IFC Center, Snow Tea Shop.

An Liang continued to introduce the situation of the Teacher's Day concert,"This Teacher's Day concert is a bit rushed, we have planned the preliminary round and the final."

"According to our plan, the preliminary round will be held directly in the Yuyue app or the Yuyue mini-program, and the top 32 will be selected to enter the finals through voting by Yuyue members."An Liang explained

"The finals will be held at the Tianfu Sports Center, which can accommodate 40,000 people. Each school represented by the top 32 can get 1,000 tickets, and the remaining 8,000 tickets will be randomly drawn on the Yuyue app or mini program."An Liang continued

"The finals will take four hours for the top 32 to perform on stage one by one, and all the audience will decide the scores and ultimately the ranking." An Liang added.

Xia Hexin asked in more detail,"What are the specific scoring rules, and how to solve possible cheating in ticket exchange?"

"For example, our school has a very good relationship with your school. Students from both our schools can completely exchange their votes. They vote for the teachers in your school, and you vote for the teachers in our school." Xia Hexin added.

An Liang smiled,"We are not counting votes, we are counting scores, and everyone can rate every teacher, which is equivalent to everyone can rate 32 times."

"So how to deal with malicious high and low scores? Should we just remove some of them?"Xia Ruyi also participated in the discussion.

An Liang nodded,"Of course!"

"Because there are a total of 40,000 people participating, we will set the valid votes only when each player is rated, so there should be no problem with the turnout rate."An Liang explained in detail.

After all, when it comes to grading, how can you rate the teachers of your own college?

As for whether to give high scores or low scores, it depends on what kind of image the participating teachers have among the student group. Huh?

If someone gives up the rating, it doesn't matter.

Because Anliang has to remove the 5,000 highest scores and the 5,000 lowest scores.

Giving up the rating will naturally be the lowest rating.

"In order to mobilize students' enthusiasm, we have also specially set up student rewards. For example, if a student's scoring ranking matches the final ranking, he will receive certain rewards."An Liang continued

"If the top three match, you can get 5,000 Yuyue points. If the top four match, you can get 10,000 points. If the top five match, you can get 20,000 points. Starting from sixth place and ending with ninth place, For each additional match, 20,000 points will be added. If the top ten match, then 200,000 points will be awarded directly!"An Liang said about the student rewards.

Two hundred thousand Yuyue points are equivalent to a two thousand yuan pick-up card. This reward is also quite good!

In order to win the reward, students should carefully consider the situation of random scoring.

After all, just in case Did you win?

Xia Hexin quickly calculated silently, and then reminded him,"This Teacher's Day concert event, Yu Yue should have suffered huge losses, right? An

Liang responded with a smile,"In the short term, Yuyue will give out a large number of points, thus suffering certain losses in terms of turnover and profits, but in the long term, this event promotes Yuyue and cultivates It has improved user habits, and more importantly, it has created a good image for Yuyue, so Yuyue will not suffer losses."

In the business field, temporary gains and losses are not important. For example, Dingding, a company that provides ride-sharing services, isn't it that they have been burning money and losing money, but their valuation has been rising? Isn't that because the capital market is optimistic about Dingding


The future of the company!

The same principle holds true for Yu Yue’s Teacher’s Day concert. In the short term, there will indeed be losses, but over time, the benefits far outweigh the losses.

"As expected of a boss! Kang Yujia sighed.

Just when An Liang was about to humble himself, his cell phone rang with an incoming call. The caller ID was Feng Jie. An Liang swiped the screen to answer.

"What's up?"An Liang asked

"Yuyue's app and mini program have been updated, the Teacher's Day concert event is online, and related registration has been opened."Feng Jie reported the situation.

"Is it that fast?"An Liang was surprised

"Mr. Xue is very efficient."Feng Jie responded.

Xue Zhongrui is responsible for the updates of Yuyue app and mini program. Xue Zhongrui currently leads Anxin Media Group, and its subsidiary Pair Video provides technical support for this Teacher's Day concert preliminary round. The main purpose is to embed the video business into Yuyue app and mini program, but the actual service is provided by Pair Video.

Otherwise, it is a trivial matter to re-develop an app that supports video, but the convenience of review is a big matter, and it will definitely not be able to catch up with the Teacher's Day time node

"Let me consider."An Liang responded, hung up the phone, and then clicked on the Yuyue Mini Program in WeChat.

On the homepage of the Yuyue Mini Program, there was a large picture advertisement: [Teacher's Day concert event is online! 100 million points, etc. Come and get it!]

This advertisement...

Why does An Liang think something else is online?

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