The second cafeteria is An Liang and Bai Yue's old place. The two are having breakfast and chatting about some work matters.

Although they were just talking about work, Bai Yue was already very satisfied!

Because she can eat with An Liang, she can communicate with An Liang, that's all she wants.

"Sister Zijin and I have basically reached an agreement. Sister Zijin will establish the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Animal Star Protection Home in the Imperial Capital. Sister Zijin can use the"Animal Star" related brand logo. Both of us belong to a cooperative alliance. There is no The superior-subordinate relationship."Bai Yue explained.

An Liang nodded slightly. The Animal Star Rescue Foundation and its Animal Star Protection Home are public welfare organizations with no profit-making purpose.

In the case of non-profit purposes, Tianfu's Animal Star Rescue Fund Naturally, there is no need for a so-called subordinate relationship with the Animal Star Rescue Foundation in the Imperial Capital, and even the finances are independent.

However, the Animal Star Rescue Foundation in the Imperial Capital will be merged with Bai Yue in terms of online promotion, and will also bear certain operating expenses.

"When does she plan to establish the Animal Star Rescue Foundation in the Imperial Capital? An Liang asked smoothly.

Bai Yue responded,"Sister Zijin has registered the Animal Star Rescue Foundation in Beijing. At the same time, the Animal Star Protection Home will be placed in Beihe Province outside the Fengning area, thereby reducing land use costs.""

"At present, Sister Zijin has started to build a team. She plans to completely establish an animal star protection home within three months and acquire a certain number of pet hospitals. She has put forward a new proposal, which is to sterilize and rehabilitate some stray pets in animal hospitals. , and then send them to the Animal Planet Protection Home, thereby reducing the workload there."Bai Yue added

"What do you think of this proposal? An Liang asked.

Bai Yue nodded,"It's good, but the cost will be higher because the cost of sterilization at the Animal Star Protection Home and the post-operative cost will be lower.""

"However, if all the sterilization work is done in the animal protection home, the workload will be increased, and the post-operative environment conditions will be poor, which may cause unexpected situations."Bai Yue added

"Zhang Zijin has more funds at his disposal. An Liang responded,"Just handle it according to her own wishes.""

The current capital scale of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation exceeds 4 billion. Although it does not accept external donations, the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club alone can feed the Tianshang Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation!

Bai Yue nodded,"Yeah! There is no ownership relationship between the two of us. The Animal Star Rescue Foundation in the Imperial Capital is completely funded and lost by Sister Zijin."

Zhang Zijin is responsible for his own profits and losses?

Forget it!

Zhang Zijin just helps the Tianshang Bai Yujing Charity Foundation to spend money, and at the same time establishes a good public image

"Classmate An and Sister Zijin also helped us a lot."Bai Yue explained

"oh?"An Liang's doubts about cooperation

"Sister Zijin said she would push for relevant bills to legally determine the need to implant microchips when purchasing pets, record pet information, and provide for bills related to abandoned pets."Bai Yue said in detail.

Is this Zhang Zijin serious?

According to the strength of the Zhang family in the imperial capital circle, if we want to promote this bill that is beneficial to the development of the city and has positive energy, it should not be too difficult.

Even if It is impossible to implement a comprehensive bill nationwide, but at least there is no problem in the imperial capital, and even push Tianfu to implement such a bill.

"This really helped us a lot!"An Liang said with certainty.

"By the way, how is the situation in the mountain jujube forests?"An Liang asked casually.

Bai Yue responded,"Professor Zeng brought more people over, rented land in our village, and prepared to build a scientific research institute. I heard that he would be stationed in our village permanently."

"Haha, yes, he wants to stay in your village forever!"An Liang said with certainty.

Zeng Bojun is determined to compete for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Naturally, he has to follow the same new drug development process and prepare to complete the third phase of clinical work in five to eight years, and finally win the Nobel Prize.

"Is the construction of the mountain road going smoothly on your side?"An Liang asked again.

Although Ansheng Construction was involved in this matter, Ansheng Construction focused on Shengqing and paid little attention to the mountain roads of Daliang Mountain.

"The progress is going very smoothly. My mother sent me a message saying that the construction may be completed in three months."Bai Yue's tone revealed a hint of joy.

If the mountain road from the county seat to the village is completed, it will be very convenient for her to go home in the future. She can even go home on Fridays and go back to school on weekend nights.

"That's good!"An Liang nodded.

After the two had finished their breakfast, they separated again in a tacit understanding. An Liang brought breakfast back to the dog son in the dormitory. By the way, he sent the bill to the dormitory group and gave them an extra bottle of Feizhai Happy Water as travel expenses..

An Liang is rich, but the other three people in dormitory 307 are very self-conscious, especially when it comes to money, and they really follow the rules of brothers settling accounts. It is obvious that there are only a few yuan for breakfast, but An Liang wants to collect the money, and the other three The dog son also needs to pay

"Dog boys, haven’t you woken up yet?"An Liang brought breakfast back and asked his three sons to get up.

However, no one had the intention to get up.

Including Ma Long, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he was obviously awake, but he would rather watch a short video app in bed. They didn't want to get up.

Lu Wenshan and Shen Shizhong made an appointment to go to the Western University of Finance and Economics, but they slept as soundly as pigs.


Even pigs can't sleep so soundly, because pigs will be very active when there is food.!

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