In Cultural Street, Zhou Jiakang, the owner of the old story Bobo Chicken, came with a flying knife from the sky.

Faced with Xia Ruyi's inquiry, Zhou Jiakang quickly explained the situation of Fox Fairy Food Review, and finally sighed,"This restaurant has a very good reputation for food reviews. It does not charge any review fees or other fees, including the catering fee for the review." They all pay for it themselves."

After Xia Ruyi listened, she responded,"How to apply for this Fox Fairy Food Review? I think our private restaurant can also apply."

"..."An Liang looked calm on the outside, but he was panicking inside!

Let the little vixen review Ruyi private restaurant?

Something doesn't seem right?

Zhou Jiakang shook his head,"You can apply on the official website of Fox Fairy Food Evaluation, but now there are too many restaurants applying for Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. There are relevant data on the official website of Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. We Tianfu can apply for Fox Fairy Food There are more than 6,000 restaurants evaluated."

Zhou Jiakang continued,"The Fox Fairy food evaluation process is relatively cumbersome. I heard that they have relatively few people, so I applied first, not knowing that I would be able to get a place in the year of the monkey."

An I breathed a sigh of relief in my conscience. Fortunately, Fox Fairy Food Review is very popular. There are too many restaurants that applied for Fox Fairy Food Review. Even if Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant applied for Fox Fairy Food Review, it might not be able to get its turn in a short time. Ruyi private restaurant, right?

Xia Ruyi searched for information on Fox Fairy Food Review on her mobile phone, then clicked on the official website and found that there were indeed more than 6,000 restaurants in Tianfu that applied for Fox Fairy Food Review.

"Sure enough, more than 6,000 restaurants have applied for Fox Fairy Food Review, and this food review has become so popular!"



_ These evaluation certifications are not required"

"Um? Xia Ruyi was stunned for a moment.

An Liang took advantage of the situation and answered,"The business of Chengxin Ruyi's private restaurant is already very good now, right?"

Xia Ruyi confirmed,"Yeah!""

Currently, the business of Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant is indeed very good. Anyway, at meal time, the hall is full, and with the queue added, the table turnover rate at noon exceeds 100%, and the table turnover rate at night even exceeds 200%! The so-called turnover rate Table rate, taking the Ruyi private restaurant as an example, the total number of tables in the hall is 16 tables. If there are only 16 tables of guests at noon, it means there is no table turnover rate.

If 32 tables of guests come at noon, the table turnover rate is 100% , but the catering industry likes to refer to this 100% table turnover rate as 2 table turnovers, which means that each table is used twice. The table turnover rate of Ruyi Private Restaurant is very high, and the table turnover rate at noon It can be used 2 times and 3 times in the evening. Although the reservation rate of private rooms is still relatively low, the usage rate is very high.

Because the private rooms of Ruyi Private Restaurant have a very high fee when booking, among which No. 1 and No. 4 are both There is a reservation fee of 10,000 yuan, and there is a reservation fee of 5,000 yuan for boxes 2 and 3.

If you don’t make a reservation and try your luck directly, the usage fee of the box will be reduced to 3,000 yuan and 1,500 yuan.

So it’s a bed of roses. The reservation rate for private rooms in Private Restaurant is very low, but the usage rate is very high.

Xia Hexin seconded,"Yes, the business of our Ruyi Private Restaurant is already very good, and the reputation is also very good. If there is food evaluation certification , that’s just the icing on the cake.

Xia Ruyi nodded in agreement,"Yeah!""

Almost an hour later, Anliang and the other two finished their lunch.

Xia Ruyi suggested,"How about we go watch a movie in the afternoon? Xia

Hexin's eyes lit up slightly.

An Liang naturally did not refuse,"No problem!""

Accompanying Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to watch a movie, isn't that the benefit of hugging each other?

Although the cinema has infrared cameras, An Liang just hugged each other and was not worried about being discovered by the infrared cameras.

If the operation of the cinema If Fang dares to disseminate the footage captured by the infrared camera, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan will naturally delete the corresponding information, and Anxin Media will also disrupt the line of sight. At the same time, Anxin Investment will allow the corresponding cinema operator to feel the power of capital!

IMAX Cinema of the International Financial Center.

An Liang asked Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to choose movies. He didn't have many requirements for the content of the movie. The two Xia sisters chose a romance movie, and An Liang had no objection.

After checking in and entering, An Liang naturally hugged

Xia. Ruyi and Xia Hexin also snuggled into Anliang's arms obediently.

As for other people's gazes?


There is no one else! Of course Anliang chose to book a movie.

For Anliang, isn't it a basic operation to book a movie?

Whether it is for privacy or security reasons, watching movies in a private theater is a better choice.

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