An Liang likes to see the essence through phenomena, and likes to analyze the essence of things from multiple dimensions. If this were not the case, even if An Liang had a winner system in life, would he be able to get to where he is today?

If the winning system of life is handed over to Lu Wenshan, I am afraid that Lu Wenshan can only use the junior shopping cashback card now, right?

It's not that An Liang looks down on Lu Wenshan. In fact, An Liang values ​​the dormitory friendship in college. However, there are indeed differences between people. Whether it is personality, outlook on life, or ways of doing things, they will all produce different results.

According to Lu Wenshan's arrogant character, even if he had a winner-in-life system, he would not be able to achieve Anliang's long-term layout and resource integration capabilities.

It was close to eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. An Liang was lying on the bed chatting with his girlfriend. Don't ask which one he was talking to, it was his girlfriend.

Shen Shizhong remained stubborn and still chose to play with him, but An Liang felt that there was something wrong with Shen Shizhong's operation. Why did his canyon game seem different from Shen Shizhong's canyon game?

Lu Wenshan’s blind date Fang Mei...Now she is a girlfriend, and she was successfully admitted to the Western University of Finance and Economics, which is a top-notch university under the 985 Project and the 211 Project.

Compare Tianfu University of Economics and Western University of Finance and Economics...

All right!

Please don’t hurt Tianfu School of Economics, okay?

Compared with Western University of Finance and Economics, the second-class Tianfu School of Economics is probably not even the younger brother among younger brothers?

However, school is just a platform. The ultimate height you can reach through the school's platform still depends on personal development.

Ma Long, the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is still watching the short video, and makes weird laughter from time to time.

"Wo Cao, no more fun!"Shen Shizhong took off his headphones a little angrily.

Lu Wenshan asked casually,"What's wrong?"

"Lost the game? Ma Long answered.

An Liang also responded,"It's just a game. If you lose, you lose.""

Lu Wenshan said sarcastically,"I think it's not just losing the game, the gentleman has long been used to losing. If he loses, he loses. How can he care? Shen

Shizhong responded helplessly,"It's not that I lost the game, it's that the person I chose to play with turned out to be a man!""

"Um?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"Ha ha ha ha! Lu Wenshan laughed directly,"Voice changer?"

Ma Long couldn't help laughing,"How did you find out?""

"The time had just arrived, but the game reached a critical moment. I delayed it for a while, and the beep companion got into a mood, and the result was accidentally exposed."Shen Shizhong sighed.

What are these?

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Lu Wenshan said comfortingly,"Don't worry too much. Just use a voice changer. It's not a gay thing anyway, so it's not a big problem!"

Ma Long seconded,"Yes, gentleman, don't worry about it. Let's go to the library together tomorrow. In fact, there are a few school girls who are pretty good, a bit like Xiaojiabiyu."

Lu Wenshan seconded,"I also think there are a few school girls who are pretty good. If you don't like it, I'm going to find Fang Mei tomorrow. You come with me to the Western University of Finance and Economics, shall we go there to have a look?"

Shen Shizhong immediately responded,"Okay, Brother Wenshan, let's go to the Western University of Finance and Economics tomorrow."

Ma Long complained,"You are too real!"

Shen Shizhong said He responded nonchalantly,"Were you different before?"

When Lu Wenshan wanted to introduce Fang Mei's best friend Chen Jiajia to Ma Long, did Ma Long have a different attitude?

Lu Wenshan asked casually,"Brother Liang, are you going?"

An Liang answered,"I'm going, do you still have a chance?"

"Makes sense! Lu Wenshan responded in agreement,"Brother Liang, just stay in school. Anyway, you still have classmate Bai Yue in our school!""

"Shut up, you beep!" An Liang said with a smile.

Lu Wenshan is really mean-mouthed, but he has no malice, he is just mean-mouthed, so An Liang doesn't hate Lu Wenshan's jokes.

A few hours later in the morning, An Liang chatted with Lu Wenshan on his mobile phone. After saying good night to his girlfriend, he suddenly received a message from Qin Tianxiang.

Qin Tianxiang is in charge of the salvage operation of sunken treasures. The salvage operation of sunken treasures has been delayed for almost a week, and most of the treasures have been recovered.

Including twenty tons of gold, 201,832 silver coins, and 100,958 pieces of exquisite porcelain from the Qianlong Period, Yongzheng Period, and Kangxi Period.

There is also the most critical bronze statue of the snake head among the twelve zodiac animal heads. However, the 52-carat top-quality powder has not yet been found. Diamonds.

The essence of diamonds is carbon.

Therefore, the 52-carat pink diamond cannot be found through a metal detector. It can only be found manually by divers, so the efficiency is relatively low.

‘Suzaku Six: Boss, our salvage operation today still found nothing.’

‘Zero: Are there any security issues?’

‘Suzaku Six: No!’

‘Suzaku Six: The deterrent effect of thugs is very powerful. Especially after Neon Country was frightened by thugs, our salvage operation has never been interfered with again.’

‘Number Zero: Then keep looking!’

‘Zero: We have definite information showing that there is a 52-carat top-quality pink diamond in the sunken treasure!’

‘Suzaku Six: Received, we will continue to search’


Update time: July 25, 2021 00:04:28, good night, treasure.

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