The Variety Girl No. 9 disguised herself as Joey Noyce to sign a cooperation agreement with Pantani Joseph, the chief political officer of Pallas City, on behalf of the Golden Garden Mining Company.

The two parties agreed that Golden Garden Mining Company will obtain the lease rights, exploration rights, and mining rights of 2,500 hectares of land north of Sunset Canyon.

After the agreement between the two parties was signed, Bob, the security captain hired by the Variety Enchantress No. 9, immediately sent the corresponding news to the four large investment companies in Bald Eagle Country.

Because four large investment companies jointly bought Bob, after receiving the news, the senior investment vice presidents of the four large investment companies started an online meeting again.

Jack from Rod Albert Investment Company was the first to speak,"Has everyone received the news?" The senior investment vice presidents of the other three investment companies did not deny it. After all, they had bought the security team of Golden Garden Mining Company together, and they could still How to conceal information?

Jack continued,"I guess your exploration teams all had problems. You all received feedback from the exploration team that there are no gold mines over Sunset Canyon, right?"

Richard from Berkshire Hathaway The first answer was,"Yes!"

Andy and Bazelle didn't deny it either.

"The situation is now very clear. Golden Garden Mining Company has taken the lead, and Anxin Investment Company’s obstructionist actions have failed. We only need to wait for Golden Garden Mining Company to announce the news, and we can make a lot of money!"Jack explained.

Jack continued,"But I have a proposal!"

"What offer?"Richard asked back.

"We all raised our placards, we joined the shareholders' meeting of Golden Garden Mining Company, we entered the management, and then we arranged for an exploratory team to investigate the situation openly."Jack said in response.

"Continue to explore the gold mine?"Richard wondered

"Yes, we expand the scope of the investigation to find out the total reserves of the gold mine, and then push the stock price higher."Jack explained.

Andy seconded,"I think it's okay."

"I think it's okay too." Buzzell agreed.

"Since everyone agrees, we will raise our placards together after Golden Garden Mining Company announces the news, but we must be careful about the investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission, lest they suspect us of insider trading."Jack said cautiously.

Facing Jack's words, Richard snorted,"I think we should be more worried about Anxin Investment. They blocked our exploration team before, and I'm worried that they won't let it go."

"Now that Golden Garden Mining Company has signed an agreement, is there any other way to invest with peace of mind?"Jack laughed.

Andy reminded him,"Richard is right, we should be more worried about Anxin Investment. All the security personnel of our exploration team were killed, and only one geological expert was left. Your losses how?"

The other three people didn't hide anything and told all their losses.

Jack said hesitantly,"You mean Anxin Investment may launch an attack?"

"That's Africa! Richard snorted lightly,"Even if an attack does occur, Anxin Investment can shift the responsibility to the local armed personnel over there.""

"Then do we need to arrange for someone to go there?"Jack asked rhetorically.

Bazel responded,"We can remind Golden Garden Mining Company first. Andy seconded,"I also think we should remind Golden Garden Mining Company first. No matter what, we must at least get the first wave of dividends.""

Four major investment companies alerted Golden Garden Mining Company, which released its latest commercial announcement, stating that Golden Garden Mining Company has obtained exploration rights for 2,500 hectares of land north of Sunset Canyon in Arlia, Africa. with mining rights and obtained a 99-year unrestricted lease period.

After Golden Garden Mining Company issued a business announcement, a rumor circulated in the US stock market. The gossip pointed out that the land acquired by Golden Garden Mining Company in Africa contained over High-grade gold mines with very large reserves.

Rumors also pointed out that it is for this reason that the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company has skyrocketed.

Because of this piece of gossip, the Securities and Exchange Commission has once again targeted Golden Garden Mining Company, but the rumors are just rumors, and the Securities and Exchange Commission has not found any evidence for the time being.

When the four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country faced the rumors, they once again suspected each other, but they did not They communicated with each other because they all felt that the other party had released the gossip.

However, the man behind the scenes was actually Anxin Investment Company.

Anliang hoped to push up the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company as soon as possible, so he released the gossip to facilitate the subsequent harvest of leeks.

The next day.


Golden Garden Mining Company once again issued a formal business announcement, indicating that the land acquired by Golden Garden Mining Company in Africa contains rich gold ore with a grade of at least 400 grams per ton. At the same time,

Golden Garden Mining Company also announced the current The gold reserves that have been discovered have reached at least one thousand tons!

Such a business announcement directly detonated the US stock investment market!

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