Human greed has never changed!

It was true 40 years ago, it was true 400 years ago, it was true 1,400 years ago, and it is still true in 2020.

Take the Didi ride-hailing platform as an example. Safety accidents on this platform occur again and again. Why do safety accidents keep happening?

The answer is simple.

It is still profit and value that controls everything behind the scenes!

For the Didi ride-hailing platform, a safety incident only represents an additional cost, which is a reasonable operating cost.

If just because of a safety incident, a large-scale overhaul is carried out to raise the review threshold for contracted drivers, is it worth it?

Drivers are very important to Didi’s ride-hailing platform!

Because the number of drivers represents the service scale of the online ride-hailing platform, the greater the number of contracted drivers, the greater the number of vehicles operating daily and the greater the value created.

In terms of value, drivers are worth more than passengers.

If the threshold for contracted drivers is raised, and the driver's driving experience, illegal history, and even psychological evaluation are added, how many online ride-hailing drivers can pass?

Once the number of contracted drivers drops, it means that the competitiveness of the online ride-hailing platform will decline, making it unpopular with the capital market and making it impossible to go public and make money.

Therefore, accidents on the Didi online car-hailing platform occur frequently and are always banned repeatedly. The fundamental reason is the unequal value of benefits.

Even if a bad passenger death accident occurs, Didi's ride-hailing company will pay three times the death standard, which will most likely only be two to three million.

What does a mere two to three million mean to the Didi ride-hailing platform?

Once you understand that the profit value is controlling everything behind the scenes, you will have a thorough understanding of the safety accident on the Didi ride-hailing platform. Everything is just the profit value measuring the cost.

The same is true for Tianfu University of Economics!

Anliang is the face of Tianfu School of Economics. Once Anliang graduates, he will be a well-known alumnus of Tianfu School of Economics.

Where is Wu Wenbo?

According to Wu Wenbo's remarks on the campus wall, he is a pro-neon clown.

Still need to ask how to choose?

The leaders of Tianfu School of Economics quietly completed the simple choice and chose to remain silent and let Anliang perform freely.

In dormitory 307, An Liang was contacting Qin Tianxiang and asked Qin Tianxiang to handle the corresponding matters.

‘Zero: The corresponding legal documents, itinerary, and live broadcast team will be handled by you.’

‘Suzaku Six: Okay’

‘Zero: You can contact Shimizu Makoto to handle the matter with Neon.’

‘Number Zero: Tell the other party that if the other party wants to cooperate with us again, then show sincerity and solve the problem on Neon’s side.’

‘Zero: Let Shimizu Makoto’s boss arrange for Neon Kyoto Electric Power Company to take over this matter and exclude us completely.’

‘Zero: What I would like to see is that Kyoto Electric Power Company sends a letter to invite the target to do a reality show to prove that the nuclear contaminated wastewater produced by Kyoto Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has been treated harmlessly. It really meets the drinking standards’

‘Suzaku Six: Got it! '

As Xue Zhiping, director of the Academic Affairs Office, guessed, Anliang has already pushed the matter out. Neither Anxin Investment nor Renyi Security Company will openly participate in the game of Brave.

According to Anliang's plan, Wu Wenbo will receive an invitation from Kyoto Electric Power Company to drink harmlessly treated nuclear contaminated wastewater in front of the camera.

As for whether there will be any problems?

What does that have to do with An Liang?

Anyway, An Liang felt that there was a high probability that there would be a problem!

If there is no problem, Neon, the current chief minister, and the intelligence minister, why don't they lead by example and drink proof?

An Liang asked some more detailed questions before ending the discussion with Qin Tianxiang. He clicked on the 307 dormitory group, and his three dog sons called him several times in the group.

‘An Liang: Why do the dogs call them daddy?’

‘Lu Wenshan: Brother Liang, do you want to have dinner together tonight?’

‘Malone: ​​[Location information: Western University of Finance and Economics]’

‘Ma Long: Wait for Brother Liang!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang, we are waiting for you!’

‘An Liang: Something is wrong with you!’

‘An Liang: At noon, I said I wanted to go, but you tried to stop me, and now you actively ask me to go. Did you encounter any trouble?’

‘An Liang: I understand the rules, and I will be lenient if I confess. Just tell me!’

‘Lu Wenshan: After all, we are good brothers in the same dormitory. We deeply realized the mistake we made at noon, so we took the initiative to invite Brother Liang to participate in the evening’

‘Malone: ​​Yes, yes, we lost our minds at noon!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Please give us another chance, brother Liang. The three of us will treat you tonight. Brother Liang, please come over and join us! '

An Liang looked at the information about the three dog sons. He always felt that something was wrong. Will these three dog sons admit their mistakes? joke!

If Shen Shizhong and Ma Long can still admit their mistakes, then Lu Wenshan, this bastard, will definitely not be able to admit his mistakes!

The fact that they are admitting their mistake now must be due to external reasons.

Although An Liang didn't spend much time in school, An Liang, who knew people's hearts well, could easily penetrate into the hearts of his three dog sons.

‘An Liang: Sorry, I made an appointment with Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin for dinner tonight, so I don’t have time.’

‘An Liang: Thank you brothers for your kindness. Let’s make an appointment next time and I’ll treat you. '

An Liang followed the words of the three dog sons and replied, no matter what tricks the three dog sons had, An Liang just wouldn't accept them!


Update time: August 24, 2021 00:03:27, good night.

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