When An Liang revealed his long-term ideas, Huang Guoxiang suddenly had an idea. He seemed to understand why An Liang transferred a large amount of funds to tax havens.

Tax havens are a world of capital, Huang Guoxiang thought, An Liang should be at ease there, right?

Faced with Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang did not hide anything,"I have certain ideas."

An Liang continued to add,"I don't like those backward areas. The conditions in tax havens are very good, plus it is a developed area, and our country's language The official language is also spoken there, and the cultural circle is very similar. I like it very much."

"It's not easy to control over there!"Huang Guoxiang reminded

"Step by step, their family has opened up its energy market, and our family happens to be an energy supplier. I am planning to invest in energy there and let the fourth-generation nuclear power plant settle in a tax haven, which will directly destroy their electricity and energy market!"An Liang told the plan

"Fourth-generation nuclear power technology has not yet been formally proven."Huang Guoxiang reminded.

An Liang asked back,"Hasn't the Central Court already planned in the Fengning area?"

"It will take at least two years."Huang Guoxiang didn't hide it either.

"My setup in the tax haven also required more time. An Liang responded,"Our capital in tax havens is currently acquiring electricity retailers.""

"Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology is verified, we will build the fourth-generation nuclear power plant there, and then impact the other party's power energy system, thus becoming the overlord of power energy!"Anliang added.

The power system of the tax haven Lion City is the most advanced in the world. There are almost no power outages. The redundancy of the power grid is very high, but the consequence is expensive electricity costs. An ordinary family of three, The average electricity cost per month is about SGD 150. The exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and Xia Guoyuan in the Lion City is currently 1:4.8. After conversion, the electricity bill for a month is 720 Xia Guoyuan.

This is just the ordinary electricity consumption of an ordinary family of three. Volume!

Although tax havens introduced a market competition mechanism in 2019, expanding the number of electricity retailers from one to 12 in the country, the reduction in electricity costs is limited, only about 20%. After all, tax avoidance The land area of ​​Paradise is too small. All resources need to be imported. Is it normal for electricity to be expensive? It just so happens that the fourth-generation nuclear power plant can provide a large amount of cheap and environmentally friendly energy. In terms of comprehensive cost, although the cost of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is not One percent of the third-generation nuclear power plant, but in fact it is not much different.

Under such circumstances, Anliang can completely use the fourth-generation nuclear power plant to sweep across the power and energy industry in tax havens, thereby finally mastering the power and energy industry in tax havens..

And Anliang can also use the cheap electricity energy of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant to intervene in the water supply market of tax havens.

Tax havens once ranked second in the world in terms of water scarcity. They are countries with very serious water shortages and can only Buy from the Philippines next door.

Even now, the water reserves of tax havens are still at the warning level.

If the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is completed, Anliang can use a large amount of electricity to purify seawater, once again impacting the water supply of tax havens. Market.

Once Anliang controls the power supply and water supply, Anliang's control over tax havens will be greatly improved! Anliang wants to control a region secretly, not to change it openly, so he has many options to choose from means.

Controlling the supply of electricity, energy and water resources is one of the ways!

"Your ambition is too great! Huang Guoxiang said with a sigh.

"There happens to be demand, there happens to be resources, there happens to be ability, and there happens to be opportunity. If it were you, would you choose this way? An Liang asked calmly.

Huang Guoxiang nodded without hesitation,"I would choose the same way!""

"I thought you would say no without conscience!"An Liang teased

"I'm not that kind of person!"Huang Guoxiang replied.

But the actual situation is that Huang Guoxiang knows that he can't change Anliang's mind even if he says no, so why bother to be annoying?

"Will you support me?"An Liang brought the topic back.

"certainly! Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"Our cooperation has always been very pleasant. If there is such a day, we will definitely support you secretly.""

The cooperation between the National Security Investigation Bureau and Anliang is indeed very pleasant. For example, in Tyrande and parts of Southeast Asia, the field personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau received the support of Renyi Security Company during their operations.

Originally, in these areas When performing tasks, there may be life-threatening dangers, but now that we have the support of Renyi Security Company, it has even become a publicly-funded trip.

After all, most of the time we just fly there, then contact Renyi Security Company to cooperate, and then successfully complete the task. The process has the support of local snakes, so there is no difficulty at all, right?

Especially the most difficult arrest mission. When they were carrying out the arrest mission, because they did not have the corresponding law enforcement rights, they could only cooperate with the local police department, but the result It's often not good.

Now with the cooperation of Renyi Security Company, the most difficult arrest tasks are actually the easiest, because Renyi Security Company will most likely seize the target in advance, and only need the field personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau to hand it over. That's all.

Huang Guoxiang knew all these things, so Huang Guoxiang indulged An Liang again and again, and always stood on the same side as An Liang at critical moments.

After receiving Huang Guoxiang's affirmative answer, An Liang smiled,"That's good!

Huang Guoxiang asked,"When will our money come over?""

"You just want money!"An Liang complained!

"Could it be that you don’t want money?"Huang Guoxiang didn't care at all about An Liang's complaints. After all, if he doesn't actively ask for money, there must be something wrong with his brain!


Update time: July 18, 2021 00:02:42, Good night, Bao, Weizhou Island is very interesting recently.

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