proves that the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is investigating matters related to Xia Guo.

At this time point, Renyi Security Company happens to be When the plan was to illegally harvest thousand-year-old astragalus in Mount Fuji, all the normal speculation operations of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation were exposed

"what's the situation?"An Liang was confused.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator quickly explained the situation. An Liang came up with the same speculation as No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator. The Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau discovered their actions.

"Activate the Neon Division and pay attention to the movements of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau at any time."An Liang ordered

"receive."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded.

After the call between An Liang and Tianji Shensuan No. 4, he immediately contacted Huang Guoxiang through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software. Waiting for Huang Guoxiang to answer, An Liang said straight to the point,"Our actions have been exposed!"

"impossible! Huang Guoxiang retorted directly,"We didn't find anything abnormal here!""

"Lao Huang, we have our own intelligence channels, and we are very sure that our actions have been exposed. An Liang reminded him.

An Liang continued to add,"First investigate what channel leaked the operation. I will immediately notify the action team to speed up.""

"OK! Huang Guoxiang agreed,"We all join the satellite communication channel to keep in touch anytime and anywhere.""

"OK"An Liang replied.

After ending the voice communication, An Liang joined the satellite communication network. He ordered,"Attention all operators, your actions are suspected to be exposed, speed up the excavation."

Wei Ziyang reported,"BOSS, we have encountered a little trouble."

"What's the trouble?"An Liang immediately asked back


Update time: September 9, 2021 00:08:37, good night.

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