It’s close to twelve o’clock at noon.

Wu Wenbo contacted Xie Mingda and expressed his willingness to sign a contract, and made an appointment with the law firm Wu Wenbo was looking for.

Xie Mingda doesn't mind such a thing. As long as Wu Wenbo is willing to sign the agreement, then all problems will not be a problem!

At noon, the sisters Anliang and Xia returned to Tianfu Normal College and had lunch at their college.

While eating, An Liang received a message from Qin Tianxiang

‘Suzaku Six: The target has signed a corresponding agreement’

‘Suzaku Six: The itinerary has been planned’

‘Suzaku Six: The live broadcast team is ready’

‘Suzaku Six: Negotiating with private jet leasing companies on flight issues’

‘Zero: Well done!’

‘Number Zero: Try to send Taijun on his way today!’

‘Suzaku Six: Got it. '

While An Liang was eating at Tianfu Normal College, Wu Wenbo posted again on the campus wall of Tianfu Economic College


《Everything is ready, move forward without fear!》

@An Liang, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: Classmate, I have signed the relevant legal authorization documents and I am fully prepared.

So, are you ready?

When shall we depart?

Waiting patiently!


Wu Wenbo has signed the legal support document entrusted by Qingbai Law Firm to provide by Kyoto Electric Power Company, so he naturally wants to express it on the campus wall.

Anyway, the agreement has been signed, and it is a foregone conclusion to participate in the real investigation on the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company, so why not be more arrogant?

Wu Wenbo's post on the campus wall once again aroused heated discussion. How could the students who were watching the excitement dislike the big deal?

Now that Wu Wenbo has accepted the move, An Liang should respond, right?

A group of students who wanted to watch the fun posted @安梁 on Wu Wenbo’s post, hoping that Anliang would respond or Anliang would also post a post.

But this time Anliang let them down!

Because An Liang neither replied to Wu Wenbo's post nor posted a post to respond to Wu Wenbo, as if he didn't notice the message on the campus wall.

In the cafeteria of Tianfu Normal University, Xia Ruyi was eating and playing with her mobile phone. She asked casually,"That Wu Wenbo was making a fool of himself on the campus wall again. Why don't you respond?" An Liang smiled and shook his head,"There's no need anymore. Got it!"

"Um?"Xia Ruyi was confused.

An Liang had no intention of explaining. If Wu Wenbo wanted to make a fuss, he could make a fuss. Anyway, the fuss wouldn't last too long. An Liang was already ready to take it out, so why bother getting involved again?

"Do you have classes in the afternoon?"An Liang changed the subject.

Xia Ruyi and Xia He both nodded. They have classes in the afternoon.

In fact, An Liang also has classes in the afternoon, but An Liang won't go.

The courses in the first semester of the sophomore year at Tianfu College of Economics are a bit boring, or An Liang doesn't need them. For the course, either there was something wrong with the instructor, so An Liang chose not to go to class.

After all, it was like Gao Turtle’s half-English and half-Mandarin teaching style, and Anliang was afraid that he would laugh out loud!

In the afternoon, Anliang went to Anxin Investment Company, and he In his office, he was checking the development of Anxin Media Group, and by the way, the development of Anliang Bank.

Anliang has more and more companies, and he is planning the integration of resources, and is preparing to build an investment company with Anxin Bank as the core. As a basis, he established his own 'Concern' organization.

The so-called 'Concern' is a form of capital monopoly organization, which is the highest organizational form for financial giants to achieve their economic dominance.

Among various forms of monopoly organizations, Anliang does not like 'Card' Cartel', and they don't like 'trusts', and they will not choose 'Syndicate' either.

After all, both cartels and trusts are targets of attack in many countries.

Although syndicates are also an option and are relatively stable. , has also existed for a long time. As of today, there are still a large number of syndicate organizations in various countries. For example, there are a large number of syndicate organizations in France.

But what An Liang wants is not a relatively mild organization like a syndicate. What An Liang wants It is a more powerful organizational force.

So Anliang tried to establish Concern, the highest organizational form of economic rule.

If we must divide the four monopoly organizational forms into high and low, from low to high they should be: cartels, syndicates, trusts, and the highest Concern.

Neon's various consortiums are actually Concern organizations.

Correia's conglomerates are also Concern organizations.

Currently, the only countries in the world that apparently have Concern organizations are Neon and Correia.

The most powerful Concern organization on the surface should be Corea's Sansang Group.

This powerful Concern organization, combined with four other Concern organizations, represents almost everything in Correia, equivalent to five Concern organizations. Controlled Corea.

The biggest reason why Renyi Security Company tried to establish a presence in Corea was actually because of this.

Corea allowed the existence of the Concern organization!


It was not that Corea allowed the existence of the Concern organization, but the Concern organization Corea has been controlled, making it impossible for Corea to resist.

The same is true for Neon.

Now Anliang has also begun to secretly plan to establish a Concern organization, but there are too many difficulties and obstacles in the establishment of a Concern organization.

However , An Liang will not give up easily!


Update time: August 26, 2021 00:02:03


Humble author: Isn’t it right? Such an old book still refuses to be insured?

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