After Liao Zhilin’s post was posted on the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics, it immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people who wanted to eat melons.

The people who eat melons have the same concerns as Liao Zhilin, and they are discussing the commission fee of 25 million yen. After all, after conversion, it is about 1.5 million Xia Guoyuan!

Some melon-eating people even began to envy Wu Wenbo. The other party competed with An Liang on the campus wall to gain such a high-paying commission. Isn't it worthy of envy?

However, these melon-eaters don’t know the truth!

Where can pie fall from the sky?

Even if pie does fall from the sky, it also contains a trap.

On the surface, it seems that Kyoto Electric Power Company provided Wu Wenbo with a commission fee of 25 million yen, but this is only on the surface.

Doesn’t Kyoto Electric Power Company still know the true situation of the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater?

Seeing Liao Zhilin's post about assists, An Liang also replied: 'So the 10 million yen I proposed lost to 25 million yen? '

When Anliang proposed the Brave Game before, he specially provided a sponsorship fee of 10 million yen.

Later, Anliang ordered Qin Tianxiang to increase the commission fee to 25 million yen, which was actually just to throw the blame away.

After Liao Zhilin's post was published, Anliang's behavior of throwing blame was completely over. Because Wu Wenbo went to Neon, wasn't that an invitation from Kyoto Electric Power Company?

An Liang deliberately created the image of him being let go by Wu Wenbo!

While the campus walls were bustling with activity, the leaders of Tianfu School of Economics also discovered the posts sent by An Liang and Liao Zhilin, and these leaders remained tacitly silent.

Just as Xue Zhiping, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, explained at the time, Anliang easily removed himself and allowed Kyoto Electric Power Company to take the blame.

Under such circumstances, even if Wu Wenbo had an accident in Neon, it would be Kyoto Electric Power Company's problem, not Anliang's problem

‘He is indeed a super genius in establishing safe investments! Qin Daorong sighed secretly in his heart.

Anliang's throwing the blame has no place to hide in the eyes of those who understand, but from a legal perspective, Anliang has indeed finished throwing the blame, and the blame has been taken over by the Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Anyway, Kyoto Electric Power Company has too much debt to worry about, so what if something unexpected happens?

At most it’s just another legal dispute!


This time there was not even a legal dispute, because Kyoto Electric Power Company signed a very strict disclaimer with Wu Wenbo through Qingbai Law Firm


Neon time.

It was close to eleven o'clock in the night.

Wu Wenbo checked into the five-star hotel in Winter Kyoto under the arrangement of the reception team of Kyoto Electric Power Company. He logged into the campus wall inside the hotel and wanted to see if Anliang responded.

However, after climbing onto the campus wall, Wu Wenbo realized that something was wrong. He first read An Liang's post and then Liao Zhilin's post. He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

It was as if he was involved in some conspiracy!

Wu Wenbo thought about it from beginning to end. He once again determined that he was involved in some conspiracy, but he had no way out.

Because in the agreement he signed with Kyoto Electric Power Company, although there was a commission fee of 25 million yen, the liquidated damages were as high as 100 million yen.

How could he breach the contract under such circumstances?

Fortunately, the agreement stipulated that after he drank the harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater, he would undergo a medical examination arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company and would also need to stay in the hospital for observation.

Without this agreement, Wu Wenbo would not have signed the agreement at all.


《Thank you! People are in Neon, the live broadcast will start tomorrow! 》

Thank you for your attention!

In addition, thank you to Mr. Anliang, Class 3 Finance Class 2019, for the arrangement. I am very interested in the real investigation activities of Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Tomorrow's event will be broadcast live on Pair Video.

Sorry, it's late. I'll rest first. See you tomorrow.


An Liang naturally saw Wu Wenbo's post and he also replied

‘An Liang, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: Let me correct what Wu said. The game of Brave I arranged was ready, but Wu took a step ahead of schedule. What should I do?’

‘Dong Zeyi, Economic Class 1, 2018: Hahaha! LOL! Classmate An is waiting impatiently, will his wishful thinking finally come true?’

‘Liu Hao, 2019 International Trade Class 1: @2019 Finance Class 3 Anliang: I suspect you have a conspiracy, but I have no evidence! An

Liang glanced at Liu Hao who had replied. This guy was an old fan of An Liang. When An Liang was in his freshman year, some people questioned whether An Liang was a real boss. This Liu Hao had all sorts of weird and yin and yang characteristics.

Although he previously expressed that he disliked An Liang but admired An Liang's remarks, he was still An Liang's negative fan.

An Liang ignored the other party at all, because An Liang did have a conspiracy, and An Liang's conspiracy was easily figured out, but there was no legal evidence.

As long as there is no legal evidence, then everything will be fine?

An Liang is now only concerned about whether Wu Wenbo will have problems after drinking nuclear-contaminated wastewater under the arrangement of Kyoto Electric Power Company, and when the problems will occur.

When An Liang was thinking about this matter, he was suddenly stunned because he thought of a blind spot!

‘Oops! 'An An's conscience secretly screamed.

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