An Liang and Bai Yue had breakfast in the second cafeteria. He brought breakfast to the dog sons as usual and gave them a bottle of drink.

When An Liang returned to dormitory 307, the three sons were still fast asleep, with no intention of getting up early.

An Liang didn't care. He put breakfast on Shen Shizhong's table. There was a microwave in their dormitory anyway, so he could just heat up breakfast in the microwave when his son woke up.

Today is Sunday, and An Liang writes an email to Lenore again. According to their agreement, they send emails every weekend, and this kind of communication never stops.

In the email An Liang sent to Lenore, he described the new pet bill passed by the Tianfu court, and also asked about Lenore's birthday.

If An Liang's information is correct, Lenore's birthday should be October 31 next month.

An Liang also stated in the email that he had prepared a birthday gift for Lenore.

In less than a quarter of an hour, An Liang read through the email again and made sure there was no problem before sending it to Lenore.

At nearly eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang sent a message to the two sisters of the Xia family

‘An Liang: @夏如意: @夏河心: Are you awake?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Wake up early!’

‘Xia Ruyi: My sister and I have already set off to XJTLU Children’s Welfare Home’

‘Xia Ruyi: [Picture of Xia Hexin driving a car]’

‘An Liang: What are you doing there?’

‘Xia Ruyi: We made an appointment with Lin Xia to teach the children today.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Some children in the children's welfare home have low self-esteem at school. Even if they don't understand some of the learning content, they will not ask the teacher.’

‘Xia Ruyi: So my sister and I went over to replenish those children today. '

An Liang looked at Xia Ruyi's reply and was secretly surprised. The behavior of the two Xia sisters really surprised An Liang.

‘An Liang: When will you come back?’

‘Xia Ruyi: I should stay there for dinner.’

‘Xia Ruyi: My sister and I also prepared gifts for the children’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Don’t you want to take a guess?’

‘An Liang: Composition practice for primary school students?’

‘An Liang: How to cultivate the thinking of primary school students in Mathematical Olympiad?’

‘An Liang: Or review the real questions of the mock exam for primary school to junior high school?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Humph!’

‘Xia Ruyi: We are not you!’

‘Xia Ruyi: You are really a devil!’

‘Xia Ruyi: Principal Zeng was still saying yesterday that the little guys in Anle Township were still distressed because the gifts you gave them were too cruel!’

‘An Liang: It seems that school has started, and those little ones want new gifts, right?’

‘An Liang: I will give them gifts in your name later!’

‘Xia Ruyi:...’

‘An Liang: So what gifts have you prepared?’

‘Xia Ruyi: There is a child’s birthday today. We have prepared a lot of cakes for all the children in the orphanage to celebrate the birthday together.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Do you want to come over? '

This Xia Ruyi has a very high emotional intelligence!

If you have low emotional intelligence, you should let all the children in the orphanage celebrate that child’s birthday.

‘An Liang: Since it’s my birthday, let’s make those little ones happy!’

‘An Liang: The next time you go there, I will go with you and prepare some gifts for them.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Then your image as a good brother is completely gone!’

‘An Liang: When they grow up, they will definitely thank me!’

‘Xia Ruyi: Then I will really thank you on their behalf! An Liang and Xia Ruyi chatted for a while. After the two Xia sisters arrived at XJTLU Children's Welfare Home, they ended their communication.

An Liang conveniently sent a message to Huang Guoxiang in the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software.

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, are you ready?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We are ready to complete the military's individual aircraft, anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual equipment, and satellite networks, all are ready to be completed.’

‘An Liang: I’m also ready to finish it.’

‘An Liang: In addition, let’s adjust the plan’

‘Huang Guoxiang:?’

‘An Liang: According to the original plan, each of us will send two people to form a four-person team to enter Neon normally, and then smuggle the equipment in, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Well, what’s the problem?’

‘An Liang: There is a problem!’

‘An Liang: You will definitely arrange your elite field personnel, and they will be absolutely reliable personnel, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: After all, according to the value of thousand-year-old Astragalus, if we are not absolutely reliable personnel, we are worried about accidents.’

‘An Liang: If we follow your arrangements, accidents may happen from the beginning.’

‘An Liang: The absolutely reliable elite field personnel you selected are very likely to be registered by Neon. If they enter Neon through normal channels, they will be identified, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It seems to be true! '

It's dark under the lamp!

Huang Guoxiang only considered his own needs, but did not consider the situation on Neon's side.

The elite field personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau must have performed many field missions. Who knows if they have been noticed by Neon?

If you were noticed by Neon and had information, wouldn't you be discovered just after entering the country?


Update time: September 5, 2021 00:02:30, good night.

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