The back garden of Joseph Manor.

Pantani Joseph, the chief political officer of Pallas City, did not play by the rules at all. Faced with such a situation, the ever-changing Enchantress No. 9 did not worry, and she began to make up stories.

"Our Golden Garden Mining Company is a mineral resources company that integrates exploration, mining and marketing. We have received news that there are rare mineral resources in Sunset Canyon, so we hope to purchase land ownership, exploration rights and mining rights in the area around Sunset Canyon. In order to contain and contain Ren'an Investment Company."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 said speciously.

Pantani Joseph looked at the Variety Enchantress No. 9. He pondered for more than ten seconds before responding,"Do you know how much land is around Sunset Canyon? ?"

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded immediately,"We have detailed information."

"Do you know what the corresponding land price is?"Pantani continued to ask.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 still answered affirmatively,"We know"

"I have also investigated your Golden Garden Mining Company. Your stock price has skyrocketed recently, so you must have obtained some definite news."Pantani shook his phone.

"Ms. Noyce, this is your last chance. Only by stating your purpose directly can we have a chance to cooperate. Pantani said forcefully.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 hesitated for a moment before responding,"Mr. Pantani, we want to purchase part of the land around the Sunset Canyon, and we are willing to provide it separately in addition to the transaction." You have $20 million."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 directly showed her sincerity!

Pallas City is just a small city with a population of more than 300,000. The degree of modernization is quite low. The main industries of the entire city are agriculture and animal husbandry. There is almost no industry, even light industry. Very little.

According to the estimation of the Variety Enchantress No. 9, as the chief political officer, even if Pantani is bolder and has more dark methods, he still cannot make two million US dollars a year, right?

After all, Pallas is just a In a small town, the overall upper limit is very low.

Faced with the proposal of the enchantress No. 9, Pantani smiled and said,"How much land do you want?"

"As big as possible and we want to pay it in installments."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 fully considered the position of the Golden Garden Mining Company to avoid Pantani's suspicion.

"I need specific data."Pantani responded

"At least 2,000 hectares!"No. 9, the ever-changing enchantress Lion opened his mouth.

Two thousand hectares is twenty square kilometers. This data is a rough estimate based on the location where Matthew collected the samples. It is also data designed to tell stories in the US stock market.

"You have a big appetite."Pantani stared at the Variety Enchantress No. 9.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded,"We planted commercial spies in Ren'an Investment Company. We got the exact information, so our appetite is very big."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 continued,"Ren'an Investment Company also knows the corresponding information, but they have not contacted Mr. Pantani. I guess they want to buy the corresponding land at a low price and will not give it to Pantani. Any benefit to Mr. Taney.

Pantani laughed,"Ms. Noyce's negotiation skills are very good. I also admit that I was shaken by Ms. Noyce's words. Just as Ms. Noyce has a big appetite, I also have a big appetite.""

Before the ever-changing Enchantress No. 9 could answer, Pantani continued,"The share price of your Golden Garden Mining Company was less than 3 US dollars before, and now it is close to 120 US dollars, which is a forty-fold increase. know what that means"

"If there is no movement in the stock price of your Golden Garden Mining Company, let alone US$20 million, even US$2 million, I will be tempted, but the current price is not good!"Pantani said bluntly.

To put it simply, Pantani meant more money!

"Mr. Pantani, any suggestions?"The ever-changing enchantress No. 9 asked back.

"What you just said, when you buy land, you expect mortgage payments, right? Pantani asked.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded affirmatively,"Yes.""

If you want to buy a full two thousand hectares of land, the price will be very expensive.

"Although we at Pallas can sell land, the price is not particularly cheap, so we change the plan. We will lease the land you need to you at a price of US$100 per hectare per year, and it will be a one-time payment. Signed for 99 years."Pantani explained.

Pantani continued to add,"Although in our African state, the rental of quite a lot of land is only a symbolic rent of 1 US dollars per hectare every year, but the lease period and the scope of use have been adjusted. Strict regulations restrict the vast majority of land to agricultural cultivation."

"We lease it at a price of US$100 per hectare per year, without limiting the scope of your use, and we will give you both exploration and mining rights."Pantani threw out his own bait

"What are the conditions like?"Pantani stared at the ever-changing enchantress No. 9


Update time: July 11, 2021 00:01:43, good night, treasure.

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