In the dining room of Zhao Wanxi's house, An Liang remembered very clearly that he had just placed a ten-pound jar of Shiliwan Maotao wine on the dining table, but now the jar of wine disappeared?

"Where's the wine?"An Liang looked confused.

"Weren't you here just now?"What Zhao Wanxi meant was that An Liang was in the dining room, didn't he see it?

"I was just thinking about something and was a little lost in thought."An Liang was slightly embarrassed.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"When I came over, I saw Uncle Zhongliang taking the wine away. I thought you knew it!"

"Oh haha! An Liang responded helplessly,"It must have been hacked by your grandfather.""

"I guess so."Zhao Wanxi responded

"By the way, how is the construction progress of fourth-generation nuclear power plants?"An Liang changed the topic. After all, the Maotao wine stolen by Zhao Zhuangkang is basically impossible to get back.

Currently, the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is also under construction in the Fengning area. It is not only used as a technical verification of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant, but also for the future. The flight training center provides energy.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"There are two good news!"

"First of all, the construction progress of the first verified fourth-generation nuclear power plant in the Fengning area has been accelerated. The safety of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant far exceeds that of the third-generation nuclear power plant, and the difficulty of the project has been further reduced, so the original plan required a two-year construction period. , which can at least double the speed."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Wouldn’t it only take a year?"An Liang was surprised.

Zhao Wanxi nodded with a smile,"Yes, if everything goes well, it may even be faster."

"That's really good news!"An Liang responded in agreement.

"The second good news is related to the first good news. In view of the accelerated construction progress in Fengning area, the National Energy Planning Department is preparing to simultaneously build a second proven fourth-generation nuclear power plant." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang asked doubtfully,"Isn't this necessary?"

Only one verification-type fourth-generation nuclear power plant needs to be built to meet the verification requirements. If a second verification-type fourth-generation nuclear power plant is built, is it surely not a waste?"

"The second proven fourth-generation nuclear power plant is a ship-based model. The National Institute of High Energy Physics, a subsidiary of the National Energy Planning Department, has conducted in-depth research on the fourth-generation nuclear power technology. With the support of the key gentleman, it has now been We can try to apply fourth-generation nuclear power technology to ships." Zhao Wanxi explained.

Zhao Wanxi added,"Our country is relatively backward in ship-based nuclear reactor technology, and there is currently no mature technology, let alone practical applications. An

Liang responded clearly,"So our country skipped the third generation of ship-based nuclear reactors and directly launched a new ship-based nuclear reactor technology based on the fourth generation of nuclear power technology. In this way, we achieved the goal of overtaking in corners!""

"Yes."Zhao Wanxi nodded,"Both the National Energy Planning Department and the National Institute of High Energy Physics have been very busy recently. If they really succeed, then our country's strength will take a big step forward!"

Zhao Wanxi is right. If the ship-based nuclear reactor based on the fourth-generation nuclear power technology is successfully developed, Xia State's overall strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

For example, the most intuitive aircraft carrier!

At present, Xia State's aircraft carriers are all conventionally powered , does not yet have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Conventional-powered aircraft carriers are limited by fuel supply constraints and do not have the ability to operate at very long distances.

If you want to be like the Bald Eagle Nation and dispatch aircraft carrier battle groups to any location around the world, nuclear power is The best choice is also the only choice.

In addition, once the aircraft carrier applies the fourth-generation nuclear power technology shipboard nuclear reactor, coupled with graphene battery technology, it can completely replace the destroyers, frigates, transport ships, supply ships, etc. around the aircraft carrier. , all converted into hybrid fuel and electricity.

Powered by the aircraft carrier during regular cruises, thus extending the nuclear power advantage of the aircraft carrier to the entire fleet group.

"How are they progressing?"An Liang asked curiously.

"Everything is going well so far. The key gentleman has provided key technical support. You guys are so lucky, right?"Zhao Wanxi said with a little envy.

"Good luck is relative! An Liang responded jokingly,"It's not that I have good luck, but that others have bad luck.""

Zhao Wanxi nodded in agreement,"Kyoto Electric Power Company is indeed quite unlucky. It clearly sits on a treasure mountain, but it didn't notice that"

"If they find out, how can I bring Mr. Key over?"Anliang laughed.

If Kyoto Electric Power Company's humanistic care is more in place, just like Abe Shinzan, who opens his mouth with neon spirit and shuts up his neon international image, and gives full play to his actor attributes, then Sato will not be the key to the future. Mr.

Kyoto Electric Power Company will be reborn from the ashes with the help of fourth-generation nuclear power technology!

Think about this situation, if Neon has fourth-generation nuclear power technology and develops a ship-based nuclear reactor based on fourth-generation nuclear power technology, then Nihong will To what extent can Hong's comprehensive strength be improved?

It's simply unimaginable!

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