At the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Huang Guoxiang burst out laughing in his office. He successfully deceived Sun Zhijian, the Minister of Household Affairs.

No matter if An Liang gives them 100 billion Xia Guoyuan from the National Security Investigation Bureau this time or 200 billion Xia Guoyuan, they can withhold 50% of it.

Last year, Xia Guo's total national defense expenditure was 1.19 trillion Xia Guoyuan, of which the total budget of the National Security Investigation Bureau was 21.3 billion, and the actual expenditure was 24.2 billion.

Even if An Liang only gives Xia Guoyuan 100 billion yuan, and the National Security Investigation Bureau only retains 50% of it, then the National Security Investigation Bureau is equivalent to receiving two years of budget funds at once.

Thinking about this situation is very comfortable!

Huang Guoxiang took a deep breath before he contacted An Liang by voice through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software.

After Anliang got through, Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"We have reached an agreement with the Ministry of Accounts and the two parties will share the corresponding funds in half."

"Actually split in half?"Anliang was a little surprised. He thought Tobe took it away himself!

But Anliang guessed the possible answer in an instant!

"Lao Huang, you tricked Old Man Sun, right?"An Liang asked tentatively.

‘"Old Man Sun" is the name given to Sun Zhijian in the imperial capital circle. Even though Sun Zhijian is the Minister of Household Affairs, the young people in the imperial capital circle like to call him"Old Man Sun".

Huang Guoxiang laughed,"I really can't hide it from you!"

"This old man Sun is really..."An Liang didn't say anything too harsh, because Sun Zhijian's reputation was very good, even if he insisted on money, his character was actually formed by his position as Minister of Household Affairs.

"When will your boy give us money? Huang Guoxiang asked again.

An Liang responded,"Let's arrange it today. Because the amount of funds is relatively large, Imperial Capital Gongshang Bank will need a certain amount of time to process it." An

Liang added,"We have made more money this time, so we will give you 200 billion. Among them, the 100 billion from the household department will be completely converted into Xia Guoyuan through the Imperial Capital Gongshang Bank, but the 100 billion given to you will be Is it okay to give 10 billion U.S. dollars and 36 billion Xia Guoyuan?"

Before Huang Guoxiang answered, An Liang added,"Anyway, you do a lot of things overseas, so it would be nice to give you US dollars! Huang Guoxiang immediately responded negatively,"

We have no actions overseas, please don't slander us!""

"OK OK OK!"An Liang sneered.

Huang Guoxiang continued to add,"How about we put 10 billion US dollars in an investment company that you can safely invest in a tax haven, and you give us a 5% rate of return?"

"Go! Go! Go!"An Liang refused without hesitation. Although the annualized rate of Anxin Investment Company can reach 20% with the help of the Life Winner System, the upper limit of funds handled by Anxin Investment Company is 300 billion Xia Guoyuan. Once it exceeds 300 billion Xia Guoyuan, The annual profit rate will drop to 8%.

In the past, Anliang did not have so much capital, but this time he directly defrauded more than 140 billion US dollars through fake gold mines. Even if 200 billion was allocated to the National Security Investigation Agency, And it is expected that another 100 billion Xia Guoyuan will be allocated to the Shibida Transportation Company, but it will eventually exceed 600 billion Xia Guoyuan.

This fake gold mine plan has directly caused Anliang's cash flow to nearly triple. If Anliang wants to announce his With his wealth and standing completely under the spotlight, Anliang can easily ascend to the position of the richest man.

But Anliang has no such idea at all!

Standing under the spotlight?


Mr. Gates, the once richest man, stood in the spotlight , and then Mr. Gates quickly retreated behind the scenes and gradually faded out of sight.

However, has Mr. Gates’ wealth decreased?

On the surface it seems yes, but in fact it is impossible.

Just say one The scary thing is that the charitable foundation owned by Mr. Gates has control over the educational textbooks for primary and secondary school students in parts of Bald Eagle Country.

That means Mr. Gates can decide what textbooks they study!

If Mr. Gates stands in the spotlight , then, does Mr. Gates dare to do these things?

Anliang's current situation is similar. On the surface, although Anxin Investment Company is very powerful, it is only a 100-billion-level investment company. Only a few people know the true nature of Anliang Investment Company. Situation.

An Liang was not prepared to announce such a situation.

Because An Liang preferred to be the mastermind behind the scenes!

Faced with An Liang's rejection, Huang Guoxiang continued to test,"How about lowering it by another point?"

The larger the amount of funds, the more stable it is, rather than the pursuit of higher profits. Even if the income is only four points a year, Huang Guoxiang can accept it.

However, Anliang does not accept it!

Although he can still make money, Anliang Still refuse

"No!"An Liang refused.

"Then let's collude with each other and change the total revenue to 136 billion?"Huang Guoxiang tentatively asked additional questions.

According to the agreement between Huang Guoxiang and Sun Zhijian, the tax funds recovered were divided in half. Huang Guoxiang suggested changing the total income to 136 billion Xia Guoyuan, which means that Huang Guoxiang wants to be greedy for more funds.

For example, national security The Bureau of Investigation and the Ministry of Household Affairs each shared 68 billion Xia Guoyuan equally, and then the National Security Bureau hid another 10 billion U.S. dollars overseas?

An Liang said jokingly,"You are really greedy!"

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