Facing Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang asked,"Do you think the former chief minister of Neon is afraid of death?"

"nonsense! Huang Guoxiang complained in response,"If he was not afraid of death, how could he go to all the trouble to steal the thousand-year-old Astragalus root?""

"So why do you ask how certain it is? An Liang also complained,"As long as the other party has experienced the effects of thousand-year-old astragalus, they will naturally want more thousand-year-old astragalus.""

"Under such a premise, even if they know it is a trap, the other party has to jump out. An Liang said jokingly,"After all, jumping into the trap will give you a chance of survival.""

A person's death is like a lamp going out!

If a person dies, then everything is meaningless!"

"Makes sense!"Huang Guoxiang responded clearly.

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang discussed it, they hung up the phone and continued to accompany the two Xia sisters to visit Jiuxian Valley.


Shanghai, Fudan University.

In the boys' dormitory of the School of Foreign Languages, a boy wearing glasses was playing a game. During the game, he received a message from a game friend.

‘Eternal Sun: Brothers, let’s have dinner together on the weekend? '

The boy wearing glasses looked at the other person's game nickname, his eyes changed slightly, and then he quickly replied to the message

‘Zhen Yang: Where?’

‘The everlasting scorching sun: Zhou Jia’s local cuisine at No. 122 Xiyue Road’

‘Zhen Yang: No problem. '

The two sides finished communicating through the game. The boy wearing glasses did not act immediately. He finished a game first before getting up and going out.

"Zhen Yangjun, do you want to go out?"The roommate in the dormitory asked casually in neon language.

Hattori Mayou also answered in neon language,"Yes, a friend of mine invited me to dinner. Sorry, Yamashita-kun, let’s have dinner together next time.

Sanmu Shanxia responded casually,"Okay." Hattori

Mayou didn't respond. He waved and left the dormitory, then went to No. 122 Xiyue Road.

When Hattori Mayou arrived at No. 122 Xiyue Road, a man wearing a mask came over to him. Yang was secretly wary of the other party.

When the man wearing a mask approached, the other party handed him a document bag and said quickly in a low voice,"Don't worry, there is no security monitoring system nearby."

After finishing speaking, the man wearing a mask left quickly.

Hattori Shinyo opened the document bag. In this document bag was a stack of A4 printing paper. Hattori Shinyo looked at the A4 printing papers, which had some classics printed on them. Famous quotes.

For example, excerpts of famous quotes such as 'I'm sorry for being born human'.

Even if such a document fell into the hands of other people, they would probably think it was a sharing of famous sayings?

But how could the truth be so simple?

Hattori Mayo is also a neon A deep sleeper of the former chief minister's group, he is on the surface an ordinary college student. If he was not activated and awakened while studying abroad, then he is really just an ordinary international student. The current situation is that he was activated and awakened, allowing him to perform tasks secretly.

These documents, which appeared to be excerpts of famous quotes, actually conveyed secret information.

After Hattori Mayou confirmed the information, he rushed to the target location.

The target location was the self-pickup express locker of Shunfeng Express near Fudan University!

Hattori Mayo is a student at the School of Foreign Languages ​​at Fudan University. He picked up an express delivery at the self-pickup express locker near Fudan University. That is a very normal thing. In fact, it is also true!

Hattori Mayo's action went well, and he got it The affordable luxury brand backpack then quietly left Fudan University.

Near the Shanghai International Airport, Hattori Mayou chose a place without a security monitoring system and handed the affordable luxury brand backpack to the man wearing a mask.

The two parties completed the handover in silence, and then separated as if they didn't know each other. There was no nonsense at all and no waste of a second. The man wearing a mask quickly rushed to the Magic City International Circuit, and before entering the airport , he took off his mask. After all, wearing a mask in the airport is not asking for trouble?

Magic City and Neon Winter Kyoto are very close, only a flight of just over two hours.

Less than three hours later, the masked man arrived successfully Winter Kyoto, and quickly completed the handover of affordable luxury brand backpacks.

Winter Kyoto, Chiyo District.

This is the center of the neon center, whether it is the neon palace, the imperial court, the Supreme Police Department, the Supreme Court of Justice, etc. All in Chiyo District.

In a quaint neon courtyard in Chiyo District, an old man was sipping tea. He looked at the red koi carp in the pond in the courtyard with dull eyes, looking very worried..

This worried old man is surprisingly the former chief minister of Neon, Abe Shinzan. He is only 68 years old this year, but due to colorectal cancer, his condition looks very bad, and he feels like he is declining.

But who Don't dare to underestimate this dying guy!

After all, he is near the end of his life, and no one knows what he will do.

There was a sound of sliding wooden doors, and a middle-aged man in formal clothes walked in. He bowed He opened his mouth and said,"Your Excellency Anbei, our operation was successful!

Anbei Jinshan, who was originally dull-eyed, brightened up and said,"Where are the things?""

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