Bald Eagle Country, it’s close to seven o’clock in the morning.

Richard Lewis, senior vice president of investments from Berkshire Hathaway, and senior vice presidents of investments from three other investment companies were communicating about Golden Garden Mining Company.

Richard Lewis replaced Ron Klein. Ron Klein caused Berkshire Hathaway heavy losses in his previous confrontation with Anxin Investment Company, so he was replaced by Richard Lewis.

Jack Smith, senior vice president of investment from Rod Albert Investment Company, was the first to ask,"Richard, are you sure about the gossip about Golden Garden Mining Company?"

Richard snorted," How could you not know that you stole our company's internal information?"

Jack chuckled,"I suddenly miss Ron, and I like Ron better because Ron knows to speak with evidence!"

Senior Vice President of Investment at Merrill Lynch Andy Meyer acted as the peacemaker,"Okay, okay, we are gathering today to discuss the next step, and everyone should say less."

Bazel Covin, senior vice president of investment at Ropp Partners The second person said,"Yes, our interests are now tied together. Let's stop talking and discuss the next step."

Jack responded,"I'll show my sincerity first. We got the Golden Garden Mining Using the mobile phone data of Matthew Lean, the company’s geology expert, we confirmed the authenticity of the information obtained by Berkshire Hathaway from the dark web."

Richard said sarcastically,"That’s why you followed up so quickly. Quick, right?"

Andy from Merrill Lynch persuaded again,"Richard, we have the same interests."

"Merrill Lynch also followed Rod Ebert and bought 7 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company. Of course, your interests are the same."Richard said coldly.

Jack said nonchalantly,"Richard, welcome to Wall Street!"

Wall Street is a hell on earth. How can stealing information be considered too much?

Wall Street has done a lot more outrageous things!

Jack continued,"We also investigated more information."

Richard looked at Jack coldly.

Andy asked,"What did you find out?"

"We have found out the forces behind Sunset Canyon. If there are no accidents, it should be safe to invest!"Jack explained.

Faced with this result, no one showed any surprise, whether it was Andy, Bazell, or Richard. It was obvious that they knew the information Jack explained.

In fact, Jack also knew them. The three of them knew, otherwise Jack would not have told such information.

"We now have two options. The first option is to bypass Golden Garden Mining Company and directly acquire all the land ownership, exploration rights and mining rights in the corresponding location."Jack suggested

"The second option is naturally to wait for Golden Garden Mining Company to act alone and let them compete with Anxin Investment Company."Jack continued to explain

"Which option do you choose?"Jack glanced at the three of them.

However, the other three had no intention of speaking.

Jack said jokingly,"Don't you want to discuss it? Richard responded,"We want to hear your analysis." Andy agreed,"Jack, you are the smartest among us, and we really want to hear your opinion." Bazel said with praise,"

I also think Jack is the smartest!" Jack chuckled twice,"You guys are so boring, all of you are so insidious, but we have the same interests, so I'll analyze them first.""

"First of all, the land ownership, exploration rights, and mining rights of Sunset Canyon are all in the hands of Tyrande's Ren'an Investment Company. This investment company has a close relationship with Anxin Investment Company, so I suspect that it is the White House of Anxin Investment Company this time. Gloves."Jack said analytically.

This analysis hit the target!

Ren'an Investment Company is indeed the white glove of Anxin Investment Company. This time, it helped Anxin Investment Company obtain the relevant ownership of Sunset Canyon, thus allowing Anxin Investment Company to hide behind the scenes.

"We have investigated Yanan Investment Company. The people behind it have huge power in the Tyrande region and control armed forces."Jack continued to analyze

"Under such circumstances, if we bypass Golden Garden Mining Company and directly compete with Ren'an Investment Company, I am afraid that the other party may directly target us."Jack expressed his concerns.

Jack continued to add,"In addition, the other party killed geologist Sirami Larry. I guess the other party wanted to keep a low profile to avoid the exposure of information about the gold mine."

"Based on this consideration, I actually recommend the second option, which is to let Golden Garden Mining Company and Anxin Investment Company compete. In this case, Anxin Investment Company will most likely give up the competition, thus avoiding...In the Xia dialect, it is like trying to draw water with a bamboo basket but in vain."Jack explained.

Richard deliberately made things difficult,"What if Anxin Investment Company is unwilling to give up?"

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