The underground parking lot of the International Finance Center and the private parking area of ​​Anxin Investment Company.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin looked at each other, then looked at An Liang

"Brother-in-law, you did it on purpose! Xia Ruyi hummed.

Xia He also rolled his eyes at An Liang,"Is this the big treasure?" An Liang pretended to be confused,"

Don't you think it's a big treasure?""

"no! Xia Ruyi responded without hesitation.

Xia Hexin also had the same attitude,"No!" An

Liang hummed and hugged the two of them,"Forget it, forget it, you don't understand, I don't blame you.""

"You tell the shop assistants and ask them to send the things down, and we will take them back ourselves."An Liang opened the trunk of the Maisarui version of the Audi RSQ8. This trunk is completely enough to accommodate the things they just bought.

After all, summer clothes don't take up space, so it's not a problem to fit two sets in one shopping bag.

In less than five minutes, Louis Vuitton and Dior and Gucci store clerks delivered the items purchased by Anliang and the other three, and thoughtfully put them into the trunk of the Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8.

Louis Vuitton store clerk Tang Jing also recognized this car. She couldn’t help but exclaimed about the Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8,"The Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8 is so beautiful!

An Liang laughed and teased the two Xia sisters,"How is it?" Sure enough, someone knows the goods! I just said, this car is precious!"

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin rolled their eyes at An Liang.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, An Liang drove Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin back to Tianfu Normal College in a MaiSaru version of the Audi RSQ8. Downstairs in the third building of the girls' dormitory, the boys They stopped to look at this different Audi. Some knowledgeable boys had begun to learn how powerful this different Audi was.

Some freshmen looked stupidly at An Liang, taking one after another from the trunk. After taking off the luxury brand shopping bags, at this moment, the freshmen who were originally just like lemons suddenly understood the answer. It turns out that An Liang is not only handsome, but also has super powers!

Batman is not lying, money powers are super powers!

Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo went downstairs to help carry the shopping bags. They were a little speechless. An Liang actually bought so much for Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin. Isn't this too pampering for them?

"Boss, I feel my soul is hurt! Kang Yujia said jokingly.

Xu Nuo seconded,"Me too!" Once again, I was refreshed by a big boss. I think it’s too difficult! An

Liang responded with a smile,"Tomorrow is the weekend, so I'll treat you to dinner. Thank you for taking care of He Xin and Ruyi during the summer vacation.""

"Thank you, boss!"Kang Yujia quickly thanked me.

Xu Nuo also thanked me in response,"Thank you, boss. An

Liang waved his hand,"I'll go back to school to report first. There will be a welcome party in the evening. I'll call you on my phone later when I'm done.""

"Um!"Xia Ruyi nodded happily.

Xia Hexin also responded affirmatively,"Okay."


At the gate of Tianfu School of Economics, An Liang drove the Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8 through the access control, because this Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8 inherited the license plate number of the previous Lamborghini Urus [Rong A·168AL].

The previous license plate number was in the access control system of Tianfu University of Economics, so An Liang easily drove the Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8 into Tianfu Economics University.

An Liang parked the Maxari version Audi RSQ8 in an open-air parking lot and sent a message to counselor Wan Yunfei.

‘An Liang: Lao Wan, I have arrived at school. What are the arrangements for the evening? '

Wan Yunfei breathed a long sigh of relief when he received An Liang's message. Although he had already asked An Liang's roommate and knew that An Liang had returned to Tianfu, Wan Yunfei was really afraid when An Liang did not express his position. An Liang releases the doves.

After all, according to An Liang's rank, even if the pigeons for the New Year's Eve party are released, isn't it okay?

Any other questions?

‘Wan Yunfei: Do you have time now?’

‘An Liang: I just arrived at the parking lot. Of course I have time.’

‘Wan Yunfei: Let’s go to Dean Qin’s office together’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: Meet directly at Dean Qin’s office?’

‘Wan Yunfei: Okay. '

An Liang didn't get out of the car. He drove directly to the Academic Affairs Building. Although only faculty and staff were allowed to park there, An Liang had preferential treatment at Tianfu School of Economics. What happened if he stopped the car?

In fact, it is also because the weather is too hot. Although Tianfu is not a furnace city like Shengqing, the summer in Tianfu cannot be underestimated. It is already past five o'clock in the afternoon, but the current temperature is still upwards of 30 degrees.

An Liang directly parked the Maxari version Audi RSQ8 opposite the entrance and exit of the Academic Affairs Building, and a security guard immediately walked out of the Academic Affairs Building.

The security guard carried two traffic cones and placed them in front and behind the Maisar version of the Audi RSQ8, and politely said to An Liang,"Classmate An's car is expensive, so I'll keep an eye on it."

An Liang nodded with a smile,"Then. Thanks, Daniel. Let’s have supper together another day."

"Classmate An is so polite. This is our job."The security guard's name is Liu Dayong, nicknamed 'Daniu', and he didn't take An Liang's words of having supper together seriously. In the world of adults, how can you believe the saying 'another day'? Besides, An Liang would meet every now and then.


Sending cigarettes and water to the security department of Tianfu School of Economics. These benefits are real. Liu Dayong naturally wants to please An Liang.

As for talking about philistine issues, Liu Dayong will definitely sneer.

After all, people who can say this are probably not living in life. In the fairy tale world?

An Liang said goodbye to Liu Dayong. An Liang could understand Liu Dayong's attitude. Isn't this normal?

As a winner in life, An Liang always receives preferential treatment. What's the problem?


Update time: July 23, 2021 00:02:33, good night, by the way, Huji...Book friends, there are answers in the book review section.

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