More than an hour later, Chen Siyu beat An Liang's chest and said coquettishly,"You are not allowed to yell at me again after drinking!"

According to practice, after drinking, the battle of the alliance game will be prolonged.

An Liang gently stroked the big cat with his right hand, and he yawned,"Have you made any progress in your recent piano practice?"

"Of course!"Chen Siyu responded confidently

"If I were allowed to participate in previous international piano competitions, I believe I would definitely get a higher ranking."Chen Siyu added, thus showing that he has indeed made progress.

"incredible!"An Liang praised.

Chen Siyu sighed softly,"Actually, it's also very tiring."

"come on! I believe you can persevere and achieve better results next year!"An Liang said encouragingly.

After being encouraged, An Liang prepared to match the battle situation. Chen Siyu already had a mature way to deal with it, which was to betray his best friend. This method was simple and effective.

So Ning Ruoshuang was betrayed by Chen Siyu to An Liang again.

Another one Many hours later, Ning Ruoshuang came to the same conclusion as Chen Siyu, that is, after An Liang drank, it was best not to join the alliance game.

Ning Ruoshuang nestled in An Liang's arms, and An Liang asked casually,"Do you like that pink diamond?" ?"

"like."Ning Ruoshuang whispered.

"How about we set it up and make a pendant tomorrow?"An Liang suggested

"Um!"Ning Ruoshuang responded obediently.

An Liang and Ning Ruoshuang were affectionate for a moment, and then they carried Ning Ruoshuang to Chen Siyu. He planned to go to bed early today, mainly because he drank wine and played two games. An Liang I was a little sleepy.

The next day, it was close to eight o'clock in the morning.

When An Liang woke up, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had disappeared, obviously going to school.

An Liang grabbed the phone, and Chen Siyu left a message on WeChat, saying that they had gone to school. Go to school.

In addition to Chen Siyu’s message, Anliang also received several messages from Qingshui Cheng.

‘QQQ: Sir, do you have time?’

‘QQQ: Sir, can we talk?’

‘QQQ: Your Excellency, I am still in the imperial capital. I hope we can meet for a new round of cooperation.’

‘QQQ: Your Excellency, our boss is very sincere.’

‘QQQ: Sir, do you still have any intention to cooperate?’

‘QQQ: If you still have the intention to cooperate, we hope to further strengthen cooperation. '

This Shimizu Makoto sent six messages to Anliang one after another, all of which expressed his willingness to continue cooperation.

An Liang secretly smiled. It seemed that the situation of the former Chief Minister of Neon was worse than imagined.

The other party has already obtained two pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus, but it is still so eager to express its intention to cooperate, which means that the other party really needs more thousand-year-old astragalus.

An Liang decided to whet the other party's appetite.

Now An Liang has the absolute initiative. When to cooperate, how to cooperate, conditions of cooperation, etc. are all determined by An Liang. He can naturally whet the opponent's appetite.

An Liang washed up first, and then ordered breakfast through the housekeeper app. While eating breakfast, he sent a message to Ning Ruoshuang

‘An Liang: Shuangshuang, do you have classes this afternoon? Ning

Ruoshuang didn't reply to the message immediately, and An Liang guessed that she was practicing dance.

It took nearly half an hour for Ning Ruoshuang to reply to the message.

‘Ning Ruoshuang: There are classes in the afternoon, but you don’t have to go.’

‘An Liang: Then let’s deal with the pink diamond setting in the afternoon.’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Okay’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: I will come back by myself at noon. Master An can wait for me at home.’

‘An Liang: Yeah. '

At nearly nine o'clock in the morning, An Liang went to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He had not visited the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for a while.

Since Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is located in Shishan District, which is a bit far from Yunjing International Apartment, and there is a parking port for the third-generation flying motorcycle on the roof of Yunjing International Apartment, Anliang naturally chose to use the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle. Fly over.

Under normal circumstances, it would take an hour to drive from Yunjing International Apartment to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group if there is a slight traffic jam.

But using the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to fly directly there will only take a few minutes.

After all, flying in the sky is not congested, and the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is really fast.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has the largest third-generation flying motorcycle high-speed charging station in the entire imperial capital, with the ability to charge two hundred third-generation flying motorcycles at the same time.

Take the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle as an example. Its battery capacity is 200Kwh. At the ultra-fast charging station of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it only takes 6 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%.

Even the ultra-fast charging station of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not the ultimate version of ultra-fast charging, but is limited by the charging design of the third-generation flying motorcycle and the power supply limitations of the ultra-fast charging station.

If the performance of the graphene battery is further improved and the charging design of the flying motorcycle is further optimized, the charging speed can be further accelerated!


Update time: August 17, 2021 00:02:02, good night.

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